famous young republicans

famous young republicans

], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% - People who have heard of this politician: 58%. --- Positive opinion among women: 42% (34th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Texas Sen. Texas Ted Cruz questions former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein during a Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington D.C. on June 3, 2020. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 42% (6th most popular Republican) Janelle Mone's Film 'Antebellum' Shows the Horrors of Systemic Racism, The War and Treaty Look for Healing on their new album. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 32% (58th most popular Republican) WebYoung Republican Alumni. These days, many are judged by their relationship with President Donald Trump. Her unabashed style is seen by many as paving the way for the successful candidacy of President Donald Trump. --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (48th most popular Republican) Staffers at one dorm replaced them with a letter that said, in part, that they did "care about your feelings, your physical and emotional health. 518.210.3877. famous young republicansanthony ryan patterson wife Northern Cross Vineyard The former head of Godfather's Pizza and the National Restaurant Association, Herman Cain sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. John Kasich was one of the 16 Republicans who sought the presidential nomination that Donald Trump landed in 2016. - Negative opinion of this politician: 36% --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (20th most popular Republican) In the White House, Trump survived an impeachment effort but as he faces re-election, his political standing has sunk over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 15% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (61st most popular Republican) A U. S. senator from Kentucky and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell was a vocal opponent of President Barack Obama. - People who have heard of this politician: 74%. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 19% She served as both a US Representative (1993 to 1997) and a US Senator (1999 to 2011). As sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio built a national reputation on his treatment of immigrants in detention, housing them outdoors in temperatures so high that inmates complained their shoes melted. "Students today may learn that Stalin, Lenin, Castro and Mao were terrible dictators, but they don't learn that they came to power by attacking businesses and promising free government services and free food. Walker's willingness to cut against the grain is unmatched, hence he tweeted to his 79,000 Twitter followers that Black Lives Matter is a "racist terrorist organization" and defended Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who has been charged with fatally shooting two people during the recent protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin. --- Positive opinion among women: 51% (1st most popular Republican) One recent episode, dubbed "How We Let America Die," consists of Doyle seated behind a desk containing a bobblehead Jesus statue with World War II memorabilia on the wall behind him. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 24% (100th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 28% Watts opposed public assistance and social welfare programs, which he argued promoted dependency and crushed initiative. - Negative opinion of this politician: 52% He ran again in 2015. We're the dissenting voice. We're the ones in the way. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 19% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% storytelling. The incident with her teachers reminded her to be bold in the face of adversity. Elizabeth Dole was transportation secretary under President Ronald Reagan and labor secretary under President George H.W. Nothing brought more backlash, though, than her participation in her university's Institute of Politics "Why I Vote" initiative, where students posed for photographs holding a sign stating their reason for voting. "It's the most important thing I've done at college so far, because conservative students told me they'd had enough and were coming out of the closet." WebYoung Republicans Moderates are appalledand fleeingbut the Republican base is more besotted with Trump than ever. Young conservatives have an impact in spite of being vastly outnumbered." --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 23% (76th most popular Republican) She also co-founded The Chicago Thinker, the university's soon-to-launch conservative newspaper, and she wrote stories for The Federalist as a summer intern, including one excoriating as Marxist propaganda Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, the textbook promoted by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting. At the recent Republican National Convention, however, he outed himself as a conservative by delivering a speech excoriating cancel culture and a liberally biased media, emphasizing his newfound partisanship by putting on his MAGA hat before finishing his brief remarks. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 28% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 46% (1st most popular Republican) His high-profile Republican response to President Barack Obamas first address to a joint session of Congress in 2009 was widely criticized as amateur and poorly delivered. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 32% (57th most popular Republican) Governor of Maryland in 2003 and named chairman of the Republican National Committee in 2009. Ainsley Earhardt Age: 46 Birthplace: South Carolina, United States of America Ainsley Earhardt (born September 20, 1976) is an American Fox News television personality and author. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (38th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 19% introduces Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) to a crowd of supporters at Courtyards of Andover Event Center in Andover, Minnesota. Alisa Giannelli founded a chapter of Young America's Foundation at her Illinois high school. You matter and are welcome here in this space. - Negative opinion of this politician: 22% --- Positive opinion among women: 39% (78th most popular Republican) As vice president to George W. Bush from 20012009, in the wake of 9/11, Cheney was an advocate for the U.S. war on terror and the 2003 invasion of Iraq; set up the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, where he supported harsh interrogation techniques; and designed anti-terrorist citizen surveillance. "I'm the teenager who was defamed by the media," Sandmann, 18, said in his speech. - People who have heard of this politician: 89%. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (22nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 26% (92nd most popular Republican) [Pictured: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) leaves the Senate floor during a recess in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump on Feb. 3, 2020. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 45% (2nd most popular Republican) An impasse with President Bill Clinton over congressional demands for deep budget cuts led to a shutdown of the government, first for five days and then for 21 days. --- Positive opinion among men: 56% (90th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 31% Bobby Jindal served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms as governor of Louisiana. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (39th most popular Republican) ], You may also like: Libertarian, gerrymandering, and 50 other political terms you should know. John Ashbrook, former US Congressman from Ohio's 17th; Steve Bartlett, former US Congressman from Texas; Aaron Bean, Florida State --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (21st most popular Republican) ], You may also like: The original Woodstock, by the numbers, - Positive opinion of this politician: 19% Bush had a penchant for malapropisms and mangling phrases that became known as Bushisms, and he was popular for his affable Texas style. Jared Kushner has been appointed by his father-in-law President Donald Trump to resolve the conflict in the Middle East; advise on U.S. relations with China, Mexico, and Canada; and organize procurement of medical equipment during the coronavirus pandemic. Scott Baio Actor | Happy Days Scott Vincent James Baio was born on September 22, 1960 in Brooklyn, New York. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 27% During Scott Walkers administration as governor of Wisconsin, a controversial budget measure was passed in 2011 that slashed benefits and the collective bargaining rights of public employees, including teachers and firefighters. It was frightening." [Pictured: Gov. The First Amendment, in fact, is a primary reason Dao leans right. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 21% (93rd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 26% (14th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 63% (16th most popular Republican) ", When Salas was a sophomore, she also decided to create a Young Americans for Freedom (affiliated with YAF) chapter at her Chicago high school, never considering it might conflict with her duties as a board member of the campus Latino Club. During the Trump administration, he has backed off his moderate stance and has become a combative supporter of the president. - Negative opinion of this politician: 25% "The IOP met with students who were offended," she told Newsweek. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (33rd most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 17% - Neutral opinion of this politician: 8% She was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002 and also was considered an effective campaigner in her husband Sen. Bob Doles presidential bids. Miller, of course, pursued a career in politics, including stints as press secretary for Representative Michele Bachmann and Senator Jeff Sessions before becoming, at age 31, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (21st most popular Republican) A key Trump supporter, the California Congressman proposed a bill to fund the border wall with Mexico for $23.4 billion and led House opposition to the effort to impeach the president. More than a few Republicans found popularity with their opposition to President Barack Obama, especially his Affordable Care Act, which offered an option for health care coverage to uninsured Americans. By Megan DiTrolio and Maria Ricapito. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% It builds character. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 25% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 23% Coming from a poor family, Rick Scott rose to become chief executive of Columbia/HCA, the nations largest private, for-profit hospital chain. - Negative opinion of this politician: 41% - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% --- Positive opinion among men: 58% (68th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 77%. - People who have heard of this politician: 42%. [Pictured: Republican Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater, U.S. He backed off amid opposition from hunters, anglers, conservationists, and outdoor enthusiasts. Goldwater lost the presidential election to President Lyndon Johnson, but as a candidate who opposed Communism, was fiscally conservative, defended personal freedoms, and opposed Democratic civil rights legislation, he helped the conservatives take control of the South, which subsequently aided in getting eight Republican presidents elected in the 13 elections held since that time. [Pictured: Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley visits "Fox & Friends" at Fox News Channel Studios in New York City on Nov. 12, 2019. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% - People who have heard of this politician: 84%. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (31st most popular Republican) Some win backing for their policy stands, taking hawkish positions on immigration or foreign policy. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (69th most popular Republican) The author of numerous books on political conservatism, Goldwater died in 1998 at his suburban Phoenix home. That's when Duffy wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper. Courtesy of the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee/Getty. By 1952, he won his first election to the U.S. Senate, where he served five terms from 19531964 and 19691987. Scalise was shot in the hip during a congressional baseball practice in Virginia in 2017. As chairman of the Senates Small Business Committee, he has been active in designing coronavirus economic relief measures. "I got a ton of pushback and basically cloistered myself when I came out as conservative," he said. The left plays dirty," he said. In November, Rice-Cameron helped bring Ben Shapiro to his school, Stanford University. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 36% (36th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 24% It's definitely a hostile environment for conservatives." He is an outspoken opponent of abortion and a strong supporter of Israel. They're younger and far less known than, say, 28-year-old Tomi Lahren (followed by 1.6 million people on Twitter); 31-year-old Candace Owens (2.5 million Twitter followers); 33-year-old Steven Crowder (4.7 million YouTube subscribers); or 25-year-old Madison Cawthorn, the paralyzed congressional candidate in North Carolina who delivered an inspiring speech at the Republican National Convention, lifting himself with a walker from his wheelchair to exclaim, "Be a radical for our republic, for which I stand." - Negative opinion of this politician: 36% "Who does he think he is? Some build support with bipartisanship and effective networking across party lines, while others cement their fortunes by toeing a strict party line. - Negative opinion of this politician: 42% You may also like: 100 years of military history, - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% [Pictured: Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft delivers remarks during the National Police Week 31st Annual Candlelight Vigil on the National Mall in Washington D.C. May 13, 2019. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 14% --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (62nd most popular Republican) More recently, he was named by Trump to head the administration response to the coronavirus pandemic. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 28% (80th most popular Republican) Olsen was assured a place on this list when YAF announced in August that the chapter he runs at Texas A&M was named Chapter of the Year, quite an accomplishment considering that YAF is on 2,000 campuses nationwide. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 35% (42nd most popular Republican) As a young man in the U.S. Army, Dole was severely wounded in World War II and was left with a paralyzed right arm. I was told by many that I was the most hated person on campus. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 34% (49th most popular Republican) It was during his run for president in 1964 that the Republican party chose the highly conservative Goldwater as the nominee over the liberal-leaning Nelson Rockefeller. Dan Quayle was little known nationally before the youthful U.S. senator from Indiana was selected in 1988 to be George H.W. [Pictured: Alan Keyes, Chairman of the Conservative Majority PAC, speaks during a press conference by the Tea Party Express at the National Press Club in Washington DC. ], You may also like: 10 most common items polluting the ocean, - Positive opinion of this politician: 19% "He speaks of being beaten by police for having long hair and listening to the Beatles, and how his mother had to burn furniture to boil potatoes," said Zegers. [Pictured: U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry speaks during a National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) conference in Washington D.C. on Nov. 5, 2019. --- Positive opinion among women: 37% (88th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 35% (41st most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% Before that, she was governor of South Carolina, where she was a tea party conservative. Billy Graham in Charlotte, North Carolina, on March 2, 2018. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (75th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (82nd most popular Republican) Now his loyal supporters, who had sent King to Washington for nine terms in the House of Representatives, have signaled they have had enough of him. At GWU, she would seek out opportunities to debate liberal professors and students. The Georgia Congressman and more than 300 other Republicans signed a Contract With America in 1994, filled with conservative calls for tax cuts, smaller government, fewer regulations, and congressional term limits. - Negative opinion of this politician: 24% Walker took it personally. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. "They saw me for my ideas and who I am," she said. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (52nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 21% (97th most popular Republican) Many are war veterans, striking a chord with voters with their military service, including those that return home with lifelong scars. I was so scared and didn't know that I should lawyer up," she said. - People who have heard of this politician: 91%. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (89th most popular Republican) "A guy who used to troll my account one day messaged me to say he actually started watching my videos and they make a ton of sense, so he's a conservative now," he said. --- Positive opinion among men: 59% (61st most popular Republican) This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 15:37. - People who have heard of this politician: 44%. His daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders was White House press secretary under President Donald Trump from 2017-2019. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (81st most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 38% (25th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 11% Richard Nixon, Dwight D Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan are a Many maintain a strong fan base with their down-home style or unpretentious approach. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 28% (85th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (22nd most popular Republican) Things were so bogged down that YAF attorneys had to file a Freedom of Information Act request to figure out what was going on, and that's when internal emails revealed that one teacher worried the group might promote "hate, racism, and homophobia," according to public documents. Stacker compiled a list of the 50 most popular Republicans, based on data collected by YouGov from interviews between May 2019 and May 2020, with at least 7,000 people interviewed for each figure. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (38th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 36% --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (48th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (28th most popular Republican) The legendary Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate to be elected to the Presidents office. - People who have heard of this politician: 67%. There are a few guidelines and Trey Gowdy spent four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing South Carolina, starting in 2010. The narrative is America is bad," he says in the video. The same year, she made a presidential bid that ended when she placed sixth in the Iowa caucus. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (30th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 29% (75th most popular Republican) Bushs running mate. Those are the Latinos I know.". ], You may also like: Oldest national parks in America, - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% [Pictured: Former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush. The charismatic, Austrian-born star returned to Hollywood after leaving office in 2011, starring in Terminator: Dark Fate in 2019. Mel Carnahan, who had been killed three weeks earlier in a plane crash. He ran for the Republican Partys presidential nomination in 2000. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 27% (8th most popular Republican) J.C. Watts was a celebrated college football player who went on to play in the Canadian Football League from 19811986. Tomi Lahren A newcomer to this annual list, Lahren, 24, shot to the top this year with her booming social media 2. --- Positive opinion among men: 64% (10th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (33rd most popular Republican) Senator. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 25% (96th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (64th most popular Republican) It was definitely a red flag," she said. ], You may also like: How Americans use the internet today, by the numbers, - Positive opinion of this politician: 30% Famous rapper 50 Cent is one. The Black Republican list includes everybody from the the Black, young and famous to longstanding political forces in the African American community who are Black and conservative. Republican declarations made or public endorsement of Republican candidates constitute the inclusion on this list. When administrators balked, Miller took his case to the airwaveson The Larry Elder Showuntil the school cried uncle and allowed Horowitz to speak. It's a big deal," Olsen said. Bavarian-born Henry Kissinger came to America when he was 15. Scott Walker (WI-R) speaks to supporters at a last-minute get out the vote rally the night before the midterm elections at Weldall Mfg., Inc. on Nov. 5, 2018. [Pictured: Former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole and his wife Elizabeth Dole wait as U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to participate in the Armed Forces Welcome Ceremony in honor of the Twentieth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Sept. 30, 2019. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 26% (12th most popular Republican) "He's a hero of mine, and I feel that conservative principles transcend party politics," she told Newsweek. Dao won't say where he intends to go to college because he says he was already doxxed once when liberals at his high school shared his home address online. [6] It has both a national organization and chapters in individual states. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 30% (69th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 82%. Stacker believes in making the worlds data more accessible through He resigned within a day of being named a director to the Country Music Association Foundation in 2018 amid backlash over his opposition to gay marriage, which he had compared to incest and polygamy. "It gave me incentive to prove them wrong." --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (43rd most popular Republican) He famously criticized the popular Murphy Brown television show for lacking family values and misspelled "potato" as "potatoe" in an appearance at a school spelling bee. Senator Rand Paul's Presidential campaign at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. "There's this practice of leftists emailing college admissions offices trying to get them to rescind their offers to conservatives. and more. Thus he sought out Prager Force and joined its video committee; his first project consisted of him asking campus co-eds to explain the "wage gap." - Negative opinion of this politician: 19% --- Positive opinion among men: 63% (11th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 11% The legendary Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican candidate to be elected to the Presidents office. - Negative opinion of this politician: 32% Ted Cruz was elected with tea party support to the U.S. Senate in 2012, where he helped orchestrate a 16-day government shutdown based in part on Republican opposition to President Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act. "I was barely getting my feet wet in politics. --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (25th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (23rd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 48% (4th most popular Republican) As governor of Florida from 2011-2019, he opposed expansion of Medicaid and tighter environmental regulations and supported offshore oil drilling. - Negative opinion of this politician: 38% The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives as minority leader, Kevin McCarthy has a reputation for effective party networking and skilled fundraising. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (78th most popular Republican) Piers Morgan and Carol Vorderman are among the famous names to have hailed The Telegraphs Lockdown Files scoop since the first in a series of articles were published on Tuesday night. --- Positive opinion among men: 55% (93rd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (89th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 57% (78th most popular Republican) Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is U.S secretary of housing and urban development (HUD). --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (63rd most popular Republican) He retired from the House in 2017. Known for his down-home style, the Baptist minister and former governor of Arkansas ran for president in 2008 and won the Iowa caucus, but failed to sustain his early success. I was 16, and they were accusing me of harassing students with my views." ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (26th most popular Republican) John Stossel. As governor of Ohio, he signed more than 20 laws limiting abortion access, although he vetoed a bill that would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, saying it would not hold up in court. He competed on the reality television show Dancing With the Stars in 2016. He has since distanced himself from the Republican Party and supported the effort to impeach Trump. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 31% (63rd most popular Republican) "The truth was not important; advancing their anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Donald-Trump narrative was all that mattered. 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