south east antrim uda brigadier

south east antrim uda brigadier

Home. The Reaper is coming for you. "Fisher can't make a decision, he's not allowed to make a decision and they're just keeping him there, partly because no one wants the job and they're waiting until the heat from the Task Force eases. [63][64] Patsy McGlone, Stephen Farry, Steve Aiken and Doug Beattie also condemned the attacks and were subsequently warned by the PSNI of threats from the South East Antrim UDA. The Reaper is coming for you" as a threat to "Mad Dog" Adair and his ally John White. Intense police pressure is forcing South East Antrim UDA mob boss Gary Fisher to gradually withdraw from his leadership role. Senior members of the Ulster Volunteer Force and Red Hand Commando also attended. [23] As a result of the attack, three Woodvale UDA members went to Gregg and complained about the attack. "All you have to do is look at history, there are very few commanders or brigadiers who were simply allowed to leave. Often called 'the Egyptian', Shoukri became known as 'the blingadier' for his extravagant lifestyle. That same night Jackie McDonalds forces invaded the lower Shankill and ran those members of C Company that had remained loyal to Adair, who was still in prison, out of the city. The ex-UVF leader has been warned to return the money, with a portion also invested in hot food takeaways and some hidden at safe houses in the Rathcoole estate. The attack is commemorated in the song South East Antrim Brigade by loyalist singer Rab C, many of whose compositions were about the brigade and its leading members. These were carried out under the Red Hand Defenders cover name, with some attacks also blamed on the Orange Volunteers who were active in similar attacks at the time. [5], Gregg was sentenced to 18 years in prison; however, he only served nine years before he was released in 1993. DIE KOMMENDEN sind nationalpolitisch-strmungsbergreifend. Themen: Politische Wochenschau, politische Theorie, Artikel und Berichte zu Themen rund um berwachung, Repression, Wirtschaft, Soziales, Befreiungsnationalismus, Antiimperialismus, Zeitgeschichte und Literaturhinweise [6] The Irish News described the brigade as 'powerful' and at one time being 'the most bloody and murderous gang operating within the paramilitary organisation'. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) A mural in support of the group lists its areas of activity as being Rathcoole (the mural's location), Rathfern, Monkstown, Glengormley and Whitewell, all of which are part of Newtownabbey, as well "The South East Antrim UDA were part of the UDA inner council," explained Jim McDowell, a former editor of the Sunday World newspaper. Members of the loyalist flute band, Cloughfern Young Conquerors dressed in uniform accompanied the coffin. All four were arrested earlier this week during a police and . The The UDA structure was divided into six geographical areas during the late 1980s (Londonderry, South-East Antrim, North Belfast, East Belfast, West Belfast and South Belfast). On 8 December, a bomb was found under Gregg's car, apparently placed there by one of Adair's allies from the Loyalist Volunteer Force. He was aware that (another UDA Brigadier) had arranged a trip to London for us to speak to people in England, where we would attempt to reorganise and motivate units in . "He'll take the hit, he's like a deer in the headlights, there's nowhere for him to go. Fisher associates subjected Simms to a punishment shooting after he was found with his hands in the till. [58], On 11 December 2018 handguns bought on the 'dark net' by two Co Antrim men linked to a loyalist feud may have been destined for use by the South East Antrim UDA. Spotlight's Gangland: The Murder of Glenn Quinn can be viewed on the BBC iPlayer. The deposed brigadier's ex-2IC is also facing major money worries having been fined 20,000 by the UVF. [4] The attack had been known in advance by security forces due to a tip-off from informants within Rathcoole; Adams and his co-passengers had survived in part because Royal Ulster Constabulary officers, acting on the informants' information, had replaced much of the ammunition in the UDA's Rathcoole weapons dump with low-velocity bullets. The South East Antrim UDA is believed to be responsible for seven unsolved murders in the same area dating back to 1998. "The vast majority of it comes in from down south, from one of the well-known crime gangs down there. John Gregg (1957 - 1 February 2003) was a senior member of the UDA/UFF loyalist paramilitary organisation in Northern Ireland.In 1984, Gregg seriously wounded Sinn Fin president Gerry Adams in an assassination attempt. "He's already under enough heat from the cops. His assassination attempt had made him a loyalist hero and he quickly took over from English as brigadier. 1 February 2003, along with another UDA member, Robert Rab Carson, Gregg was shot dead on Nelson Street, in the old Sailortown district near the Belfast docks, while travelling in a red Toyota taxi after returning from Glasgow where he regularly went to watch Rangers F.C. A senior police source once described him as a man driven by pure and absolute bigotry. [9] Gregg's fearsome reputation earned him the nickname "the Reaper" and he bore a tattoo of the Grim Reaper on his back as a tribute. He managed to avoid being beaten in return for tricking his ex-UVF 2IC friend into attending the Monkstown meeting during which he was attacked. He sought to portray Gregg as unstable and thuggish and spread a rumour that he was about to be replaced as brigadier. [66], In July 2021, Doug Beattie, the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, told the BBC that the South East Antrim UDA had threatened to kill him twice. Killing Rage The life and death of Eamon Collins. "Putting it bluntly they were either stood down, expelled or shot - that's the only way to get out.". At the service on 6 February, UVF/RHC representatives joined the UDA leadership in a show of anti-Adair solidarity. [54] Two men were subsequently charged with the murder. But Johnny kept trying to justify it. Each were accused of taxing drug dealers and stealing tens of thousands of pounds from UVF coffers. MEDIA SCRUTINY: Press coverage is heaping pressure on Gary Fisher. [57] Fisher was subsequently identified by the Sunday Life as brigadier, with the paper accusing him of ordering the shooting of Horner. [30] This briefly occurred in late August when one of Adair's allies took command of the brigade, although this proved short-lived. A large portion of the cash was taken from a UVF-controlled taxi firm in which he holds a silent 25 per cent share. As a result of the attack, three Woodvale UDA members went to Gregg and complained about the attack. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. The South East Antrim UDA's tally of violence spanning two decades includes a roll call of unsolved murders. There is a belief in the organisation that the Task Force is building a case against Fisher and senior figures in SEA are content to leave him in place. Widely known as a man with a fearsome reputation, Gregg was considered a hawk in loyalist circles. In return for ending criminality they have been promised 5m of funding for projects in loyalist areas from the 50m Fresh Start package to end paramilitarism. [6] His deputy Rab Carson was killed in the same attack, with both men having just returned from Scotland where they were attending a Rangers F.C. The Sunday World also understands Fisher has become increasingly paranoid, believing there is an informant who is passing information about his movements to the PSNI. John Gregg (1957 1 February 2003) was a senior member of the UDA/UFF loyalist paramilitary organisation in Northern Ireland. This came within a few days of a 1m allocation to a conflict transformation project in loyalist areas. Senior members of South East Antrim UDA want to take out . His perceived "crime" was a throwaway remark he made privately, when he criticised an attack by the South East Antrim UDA on a friend's business. However, this proved short-lived. [1], On 14 March 1984, he severely wounded Sinn Fin president Gerry Adams in an attack supposedly ordered as a response to the earlier killings of Ulster Unionist Party politicians Robert Bradford and Edgar Graham. [38], Gregg was married with one son and two stepdaughters. Representing the UVF was John 'Bunter' Graham and the organisation's 1st Battalion commander Harry Stockman. It is claimed they control "100%" of an illegal drugs network in south-east Antrim, Northern Ireland. Gregg was also characterised as a bully, a racketeer, and a sectarian bigot who took particular delight in carrying out vicious punishment attacks and randomly targeting Roman Catholics.. In late August 1997 this band was one of a number of similar flute bands to travel to Derry for the annual Apprentice Boys of Derry march through the city centre. In 2000 he helped to ensure that a proposal before the Inner Council to initiate the decommissioning of weapons was rejected. Security sources say that with more than 2,000 members, the South East Antrim UDA is one of Northern Ireland's largest paramilitary gangs. [10] The attack is commemorated in the song South East Antrim Brigade by loyalist singer Rab C, many of whose compositions were about the brigade and its leading members. Read about our approach to external linking. Free. Former PSNI superintendent Ken Pennington said he considers them to be "a criminal cartel that have wrapped themselves in a flag". Simms' demise was the catalyst for the disintegration of Fisher's power base. "Some families had no involvement in drugs at all but still had to pay to escape being put out, or even worse. Under Gregg, the South East Antrim Brigade was linked to the killing of UVF member Mark Quail during Adair's feud with the UVF in 2000[25][26] although according to the BBC the killing was not directly connected to Adair's issues with the UVF but rather stemmed from a pub dispute in north Belfast between members of the two paramilitary groups. The UDA was only proscribed - or declared illegal - in 1992 and, as the Troubles ended, the group began to fracture. SouthEast Antrim UDA crime boss Gary Fisher is facing an internal revolt with even his closest lieutenants saying his time is up. Members of this brigade were believed to be behind the killings of Catholic postman Danny McColgan, Protestant teenager Gavin Brett and Trevor Lowry (the latter kicked to death in the mistaken belief he was a Catholic), and a spate of pipe bomb attacks on the homes of Catholics. The 47-year-old had no connections to any paramilitary gang, but was beaten to death in his home in January 2020 after being threatened by the group. [15] A senior police source once described him as a man driven by "pure and absolute bigotry". On 8 December a bomb was found under Greggs car, apparently placed there by one of Adairs allies from the Loyalist Volunteer Force. His cheeks appeared hollow, he has shaved his head and those who have seen him describe him as 'haunted'. "He was lucky to be let out alive, he knows it, but he's the exception rather than the rule.". Posted 2 years ago 2 years ago. The new Irish Sea Border: What does it mean? Since his release, Shoukri had resumed his position as 'brigadier' of the north Belfast UDA while his brother Andre was in prison. New IRA powerbase just 20 miles away so why didnt intelligence flag possible attack? "And if they are a defender of anything, it is their own criminal interests.". [8] Under Gregg the South-East Antrim Brigade were prepared to ignore the terms of the loyalist ceasefire, such as on 25 April 1997 when he dispatched a five-man team to Carrickfergus to set fire to a Catholic church in retaliation for a similar attack on a Protestant church in East Belfast (this earlier attack had actually been organised by dissident loyalists seeking to provoke the UDA into returning to violence). Old tensions resurfaced however, and after Adairs men fought with UVF supporters at the Shankills Rex Bar, Adair launched a pogrom of the lower Shankill, forcing out all UVF members and their families and initiating a loyalist feud.[22]. Tensions between the terror groups is already high, with the UVF trying to muscle in and exploit tensions within Fisher's gang to increase their authority in the Rathcoole estate. Create a free website or blog at Charlie Strain, Hugh Cameron, Tommy Hollran and Mark Gourley, who is missing presumed . [34], Gregg was given a paramilitary funeral which was attended by thousands of mourners, including senior UDA members Jackie McDonald, Jim Gray, Sammy Duddy and Michael Stone. A failure by the paramilitary group's south-east Antrim faction to back the move resulted in a . ago. [10] He called on the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to establish an auxiliary police "clinic" on the estate, which had no permanent police building, so that locals concerned about crime could have somewhere to go. Gregg had been a regular visitor to Ibrox Park for a number of years,[11] often in the company of Michael Stone, and had even picked up a conviction for violence at an Old Firm match. What makes a serial killer and why are we fascinated by them? And some of them think the UVF tout should be made to pay with his life but were told they couldn't by already under-fire SEA leader Fisher. Carson was described by UDA sources as a dear friend of Greggs and a junior member of the South-East Antrim Brigade. "Some middle-ranking UDA men in the estate wanted him to be shot dead because touting on fellow loyalists to the police is as bad as it gets," said the source. [52] The South-east Antrim brigadier, who was not named in reports, stated that any brigade members attending Gilmore's funeral would be expelled. Dissident groups and LVF-linked mobsters have also moved in to claim a slice of the action. In May cops arrested and charged four men in connection with a kilo of cocaine seized back in 2020. Saturday, 28 January 2023 ePaper A mortally-wounded Carson died later in hospital, and taxi driver William McKnight was seriously hurt. Browns_right_foot 3 mo. [17] Protestant Trevor Lowry (aged 49) was beaten to death in Glengormley by UDA members under Gregg's command on 11 April 2001 after he was mistaken for a Catholic. The veteran loyalist, who was 'brigadier' of its South East Antrim unit, was kicked out of the organisation last week. "There was an old joke going round the Rathcoole estate that when (name removed) is on the phone he's either talking to Den Elliott or the peelers," the source added. A Northern Ireland group, which includes representatives of loyalist paramilitaries, recently withdrew its support for the Good Friday Agreement. A UDA/UFF South-East Antrim Brigade mural in Newtownabbey. This followed in summer 2002 when a community centre was taken over for this purpose although Greggs UDA objected and daubed the building with the word tout. [64][65], According to the Irish Times there are suspicions that the threats are in response to coverage of the murder of Glenn Quinn in Carrickfergus in January 2020. Formed in 1971 from a number of loyalist vigilante groups, the UDA's stated aims were to protect unionist communities from attacks by republican paramilitaries, but it went on to kill hundreds of people during the Troubles using a cover name - the Ulster Freedom Fighters. This week, a BBC Spotlight programme on the murder of Glenn Quinn investigated the savagery at the heart of one of Northern Ireland's largest loyalist gangs - the South East Antrim Ulster Defence Association (UDA). [31], On 1 February 2003, along with another UDA member, Robert "Rab" Carson, Gregg was shot dead on Nelson Street, in the old Sailortown district near the Belfast docks, while travelling in a taxi after returning from Glasgow where he regularly went to Rangers F.C. Belfast Books Thanks for promoting my book mate. The move, some say, does not signal a return to violence. On February 1 2003, Gregg and fellow UDA man Rab Carson had just returned to Northern Ireland after attending an Old Firm match in Glasgow when their taxi drove into . [15] English was a strong advocate of political means and pushed for the UDA to call a ceasefire in the early 1990s, a position that was anathema, at that point, to Adair. UDA members turned out in force yesterday for the funeral of Mr Robert Carson, who was gunned down alongside the east Antrim UDA "brigadier", Mr John Gregg, in Belfast's docks area at the weekend. In response, graffiti appeared around the walls of Rathcoole in December, stating: Daft Dog and White beware. Many of them were innocent - but had to pay up anyway. [9] They were convicted for the attack the following year. [21] Nonetheless he was not keen to antagonise Adair and so, along with McFarland, McDonald and Jimbo Simpson, accepted his invitation to attend a "Loyalist Day of Culture" organised by Adair on the Lower Shankill on 19 August 2000. Brawls between the two had been frequent and tensions had been growing between the UDA and UVF leading to a drink-fuelled pitched battle between the two groups at the train station. [40] As of 2014, the South East Antrim Brigade is no longer considered part of the wider UDA and their brigadier does not attend meetings of the organisation's ruling Inner Council. The UDA South East Antrim Brigade was previously one of the six brigades of the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) and are heavily involved in the drug trade. Adams was hit five times in the attack but the taxi rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he received treatment and survived. He has since told pals that he has no intention of leaving Rathcoole, where he grew up, but loyalist insiders say that he will have no option but to go. [2] Since 2007 the South East Antrim Brigade has operated independently of the UDA following a fall-out. The violence that erupted in the East Antrim town of Carrickfergus on Saturday night 21 July was the latest episode in internecine UDA feuding. Tommy Lyttle suspected that Craig had helped the IRA kill South Belfast UDA Brigadier, John McMichael in December 1987 not long after McMichael had aired complaints within the UDA hierarchy and in Craig's earshot, about Craig's dubious business dealings. [89] The UVF leader in East Belfast, who is popularly known as the "Beast of the East" and "Ugly Doris" also known as by real name Stephen Matthews, ordered the attack on Catholic homes and a church in the Catholic enclave of the Short Strand. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. To the rest of us, an attack on a UDA brigadier is an attack on the whole organisation. Despite the continuing activity of his brigade, and his own earlier maiming, Gregg shared the reluctance of other brigadiers about what he saw as a coming war between the UVF and West Belfast brigadier Johnny Adair. Carrickfergus is a town that once inspired a classic Irish folk song about longing. Law enforcement agencies see the loosening of Fisher's control as an opportunity. BUSINESS UDA signs strategic cooperation with Mara Inc to expand facilities management business " data-media=""> 21/02/2023 09:14 PM KUALA LUMPUR, [84] John Gregg. South East Antrim UDA crime boss Gary Fisher is facing an internal revolt with even his closest lieutenants saying his time is up. He spent six months in jail for rioting in 1977. In October 2002, Gregg was one of the brigadiers who passed the resolution expelling Adair from the UDA for his involvement in the non-fatal shooting of Jim Gray. Cloughfern Young Conquerors, a flute band attached to the brigade, had been to Derry for the annual Apprentice Boys of Derry march through the city centre when at the train station they met members of the Shankill Protestant Boys, a UVF-affiliated band. The internal clean-up of the UVF's South East Antrim unit came after its leaders promised to morph into an old boys organisation during a meeting with senior government officials. South East Antrim brigade Den' Allo Allo' Elliott. The shootings raised some anger on the Shankill, where the three were well-liked figures, and Adair sought to exploit this as a method of getting rid of Gregg. Adair was returned to prison two days later. Close pal Clifford 'Trigger' Irons is currently out on bail awaiting trial on drugs charges. November 22 2014 04:33 PM. Charlie Strain, Hugh Cameron, Tommy Hollran and Mark Gourley, who is missing presumed murdered. His plan to flee to Scotland has also been put on hold after loyalists there were warned not to harbour him. Here, reporter Jennifer O'Leary writes about how the group continues strike fear into communities. games. However, in the second half of 2002 he was dragged into the conflict after Adair made him a target in his own attempts to take full control of the UDA. [29] The shootings raised some anger on the Shankill, where the three were well-liked figures, and Adair sought to exploit this as a method of getting rid of Gregg. It's very difficult to deal with the issue of their control, because of the fear that they just instil into people.". [34] A bomb attack on Adair's house on 8 January 2003 was blamed on Gregg by John White. By September 2002, Adair had even circulated stories to contacts in the media that Gregg was under death threat from the UDA. The council released a statement expelling two figures within it, believed to be senior UDA figures Fisher and Kirkham, once a member of the Ulster Political Research Group (UPRG), although they were not named. John Gregg (1957 - 1 February 2003) was a senior member of the UDA/UFF loyalist paramilitary organisation in Northern Ireland.In 1984, Gregg seriously wounded Sinn Fin president Gerry Adams in an assassination attempt. The new Irish Sea Border: What does it mean? "The UDA in Rathcoole couldn't figure out why all the UVF dealers were being left alone while their guys were getting caught left, right and centre. He said there were about 2,000 members of the UDA in the south east Antrim . "The former brigadier was summoned to a UVF leadership meeting on the Shankill to talk about the missing money, but he cried off sick," said a UVF source. The South East Antrim UDA's tally of violence spanning two decades includes a roll call of unsolved murders. match. Gregg took this as a threat and, after complaining to senior figures in the West Belfast UDA, ordered the three men to be kneecapped. He later became part of the UDA South East Antrim Brigade. Also his appearance at a Remembrance Sunday service two weeks ago has left those close to him in shock. [46], In March 2014 the South East Antrim Brigade was widely reported as being behind a "rampage" in which up to 100 people, some of them wearing masks, attacked a number of residential properties in Larne. "Several UDA men told their bosses they wanted him shot dead while others wanted his knees done but they've been ordered by Fisher to leave him alone, for now. [43] Accusations that the brigade has remained active continued, however, and in 2009, the mother of Jason Ballard, a 20-year-old Greenisland native subjected to a vicious beating at his home, claimed that the attack had been carried out by the South East Antrim Brigade, although they denied any involvement in the attack. Four men were convicted of his murder. [3] He spent six months in jail for rioting in 1977. [33], In November 2011, Stuart Gregg received 400,000 compensation for psychological trauma due to having witnessed his father's murder. And until he was deposed, he was known for "telling tales" to the UVF's South East Antrim brigadier Den Elliott who was stood down last year for allegedly running unsanctioned rackets. id="addMyFavs"> . A rebel UDA unit is re-arming in a grim warning to rival drug dealers. [11] Each geographical area was commanded by a UDA 'Brigadier' and sometimes also had a designated 'Military Commander', 'Intelligence Officer' and 'Quartermaster'. often in the company of Michael Stone, and had even picked up a conviction for violence at an Old Firm match. The brigade representatives refused to give any details about how many weapons or how much commercial explosives were destroyed during the day-long exercise. When the loyalist arrived he was surrounded by four masked UVF members who beat him with baseball bats, breaking several bones. On 6 January 2010, the UDA announced that it had put its weapons "verifiably beyond use". But South East Antrim UDA boss Gary Fisher refused to sanction an attack on the UVF man, further weakening his standing with rank-and-file members within his own terror group. . According to a recent MI5/police intelligence assessment shared with Spotlight, the South East Antrim UDA "has access to arms" and is "heavily involved in drugs supply, community coercion, intimidation and other criminality". His role in the murder was covered up for years by his father's best friend - the deposed UVF South East Antrim commander. The UDA South East Antrim Brigade is one of the six brigades of the Ulster Defence Association (UDA). The juxtaposition of this initiative with the name of Gregg was condemned by the mother of a Catholic who had been killed by members of the South-East Antrim Brigade in 2000 as she argued "it's sickening to call it the Gregg initiative when he was a ruthless terrorist.Everyone goes on about Johnny Adair but they're all as bad as each other". 2003 ) was a senior police source once described him as a dear friend of Greggs and a junior of..., and taxi driver William McKnight was seriously hurt Stuart Gregg received 400,000 compensation for trauma... Was surrounded by four south east antrim uda brigadier UVF members who beat him with baseball bats, breaking several.! Is re-arming in south east antrim uda brigadier is also facing major money worries having been 20,000. Or how much commercial explosives were destroyed during the day-long exercise fascinated by them up anyway destroyed during the exercise. ; verifiably beyond use & quot ; of an illegal drugs network south-east. 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