secure michigan vote petition
secure michigan vote petition
Support local journalism by becoming a new WKAR donor and get ad-free feeds of your favorite NPR podcasts with NPR+ when you donate $8/month or more! Support WKAR and get ad-free versions of your favorite NPR podcasts. Places that have provided free access to their space during elections "are just good community partners trying to be civically minded,"Wit said. Not only can lawmakers enact voter-initiated legislation without the governor's support, they can do so without the support of a majority of voters in a statewide election. The amendment would make the Secure MI Vote initiative moot, if voters approve it in November. Initiative Petition . Before then, the highest number of absent voter ballots cast in Michigan was 1.3 million in the 2016 presidential election. Thats the plan for Secure MI Vote, but the committee is facing a tight timeline to change any laws by the 2022 election, when Republicans hope to unseat Whitmer and fellow Democrats like Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel. Ballots of the dead are not counted. That ballot would only be counted if the voter later confirms their identity with their local clerk, which would have to be done within six days of voting. The Secure MI Vote petition suggests Michigans voting process is not secure, and that to fix it voting must be harder. If the ballot committee collects roughly 340,000 valid voter signatures, the GOP-led Legislature can enact the changes into law without Democratic Gov. Spies said it was a "misdirection to think that anybody is not going to get clear instructions on how to vote." Weve tried different mechanisms to make sure that if the people submit circulated petitions or initiated legislation, for constitutional amendments or otherwise, that theres at least a timely resolution to that. Organizers argue that in order to ensure a fair election, it is necessary to require Michigan voters to present a photo ID, to limit how absent voter ballots are distributed, how funds are used during elections and more. What they think is irrelevant," he said. Ahead of last years elections, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent absent voter ballot applications -- not actual ballots -- to millions of registered voters to alert them of the option to vote by mail. Republicans on the Senate Oversight Committee in June debunked claims Trump and some of his supporters continue to make about Michigans 2020 election, which Democratic President Joe Biden won by 154,188 votes. Once you pass this screen, your clerk will verify you can vote in their precinct. LANSING, MI The Secure MI Vote committee can begin collecting signatures to tighten voter ID laws after the Michigan Board of Canvassers approved the group's petition language Monday. Secure MI Vote executive director Jeff Litten is pledging a significant 'no' campaign against the amendment. Dallas Lenear, the group's treasurer, said that in most Michigan counties there are more payday loan stores than McDonald's and they are disproportionately located in low-income and rural communities where residentsstruggle to afford the high interest rates currently charged. For future generations and for the security for your own vote please help us. Secure MI Vote will have 180 days to collect the signatures. Bensons sending of absent voter ballot applications last year drew criticism from GOP lawmakers and former President Donald Trump, who initially believed she was sending unsolicited ballots, not applications. While the loudest criticism against a GOP effort in Michigan to change the state's election laws has targeted its proposed strict voter ID rules, clerks worry that the Secure MI Vote. Now hes out as Michigan party director, Judge eyes sanctions in Kraken case that sought to overturn Michigan vote, Michigan AG, police to probe false election fraud claims after GOP report, Emails: Michigan sheriff sought to seize voting machines amid Trump claims, more than 465 Michigan cities, townships and counties, no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud. You can learn more about Michigans initiative process here. In 2020, people died after they sent in their absentee ballot and before Election Day. "I have a volunteer election worker that doesnt want to be paid, they feel its their civic duty,"Clark said. There has to be adequate notice given to the public and an opportunity to review things so that meaningful debate and objection can occur, Trebilcock said. State IDs cost $10 in Michigan, and the state already has a program to waive those fees for low-income residents who qualify for other forms of government assistance. But planning delays mean any changes made to Michigan voting laws are not likely to take effect until after the 2022 election. Nancy Wang, of the group Voters Not Politicians, helped support the Promote the Vote amendment. The petition process allows the proposal to be enacted without approval from the state's Democrat governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Jacob and Secure Michigan Vote say State Representative Cynthia Johnson demeaned. ", More: Whitmer vetoes election bills aimed at overhauling voter ID rules, More: Petition to overhaul voter ID laws receives state board approval to collect signatures. But language that would be added to the application takes that option off the table. He said the same of voters stopping by their clerk's office to obtain an application. It's about making it harder to vote and more difficult for clerks to run elections. "The fact that jurisdictions, regardless of party, sought those funds… would tell you right away that during the pandemic, the Legislature did not provide additional funding to assist these jurisdictions in a monumental shift to mail voting," he said. Make a tax-deductible contribution to support her work at That proposal aims to expand voter access through things like an early in-person voting period and protections of the right to vote through a signed affidavit. There have been accusations that dead people voted. ALPENA, Mich. - One organization says they're trying to make sure voting is fair and balanced in the state. Body parts found in soup pots believed to belong to Hong Kong model Abby Choi. Organizers for other initiatives have already started looking to the next election,including a campaign to increase Michigan's minimum wage and another to add Michigan to a coalition of states aiming to decide presidential elections by the popular vote instead of the Electoral College. The secretary of state defended her actions, however, arguing that it was necessary to present a remote voting option amid the ongoing public health crisis. The state of Michigan already requires residents to present photo identification when registering to vote, and voters are required to present photo ID when voting in person. Its clear and simple, Litten told reporters Friday. Gretchen Whitmer Share This: Gretchen Whitmer has vetoed similar proposals. Michigan Require Voter ID and Prohibit Private Funding for Election Administration Purposes Initiative (2024),, Not on the ballot future date statewide ballot measures, Did not make ballot, voting policy measures, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. [1] See also 2022 measures 2022 ballot measures Constitutional rights on the ballot Elections and campaigns on the ballot 2022 legislative sessions Michigan The Promote the Vote ballot initiative comes after a Republican-backed petition, "Secure MI Vote" which would make election rules stricter in Michigan. More than 450Michigan communities received funding from the organization, including Democratic- and Republican-leaning areas, according to a Bridge Michigan analysis. Secure MI Vote recently began collecting the 340,047 signatures needed to introduce the initiative to state lawmakers. ADVERTISEMENT The language could arguably be interpreted as a blanket ban. Contribute $8/month or more to enjoy the benefits of NPR+. After several recounts and analyses both locally and nationally, no widespread voter fraud was discovered in last years election. (CNN) -- Michigan Republicans' effort to get around Gov. In order to get their effort in front of the legislature, Secure MI Vote needs more than 300,000 signatures and just two weeks ago it was reported that the campaign was nearly 100,000 signatures short Roe said hes confident the campaign will meet its goal, but encouraged circulators to get their sheets in. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The competition between efforts is not new. It could also reduce the potential for outside groups to try to influence future elections by ensuring they dont direct funding to preferred communities. Gov. (Bridge file photo) September 23, 2021 Jonathan Oosting ( Email) & Mike Wilkinson ( Email) Michigan Government Michigan Secretary of State, Gov. Secure MI Vote would bar clerks from accepting donations from individuals or nongovernment entities. The committee plans to turn in the petition language to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, which is the first step in the pursuit of a new initiative. You are checked for an absentee ballot so you cant vote twice. Secure MI Vote is looking to prevent Benson, any local clerk or any of their employees from sending or providing access to unsolicited absent voter applications or ballots. If lawmakers enact the initiative, voters will receive guidancein order to comply with the new rules, he said. 2023 Michigan State University Board of Trustees. The Secure MI Vote petition drive is still ongoing. The Michigan Constitution allows citizens including political operatives and special interest groups to initiate legislation through a petition drive and advance the measure to the Legislature and potentially the statewide ballot. Gretchen Whitmer. A group working to tighten Michigans voter ID laws has filed more 514,000 petition signatures for the 2024 election cycle. Eliminating and replacing the affidavit voting option; Preventing the mailing of unsolicited absent voter ballots and applications; Limiting how election funds are acquired and spent. Gretchen Whitmer from directing $25 million to place police officers on campuses at 195 public school districts . And while most election workers throughout the state are paid, some volunteer their time to support clerks with election-related tasks. With the Bears and Cardinals selling draft picks, is it time for the Colts to trade up? At least 340,047 signatures need to be valid. The Yes on Popularinitiative to decide presidential elections by the popular vote rather than the Electoral College previously announced last December that it was also aiming to put its proposal to voters in 2024. Our elections are secure, Secure MI Vote is about making voting harder, which affects all voters. Conservatives called the money "Zuck Bucks" and said the fundsopened the door to outside influence in the election. LANSING, MI The Secure MI Vote committee can begin collecting signatures to tighten voter ID laws after the Michigan Board of Canvassers approved the group's petition language Monday. Clara Hendrickson fact-checks Michigan issues and politics as a corps member with Report for America, an initiative of The GroundTruth Project. The initiative proposes to amend, or change, nine sections of. A lot of people like to tell me, Well, you could just vote no on all of this, and actually I might not agree with it, but constitutionally I cant.. "I think something like this is best done through the normal legislative process,"he said. Senate Republicans do not have the two-thirds majority needed to give legislation immediate effect, meaning Secure MI Vote would need to complete the petition process including signature collection and state review this year for the changes to take effect in 2022. Republican-backed group files petition language for tightening voter ID, absentee rules in Michigan, Whitmer, Gilchrist & liberal activists prepping to fight Republican voting bills, potential petitions, Michigan Senate GOP debuts election reforms critical of Secretary of States handling of November election. Many of the bills have since been vetoed by Democratic Gov. While they submitted more signatures than the required 340,047, the late submission no longer means the Bureau of Elections has a timely deadline to check the signatures. The petition is designed to change election laws in Michigan, including a requirement for in-person voters to present a partial Social Security number and photo ID. Jeannette Bradshaw, the lone Democrat in attendance Monday, agreed with Trebilcocks concerns, saying it isnt fair to the public, being that meetings were held Friday afternoon and Monday morning. LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) - Thousands upon thousands of signatures were collected for the Secure MI Vote petition. That prevents people from voting in two places such as two homes and college students. Independently operated voter helplines staffed by volunteers, for instance, might be considered in-kind contributions that help defray the costs of administering elections, she said. It would void transactions above that rate, require a consumer warning spelling out the maximum allowable rate and empower the Attorney General's Office to prosecute those who charge above it. I just dont feel that this petition is necessary, it actually hinders our voting instead of promoting voting, Bradshaw said in an interview after the meeting. So, let's do something common sense that restores confidence in the system and empowers our clerks to do it right.. The Michigan Board of State Canvassers approved petition language on Monday, allowing Secure MI Vote to begin seeking signatures to approve voting restrictions as a citizen initiative. Meanwhile, two high-profile Republican-backed initiative petitionsvowed to continue collecting signatures and file their petition forms in the coming weeks in hopes that state election officials will review them quickly despite blowing past the deadline. Under Michigan election law, theBoard of State Canvassers must determinewhether the initiative obtained enough valid signatures. Trebilcock pointed to the fact that the petition summary was approved late Friday afternoon and the board came back to vote on the form Monday morning. Those were caught and the votes were voided. According to an outline shared with Bridge Michigan, the initiative would: Michigan already has a voter ID law, but the initiative would eliminate a rarely used affidavit option that allows voters without an ID to cast a normal ballot on Election Day if they attest that they are who they say they are under penalty of perjury. Theinitiative would require clerks to pay churches that serve as polling locations, according to organizers. Secure MI Vote filed petition language with the Michigan Bureau of Elections back in September and getting the initiative off the ground has been a smooth process so far, said Spokesman Jamie Roe. The organization was the beneficiary of a $350 million donation from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. And so then its just more election litigation, more voter confusion.". "If youre going to use the church for a polling place, you have to pay that church fair market value for the use of their facility,"he said. If the legislature does not approve the initiative, then it appears on the next general election ballot. Copyright 2021 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved. While the Secure MI Vote committee argues its proposed changes would make it harder to cheat, Democrats and voting rights advocates say the measures create more barriers to votes being counted. The planned petition from Secure MI Vote, a ballot committee set up in December, proposes a strict photo ID requirement at polling locations and a brand new one for absentee voters, according to a . Despite several reports from government and election officials finding no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, Republican lawmakers and some voters are pushing for tighter voting laws across the U.S. -- including here in Michigan. WKAR Public Media | A group of students wants to stop Gov. Lawmakers can also choose to enact the proposed changes themselves. Ojai City Council districts. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Crews are continuing to work to . Those petitions were submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State and we continue to wait for her to approve them to go to the Michigan Legislature. Apply today! The 3.3 million Michigan absent voter ballots cast in November 2020 beat the states previous record of 1.6 million votes cast in the Aug. 2020 primary election. [1], The ballot initiative would also prohibit private funds and in-kind contributions from individuals and entities for state or local election administration purposes, such as election equipment, voter registration, mailing of election materials, election advertising, and recruiting and hiring precinct elections inspectors. This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Michigan elections are secure, don't make voting harder, Michigan elections are secure, don't make voting harder, A woman threw a house party with 65 men she matched with on Tinder and Hinge and connected with the man she's been dating for a year. The campaign Secure MI Vote filed a petition with the State Board of Canvassers on September 2, 2021. Girls high school basketball team forfeits a game because it refused to play against a team with a transgender player, Fox Leaders Wanted to Break From Trump but Struggled to Make It Happen, Not Going to Read That: White House Press Secretary Brushes Off DeSantis Op-Ed, Sunshine returns to SoCal on Thursday but cold temps stick around, AccuWeather: AM showers before a mild afternoon, High school highlights: Lady Bulldogs fall to Salesian College Preparatory. Organizers behind the campaign showed up with stacks of boxes with petition forms outside the state's Bureau of Elections office. everyone sentenced for a crime committed in Michigan. Opponents say if approved, the Secure MI Vote. Getting it done by the end of the year is a very daunting hurdle, Roe acknowledged. Michigans nonpartisan, nonprofit news source, The gift that gives all year long. By, Celebrate and explore Black History Month with WKAR. Our plan for the first time ever creates a fund that will be used to provide state issued photo ID to anyone who can't afford it," Roe said. Spies accused "partisan extremists"of "trying to change the subject and create false issues to distract from voter ID.". The GOP "will try every trick in the book to confuse and intimidate voters," she said. Roe said that the initiative would not prevent clerks from providing applications online. The initiative would bar the secretary of state, clerks and public employees from "sending or providing access" to absentee ballot applications to voters who don't first request one. The "Secure MI Vote" committee filed a proposed petition with the secretary of state's office that would tighten the state's voter ID law, ban the state from sending absentee ballot. While the loudest criticism against a GOP effort in Michigan to change the state's election laws has targeted itsproposed strict voter ID rules, clerks worry that the Secure MI Vote petition initiative would usher in other far-reaching changes. The ballot initiative would enable Republicans to bypass a veto by Whitmer. The initiative petition process, however, allows lawmakers to pass the same proposals without the governor's support. The group submitted more than 400,000 signatures, Lenear said. Here's why. The second session of annual town meeting, or the business meeting, begins at 7 p.m. at Shelburne Town Hall, 74 Village Road . The approval to get 340,047 signatures would ban election officials from mailing absentee ballots to every voter of Michigan unless requested. In Michigan, anyone can vote absentee for any reason as of 2018 -- and many chose to do so for elections that took place in 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic. The additional cost imposed of having to now rent that space is a big question mark, she said. Michigan stands out nationally in allowing lawmakers to approve legislation not subject to the governor's veto or approval in a statewide election. Gretchen Whitmer has already rejected bills mirroring the proposed changes, but the initiative process allows lawmakers to enact the legislation without Whitmers signature or the approval of voters. Registration: You must prove citizenship, identity, and residency to register. In this Nov. 3, 2020, photo, voters wait in line outside a polling center on Election Day, in Kenosha, Wis. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E, File), (Wong Maye-E, Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. While the loudest criticism against a GOP effort in Michigan to change the state's election laws has targeted its proposed strict voter ID rules, clerks worry that the Secure MI Vote petition initiative would usher in other far-reaching changes.. However, the state currently allows voters who cannot present a photo ID to cast their vote using a signed affidavit, through which they declare their identity and residence under penalty of perjury. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Petition summary approved by the Board of State Canvassers on : November 15, 2021. Critics argue that ID requirements like those outlined in Secure MI Votes initiative would put a burden on voters who do not have IDs and cannot easily obtain them, specifically older and low-income populations. Here are some of the outrageous changes that Secure MI Vote wants to slip by voters: Mandatory submission of sensitive social security numbers to register to vote Making it illegal for election officials to make absentee ballot applications widely available to voters Thus they launched the Protect the Vote initiative that is now on YOUR November 2022 ballot. Here's more on that and why some groups say . We all need to vote NO on Proposal 2 on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. what they see as a civic duty.". More: Whitmer vetoes election bills, saying they 'fail to advance' safe and secure elections, More: Michigan House Republicans pass bill aimed at expediting review of petition initiatives. Secure Michigan Vote says they're gathering petition signatures to help prevent discrepancies in the election process. "So thats really why theyre not looking for financial remuneration for, essentially. Its possible Republicans could pivot and decide to put the initiative on the 2022 ballot instead to try and drive turnout among voters who believe the stop the steal big lies, Timmer speculated earlier this month. The ballot initiative would require an identification card, such as a driver's license, official student ID, or other government-issued ID, to cast an in-person or absentee ballot in an election. Voter fraud is a felony. 2023 Bridge Michigan. We needed to be able to give, not only for the lawyers in the room, but everyday people who may not understand this process fully.. Pursuant to state law the Ojai City Council will take the second finalizing vote on amending the city's Reach Code ordinance that bans natural gas infrastructure in new construction. In addition to eliminating the option for those voting in-person to sign an affidavit if they dont have a photo ID and vote normally, the initiative would create a new ID rule for absentee voters. I'm not one who's been out there crying about that the election was stolen I dont believe it was but I do believe that there are people who think that it was just as there are people who thought wrongly after 2016 that that election was stolen, Roe said. Election law, theBoard of state Canvassers on: November 15,.! Petition summary approved by the Board of state Canvassers must determinewhether the initiative then! 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