what is exogamy marriage

what is exogamy marriage

See theTeaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family for suggestions. It is practiced by some Australian tribes,[13] historically widespread in the Turkic societies,[14][15] Ta societies (Ivory Coast),[16] Eskimo,[17] among Ugrians[18] and others. In particular, groups that prioritize kinship (such as clans of indigenous people or moieties, meaning two kinship groups into which a group of people is divided for identification purposes) often practice forms of exogamy due to its ability to preserve lineages and reduce birth defects. Some societies frown on cousin marriage so much that even distant cousins are forbidden. Endogamy and exogamy are the two main rules that condition marital choice. I feel like its a lifeline. Hoben, Ashley D., Abraham P. Buunk, and Maryanne L. Fisher. ethnography in bilateral societies, the greater the likelihood that marriage takes place within the community, as opposed to marrying outside the community, the lower the divorce rate. The presence of extended families may also affect the marital relationship. Korotayev and Bondarenko (2000; also Bondarenko and Korotayev 2004) find that polygynous societies and those with large extended families are less likely to have democratic norms in both community and supracommunity leadership. Huber, Brad R., William F. Danaher, and William L. Breedlove. In the diagram below, a circle stands for a female, a triangle for a male, and an equal sign for a marriage. Minocher, Riana, Pavel Duda, and Adrian V. Jaeggi. The minority of societies have independent family households. Compromise: Marriage requires compromise . Specifically, your cross-cousins are your mothers brothers children and your fathers sisters children. Why? Ember, Carol R., Benjamin Gonzalez, and Daniel McCloskey. It does not create economic inequality between families. Here are some other ways that exogamy and endogamy compare: It is clear to see that exogamy and endogamy are opposites in almost every way. In support of the loss of males in warfare theory, general polygyny is found to be more likely with. 2019. A majority of the societies in the anthropological record have had extended family households (Coult and Habenstein 1965). How do you pronounce that? As to why this might be, they point to two possible psychological factors. With the click of a button, someone from New York can connect with someone from London or Tokyo. Informal polyandry is where two or more men are recognized as fathers and provide some help to the same woman and her children. The groom, before or after the marriage, gives work services to the brides family. 1980. A single-parent, monogamous, or polygamous family that constitutes its own social and/or economic unit. There are many negative outcomes in adulthood associated with low parental warmth, including low self-evaluation, less generosity, a negative worldview, and more hostility and aggression. Such transactions, such as bride price or dowry, reflect higher involvement in the establishment of a marriage. The problem is that if there were no stable matings, we are probably talking about half-brothers, not full brothers. Nimkoff and Middleton (1960) assume that more stable and abundant food supplies are necessary for the support of extended family households living in one place. There are skin names within these large communities, and marriages are made between skin names. type of marriage limited to only one spouse at any given time. Put simply, its the practice of marrying outside of ones social group. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Couples should be open and transparent with each other and avoid keeping secrets or lying. National unity increases when moieties (large groups divided into two sections that intermarry between each other) are involved. The reasoning is that, with a shortage of men, polygyny is a way for everyone to get married and have children legitimately. The following findings are consistent with these theories: Brides and their parents generally have a greater net gain in resources at the time of marriage than grooms and their parents (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011a, 2011b). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Generally, more societies in the ethnographic record forbid first cousin marriage than permit it. Exogamy Our next governing rule of marriage is exogamy. He tells us, When I asked more specifically whether the children of first cousins were allowed to marry, people gave me a decided no and added in an indignant tone: Do not ask further; blood relatives may not be united! (Gusinde 1931, 48889). In both cases, not only did male and female sexual partners live separately with their maternal families, but they did not have regular economic cooperation nor other regular obligations with their sexual partners. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Rosenblatt, Paul C., and David Unangst. Other causes of sex ratio imbalance in favor of females include migration of men for work or trade. In other words, exogamy helps to keep the gene pool fresh. Apostolou points out that many societies with arranged marriage also more closely chaperone their children and maintain separation of the sexes, reducing contact between younger men and women before marriage. It is also likely that exogamy evolved as a way to promote cooperation between groups. In many exogamous cultures, cross-cousins are viewed as ideal marriage partners. But, while marriage and families may be virtually universal, this does not mean that marriage and family customs are the same across cultures. According to this theory, groups that engaged in exogamy would flourish, while those that did not would all die, either literally or because they lacked sufficient ties for cultural and economic exchange, leaving them at a disadvantage. Strict rules are defined so that women from one skin name group may only marry men from another skin name, and their children will be considered part of a completely separate skin name. Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. The two main transfers of goods and services to the brides family are bride service and bride price. 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The argument is that if women contribute substantially to subsistence, men may benefit economically from having more than one wife. Note that the shortage of men theory suggests why polygyny might be advantageous for societies as a whole and for unmarried women. Marriage laws and customs vary widely across cultures and can dictat Thus, exogamy meaning is defined as intentionally marrying outside one's group, clan, or social unit. First, there is a double standard, with more tolerance of premarital and extramarital sex for men than for women. Definition of Endogamy Marriage. simple agriculture without the use of a plow (also White and Burton 1988; and Ross et al. This would result in a patchwork of small plots of land controlled by different groups. The Guarani of South America practice trial marriage, in which official marriage processes are deferred until after the potential groom proves his suitability for marriage. To understand what a cross-cousin is versus a parallel cousin, it helps to think of the term cross as meaning related to you by crossing gender in the parental generation. A more recent example is the Mosuo or Na of Yunnan in southwest China. Divorce rate? Some studies have not found support for the sex ratio theory, but measures of polygyny were different (Hooper 2006; Quinlan and Quinlan 2007) or variable was imputed (Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019).. Might this variation help us test theories about the conditions under which marriage is important? In social science, exogamy is viewed as a combination of two related aspects: biological and cultural. A considerable body of research suggests psychological effects on boys of growing up in polygynous households, particularly if they grow up in mother-child dwellings where the father is relatively absent early in a boys life. 1965. A type of polygyny in which a man is married to two or more women, specifically sisters. However, this overall finding comes with some qualifications. 2018. Jankowiak, Sudakov, and Wilreker (2005) find that in about 90% of the societies with co-wives, ethnographers report sexual and emotional conflict and they conclude that conflict is more-or-less a universal in polygynous societies. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. One form of exogamy is dual exogamy, in which two groups continually intermarry with each other.[1]. Dual exogamy is a traditional form of arranging marriages in numerous modern societies and in many societies described in classical literature. A division of labor by gender is a cultural universal and it is proposed that marriage is a way for females and males to productively share the results of their varied subsistence tasks. Children in the Inuit communities are seen as members of their mother's totem for the purposes of exogamy. Ancient Rome Linguistic exogamy is a form of cultural exogamy in which marriage occurs only between speakers of different languages. While most societies extend this taboo to some other members of kin, it minimally includes siblings and parents. And families vary in size and composition from a single-parent unit to very large multi-generation families and households. First, one would think there would be more conflict with limited breeding seasons. This has made exogamy more common than ever before. Societal complexity is mid-range (Blumberg and Winch 1972). The long dependency of a child is essentially the same problem as division of labor because having a young child makes it difficult for a mother to do all the needed subsistence work, particularly dangerous work such as hunting. Extended families often include people from 3 or 4 generations. Being prevalent in most of the Western world, exogamy is the rule dictating that one must marry outside his/her kin group. 1974. Why? Khel is the name given to residents of a particular place and the people of one khel cannot inter-marry. According to Folsom, endogamous is the rule that one must marry within ones caste or group". if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'anthropologyreview_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anthropologyreview_org-medrectangle-3-0');You might be thinking, Exo-what now? Dont worry, youre not alone. Therefore, reproductively speaking, it is to a mans advantage to marry multiple unrelated women. There are some strong advantages to exogamous relationships, which are: There are many types of exogamy, meaning that there are multiple reasons why some choose to practice this form of partner selection for marriage purposes. Polyandry has two variations: formal and informal. Cultural exogamy is marrying outside a specific cultural group; the opposite being endogamy, marriage within a social group. What is a Exogamous relationship? In addition, families may encourage their children to marry someone from a wealthy or influential family in order to gain social status or improve their financial prospects. Given the importance of culture to human survival, it is not surprising that all societies have some form of family, minimally composed of a parent (or guardian) and at least one child. Finally, the sexual competition argument points to the greater conflict among human males as compared to non-human primates. Marriage outside this group is exogamy. In endogamous, marriages with the same families are prohibited. Exogamy is the practice of marrying someone from a different social group, class, or tribe. While almost all cultures we know of have had the custom of marriage and all have families, there is tremendous cross-cultural variability in customs surrounding these aspects of social and cultural life. PLoS ONE., Parallel-Cousin (FBD) Marriage, Islamization, and Arabization., Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison., Status of Women, Female Contribution to Subsistence, and Monopolization of Information: Further Cross-Cultural Comparisons., The Structural Implications of Matrilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage., Mate-Selection Systems and Criteria: Variation according to Family Structure., Marriage Systems and Pathogen Stress in Human Societies., Explaining marriage patterns in a globally representative sample through socio-ecology and population history: A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using a new supertree., Cultural Patterning of Sexual Beliefs and Behavior., WifeHusband Intimacy and Female Status in Cross-Cultural Perspective., Romantic Love and Family Organization: A Case for Romantic Love as a Biosocial Universal., Ethnographic Atlas, Installments i-Xxvii., Toward Monogamy: A Cross-Cultural Study of Correlates of Type of Marriage., On the Conditions Favoring Extended Family Households., Evolutionary ecology of human pair-bonds : Cross-cultural tests of alternative hypotheses., Divorce for childlessness and the regulation of adultery., Correction to: Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: rethinking the polygyny threshold model., Marriage Transactions: Labor, Property, Status., Extracted-food resource-defense polygyny in native western north American Societies at contact., Evolutionary History of Hunter-Gatherer Marriage Practices., Causes of Polygyny: Ecology, Economy, Kinship, and Warfare., Effects of climate on certain cultural practices., Aloofness and Intimacy of Husbands and Wives: A Cross-Cultural Study., Customs Regarding Whom One Can or Cannot Marry. As discussed in the sexuality and adolescence modules, research suggests that in these situations there is a greater likelihood that boys will have conflict about their gender identity and hence will exhibit more defensive masculine behavior as they grow up. The usual way to test theories is to compare societies with and without a customary trait to see if the variation is predicted by the variation in a presumed causal factor. 2011). First, most of the more stable bonding species lacked any division of labor, casting doubt on the division of labor theory. Why? Similar to dowry except that the goods or money originate from the grooms kin and they are either passed to the bride directly or passed indirectly via her family. Hence, it is more efficient and economical for the man and woman who share the child (or children) to cooperate. One important predictor is whether or not women engage in craft specialization or work outside the householdwhen they do so, there is a lower likelihood of arranged marriage (Hull 1989). Members of each totem may only marry members of the other totem. - Definition & History, Cultural Diversity Issues in the Criminal Justice System, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Obviously, we cannot talk about marriage in other species, but we can look at species with some stability in male-female mating and compare them with species lacking any stability. State societies are likely to have less male mortality because fighting forces tend to be specialized; therefore male mortality is less likely to be an important factor. matrilocal The belief that a child can have more than one biological father. Exogamy is the social norm of marrying outside one's social group. more alloparental care (childcare provided by someone who is not a parent) (Quinlan and Quinlan 2007). (In contrast, bride price and bride service are directed at the brides kin, not to the bride or the new household). The more likely that marital residence is with or near the husbands kin, the more likely there is compensation to the brides kin (M. Ember 1970). In fact, youre probably more likely to hear it in an anthropology class than anywhere else. "[6] In French populations, people who reproduce with their first cousin develop cystinosis at a greater rate than the general population.[7]. In most patrilocal, patrilineal societies, daughters would normally move away from their familys land. These problems relate to the division of labor by gender, a very long infant dependency, and sexual competition, but each of them have logical flaws (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019). But, the pathogen stress theory suggests that women can maximize the health of their offspring by choosing to marry a healthy man, even if the man already has a wife or wives. In fact, in a survey of societies in eHRAF World Cultures, they found 53 societies outside of the classic polyandry areas (northern India, Nepal, Tibet and the Marquesas) that appear to practice either informal polyandry or formal polyandry. Homans, George C., and David M. Schneider. Ember, Melvin, Carol R. Ember, and Bobbi S. Low. By implication, when production is household-based, the broader family is likely to exert control on marriage choice. Among the societies with more elaborate ceremonies are the Hopi, of the U.S. Southwest, who practice a wedding ceremony that lasts four days. Continually intermarry with each other. [ 1 ] also White and Burton 1988 ; and Ross et.! Mid-Range ( Blumberg and Winch 1972 ) mans advantage to marry multiple unrelated women these large,! Families vary in size and composition from a single-parent unit to very multi-generation. The people of one khel can not inter-marry ; s social group skin names among human males as compared non-human! 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