shanann watts' car

shanann watts' car

She dabbled. Hmmm. Her real given birth name is pronounced Shannon and leads to many mistakes. Surely there was a better way to express their feelings than ruining a wedding and showing no regard to their son/ brother getting married for the first time. How and Why I chose Van Gogh as a True Crime Investigation, Maddening Money Matters Excerpt from The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, Vincent van Goghs letter to Theo, January 1882, outlining his rows with Pa and Ma. And it seems she never had a real job except for briefly working in Longmont selling cars. I believe it was auctioned off because they could get a better price. Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? Well said Nick. She uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth, holidays and overall luxury. It certainly would have saved time to dispose of only one body the morning of. I cannot think of any reason we should care about what is not perfect with her. The Lexus was usually parked inside the garage while Chris Watts truck was invariably outside [the vehicular equivalent of him not sleeping in his own bed, but in the basement]. If Chris knew Shanann was going to be dead, why would he care if they facetimed, b/c it was impossible, they were already dead. Weird. I dont care personally if she was not a perfect. Joseph Lechleitner, 47, shot and killed his daughter Vivian Zwick, 5. So, even if NK could have been with him and his cute girls, theres no way she wanted to take on Shannan, especially after watching those videos. Im shocked at that charge because child abuse IS a felony punishable by jail timehe did NO jail time. Shannans brother was actually arrested in 2015. I didnt follow the case as it was happening. Should he? I never understood how that could be, but using you few as reference has shown me that they were right; If things dont fit your narrative you disregard it. A 17 year old? His truck could not fit in the garage; which is why he was only able to back it in so far when removing the bodies. This I do disagree with. Far more than the daily recommended ) Then both the girls had some sort of surgery in 2018 I think it was and they had it on the same day. On Websleuths the contention has been made that Shanann was co-owner of a car accessory company based in Fayetteville, North Carolina called Dirty South. Is the killing of Harambe the gorilla a crime, or not? Carol I did check, I spent several hours checking, which is how and why I stumbled on this charge: But something wasnt right with her and all of her illnesses, childrens illnesses, it seemed she contended Chris had some form of cancer from which she saved his life by recognizing it. That must suck to only get joy from lying and tearing down other women. However, 34-year-old Shanann Watts had recently enjoyed major success in her career, and her life boasted a new Lexus and paid trips to Mexico and the Dominican Republic. All Im saying is if its accurate, then it would make sense youd be crazy to carry 3 bodies out into the open, not only ito of the Trisnatich video, but all the neighbors with direct line-of-site onto the other side of the vehicle. and our (these things drive me crazy when I cant remember where I saw or read different things! I guess the point is that each person and every angle in this case is investigated. She needed that medicine. The whole family was in the home until CW left in his truck early Monday morning with 3 bodies in the truck cab. Shame on you !! Why is it such a god-awful mess? your= possessive (bite your tongue). More from her mother I would think, than her dad. Because there were like 3 officers assigned to surveillance in separate cars, and they all wrote reports. He was raised in a toxic environment sociopath/narcissist mother and covert narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as a result. You Watts twats kill me . Following the disappearance of Chris' wife, Shanann Watts, and the couple's two children from a small Denver suburb in 2018, a major police hunt ensued. She was a director at Primrose school and he, a high school graduate with a job in computer technology, and a photography business on the side. What is Henri van Bredas ring of power and pain? Essentially Shanann got Amanda to join LeVel. I went to a little trouble to verify who was the owner of the plate #ANI-736,(for which a man and woman were seen parked at the Saratoga Trail House on the 14th when Commander Eagan spotted Watts putting a blanket and cooler in the trunk of the Lexus) and according to dept. I say that Shanann is a sociopath herself because of how shes been treated after her death. I think she was at a minimum a big story teller on almost everything in her life. The Discovery Documents also provide fascinating insight into how Watts changed his parking habits at the time of the murders, not only in terms of the truck [which was normally parked to the left of the front door, and Watts typically exited the house through the front door], but the Lexus as well. Atkinson appears to shed a tear on camera, thats how moved she is by her achievement, and the honor of being recognized by her MLM peers. The dogs did pick up all over the house down in the basement up in one of the girls rooms and few others places. I dont see anything more sinister than that. At the end of the day who cares anymore?? As CrimeOnline previously reported, Shanann returned home from her business trip in the early morning hours of August 13, 2018. . ( I have lupus too and have managed fine, modern treatments are v good and I keep it quiet. This may give you some insights as to why youve developed this behavior. Her . Everything had a place and it HAD TO BE IN THAT PLACE. View shakedowntitles profile on Facebook, Christopher Watts: What else do we know? Where did they come from and what has really happened to them? So many Businesses ,So Many Stores! Has Judge Greenland Become Persona Non Grata? After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. Something sounds odd in that Shananns first house was only in her name and there are accusations of money laundering from Dirty South Autos (but again no proof). Put simply, Shanann was advocating spending beyond their means as a way of promoting a product, and using the idea of living beyond ones means [as a sort of dream-come-true fantasy] as a sales hook. Cindy and Chris sister were also entrusted to organising the catering to the wedding and disregarded that Shannan was gluten intolerant so Shanann couldnt eat any of the food at her own wedding other than the food that her own mother brought. Its a Nice Place to Live! Im not satisfied yet that this was an error, although it could be. God Bless !!! I mean, yeah, playing in yard with water pistols, when everyone has a pistol, to squirt back etc, done that , but its different to be trapped and pretty defenceless to a constant stream of water in a small confined space and you cant squirt water back. That does not make her a sociopath, she was trying to make money from home. This is Watts doing a Thrive spiel to the cops, only, a police interrogation is where pitching fairy tales no longer works. If that was me I would be hammering the DAs door down until he proved that I did not have knowledge of or participation in that heinous crime. But then, dont count on it because with the way youre talking, it sounds like she has her hands full with her ex husbands selfish, arrogant, and stupid girlfriend that believes everything that drips from the slimebags mouth. Chris Watts strangled and smothered his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, to death, before strangling their daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, with a blanket in 2018. I have also noticed bizarre behaviour by Shananns mother and Shanann. The murders were a very crass and grotesque way of doing that. They wanted to recover the bodies for evidence. This is not only irresponsible journalism but it is downright Character assassination. Please note Im continuing coverage of the Watts case at If so, whose children are these anyway? She was image obsessed and went out of her way to cultivate a saccharine image for the public to consume. Does not change how horrible the murders were and still makes it senseless and I dont see that she is the sick person in this story, especially not sicker than the murderer and those related. To me, thats v v weird. It was a 2016 Lexus SUV, it was only 1 1/2 years old upon her death, that is not too old to be leased again. Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. Are we still trying to pin these murders on her or somehow make this murder less horrific if we can say there is something wrong with her? Hope that answers your question. Thats creepy. Lastly please tell me how and where you got this information. So posing next to cars was almost second nature to her, and if youre a mechanic, whats wrong with you or your wife, or you and your wife, using a snazzy car to sell shit? The white Lexus in the Watts garage was a beautiful lie, and each day, that beautiful lie propelled Shanann and her two beautiful children through their days. In reality, the Lexus wasnt paid for by anyone, it belonged to the leasing company. His passive personality seems to have made him vulnerable to being taken advantage of, but it was also up to him to set boundaries. Constantly. I would like to see Trisnatichs video for the whole day Sunday August 12 as well as Shananns arrival at 1:48 a.m. Were being gypped by not getting everything. I also imagine that she rationalized she would eventually restore the money in much the same way she likely rationalized she would catch up on the finances in Colorado when the MLM delivered on its easy money fantasy. But Thrivers dont pose around fancy cars, and post themselves doing that on Facebook, do they? Chris initially cooperated with police and. Its their car, not Shananns car, and its not a lease, its paid for by the company. Im coming from the position of having been raised by a mother with some form of munchausen by proxy so her treatment of the girls triggered a lot of really terrible feelings in me. Sometime he slept top bunk sometimes he slept bottom. But then, dont count on it because with the way youre talking, it sounds like she has her hands full with her ex husbands selfish, arrogant, and stupid girlfriend that believes everything that drips from the slimebags mouth. so early in the evening of Tuesday the 14th the police finally start surveillance on CW. Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? Meredith Kercher: Another Murderer to go Free? What did he do? In the video, Atkinson mentions using her auto bonus to get a Tesla, but its clear in the crime scene footage that shes still drivinga white MazdaDodge GT more than six weeks after the rooftop video was recorded. I dont know if she was trying to appear wealthy but more trying to create the image of a thriving life (the appearance of one) to push her Thrive sales, which is just part of the sales pitch so she could make money. Cindys actions resembled those of a sociopath. My Ex Son In Law was Stationed in Fort bragg NC! Shanann also took a huge amount of painkillers at times it seems. Beth Karas on Oscar Sanitizing the Crime Scene? Shanann Watts: MLM & Magical Thinking just how bad was it? I have an ecommerce page and authors page along with many other features and would like to see what synergies we have regarding your work. Shanann Watts' Father . Its marketing gold, and it mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person. Privacy Policy. It seems Watts used this information to renew the insurance [another expense] effective from August 15 to February 15. Shan'ann Watts Tribute Video: "Someday we will all be gone, but lullabies go on and on" Shan'ann talks about spending "quality time" with Chris Watts "I don't know if we're gonna have another baby anytime soon" Just a day in the life of Shan'ann Watts Was Shan'ann a *genuine* person? Wow, you think very highly of yourself. Remember how Nicole said that O.J.s beatings usually came as a result of her giving him a hard time about his cheating? However I neednt have gone to the trouble vanity plates indicate ANI would stand for Amanda and Nick. Even Chris mistress, Nichol, was toxic in the sense that she preferred being in a relationship with a married man. I was born in 86. Is it out of line to think that Watts some time in the afternoon and before he calls his coworker about taking care of Cervi 319 himself may have bagged up the children, stowed them in the Lexus and driven them to the site in a vehicle (the Lexus) that did not have a GPS tracking system on it, and disposed of them in the oil tanks then? Look at the date of this blog post and compare it to the date you watched Devil in Disguise and got your information. And hed just have to convince her that they truly did leave him, and now hes totally free. What Shanann and other MLMers say about the luxury car bonus. And yes, it does read ambiguously and not very clearly. He knew on that last night he wouldn't be tucking his girls into bed again. Yes it would make absolute sense to not want the carrying out in the open. How did they afford their Lexus? But I cant for the life of me figure out what he could have done to dispose of that vehicle. Any why it was parked on the street. At 5:37 in the clip above, HBOs John Oliver refers to the dangling of vast lifestyle improvements, especially flashy cars, and luxury travel, as being at the heart of the MLM pitch.. This is excellent investigative work and analysis, Nick. Now we dont know that for sure, but consider what we do know: According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off. Even journalists covering the story talked about how Shanann put every bit of her life online. What really jumps out is the debt and oddly enough, things HER mother has said (again mom in the flesh speaking on YOUTUBE). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The open question remains: how was Shanann Watts able to afford a home [or rather, get a loan to build one] in North Carolina, in 2009 when she was about 25-years-old? Yes the 15 charges were definitely reported. Boom. Ceces sobbing was extremely bothersome to me as was Bellas obvious unhappiness. I further believe that Shanann later insisted on controlling the finances in Colorado because she wanted to manipulate the books to squeeze more blood out of the Wattss income turniip, which resulted in a real blood sacrifice on August 13. The criminal record / charges that are being referenced in this bs article are not for the deceased ShanAnn Watts. [Discovery Documents, page 2111]. Shanann Was Wrapped in a Sheet & Buried in a Shallow Grave That Watts Dug With a Shovel Police reportsThe crime scene. In his twisted thought pattern, he thought he was helping that along. Im a mother and I would never do anything like it. Their brains become calibrated to constant gaslighting, belittling and bullying. Id also like to say, look at the number of friends Shanann had looking for her mere hours after she was perceived missing. It will take time to get clarity on this, Cheryl, but I think theres some merit in the argument that Shanann was the driving force behind the debt spiral. All was not right with Shanann. Someone needs to dig back into Shananns past in order to understand what happened in the future (I dont mean to discredit Shanann but to get a better understanding). I will never understand why NK (the mistress of a murderer) has not been publicly exonerated if she truly is a victim. Dr OZ gets into shit for promoting the shit thats in THRIVE, Shanann Watts Facebook Profile is still Public and what it could mean. An injustice which should have been dealt with accordingly and in line with every other murder and vile act which has made headlines and beyond. That she thought the girls were cute but that she hoped to find someone she could start her own family with ultimately. It could be one big psyop. Do you think he did have a plan for it that was thwarted by NA? 3-year-old, 5-year-old killed by father in murder-suicide, Michigan police say. What do the stats say? STRANGE persons research a murdered womans past . Over the past month or so, Chris Watts has been villainised [not without good reason] and Nichol Kessinger villified, particularly on social media. Or are they kidnapped and used in this sick psyop? But it doesnt mean she wasnt a sociopath. Police said 34-year-old Shanann Watts, who was pregnant, was found dead on property owned by Anadarko Petroleum, one of the state's largest oil and gas drillers, where her husband Christopher. I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked like chris and this monster. Same reason she used Chris FB account too to post about her life and Thrive, to reach more people, therefore hopefully more customers. When Watts says hes addicted to her Im sure she conveyed that she was enamored with him too but he had the leverage in that he was still married -even if he could just get free of his wife, he would always have the children. If she was wrong she could have killed someone but that was not something she cared about. According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off This obligation then infects that persons social network, as everyone goes gaga about Xs brand new car and the wonderful company X works for. Also the three against Chris watts was a different Chris watts. I wish I could be there the day he does it to you, like he did it to his wife. Let that sink in.. Shanann also had fibromyalgia, as I do, and its extremely painful and debilitating. Her first words to Shannans mother regarding Chris and Shannan were to the effect of, I dont get it, I dont see that she is in love with him (in love with Chris) but what she was probably really trying to say deep down is, I dont like her!. On April 13, police went to a home in the Lansing, Michigan, area, where they found the scene. He has said he planned to kill Shanann. Pingback: Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com. And you can tell from the reports all the surveillance officers are just crushed because they thought they were gonna follow him and break the case wide open like a movie. About. Omeprazole is given for indigestion and peptic ulcers. one thing he said to me that always stuck One way to address that, besides through the semantics in the Discovery Documents [the word lease isnt used multiple times accidentally], is to look at former employees and to see what they say about their experience with MLMs. Chris Watts was convicted of murdering Bella . It has been awhile backI think I saw this shortly after news of their deaths broke and I saw that they were from NC. I work in HR department of ONE of the BIGGEST childrens hospitals in the country! Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts neck? Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. Did he buy it and they drank beer? The children and he were at a childrens birthday party alive and well Sunday afternoon, and they Facetimed with the maternal grandparents that evening.The Lexus did not leave the garage that night. He put his babies in the oil tanks so theyd presumably never be found. If she really believed that Shannan was lying about all those health related issues there is a more sane way to go about it. His dissociation from his acts and denial are signs to me that he was brainwashed. So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. Oh dear, Frank Rzucek.Indeed he looks a bit of a lad. Rumors are circulating that Shanann was having an affair with her boss, and that this is what ended her relationship with the anonymous Mr. King. Required fields are marked *. Ive looked for it for months, cant find it. Watts was not allowed to run errands in his work truck, which was fitted with a GPS and monitored by Anadarko. WTF? Actually, its sick. A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. They Lived in Fayetteville on Reford Road! It was practically brand new. chris watts' final texts to pregnant wife shanann watts before grisly murders revealed in netflix doc According to court documents, Shanann Watts' body was found in a shallow grave near this oil . Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Axe Murder Appeal: Rumor Control and what to expect? He said Im finally totally free.. Despite her husband making televised pleas for their . Watts said: "When I got home . just bc NK went to bed with a married man does not make her a murderer. So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. This means technically, neither Watts nor his wife were actually vehicle owners in their own right. I havent been able to confirm it though I have gone through the records. #JonBenet, How John Ramsey Continues to Perpetrate a Fraud Upon the Public, Excerpt from The Craven Silence #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 2 #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 3 #JonBenetRamsey, The Reviews are in for The Craven Silence Trilogy, An Excerpt from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt #2 from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, BREAKING: John Ramsey Secretly Files Civil Suit Against CBS, The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 1 [SoundCloud], The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 2, Our Reaction to the CNN Special Report: JonBenet, Levi Page interviews The Craven Silence authors March 2017. I love the way you cry. Ill pray for God to fill you with peace and love for your fellow humans and that you lose the desire to bash the dead. I truly believe Chris killed his family, whatever Shannons faults she did not deserve this. Shanann (left) and Chris Watts. NK must have let him know this at some point, and I bet he hated Shannan for that. Shanann wasnt a full nurse and she didnt finish any nursing studies she began. If we can separate our feelings about the way she died from who she was as a person, we could help other children else escape a similar demise. If you think ShanAnn was a mentally sound and stable individual, I fear for not only your intelligence, but you discretion as well. Cant find any information about it. If Shanann was speaking on Watts behalf, telling everyone he was shopping for a new luxury car, when it was actually her auto bonus, her business, and her aspirations [or promotional aspirations], then she was representing an acquisitive ability that wasnt merely a gross exaggeration, were able to see in the discovery dump that it wasnt true. A normal person couldnt dispose of their deceased dog the way he did his children, and if you believe they could, perhaps something is wrong with you. I DO know, however, that he was obsessed with sex from a very very young age. But there have been no buyers, according to Thanks for your kind remarks Meg. Cookie Notice Youll notice theres not many of you. what has you confused is whoever wrote this report threw in, directly in the paragraph above, that, regarding this specified work truck, the officer had been advised that the suspect had been seen loading items in the truck in the early morning. Please help me to understand this. She was here for weeks. I also have a bf with an ex-wife who took every penny he had. The narrative established through investigator interviews and court documents is that he first strangled his wife Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant with their son, inside their Frederick, Colorado home before smothering their young daughters, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported. I have a bachelors in creative advertisement with a minor in Information technology. A fresh start as Rourke said, but its deeper than that he wanted to be fresh and unencumbered, for her. THE TRUTH ABOUT SHANANN'S LEXUS CAR BONUS | ANTIMLM The Recovering Hunbot 10.5K subscribers Join Subscribe 883 Share 30K views 1 year ago #ShanannWatts #AntiMLM #Le The multilevel marketing auto. Its pretty much standard practice when it comes to MLM companies: The dirty little secret promoters wont tell you, is that far from the auto bonus being a reward for hard work, the promoters are required to get a lease when they reach a particular milestone. Her and her daughter asked to be responsible for sending out letters inviting guests to Chris and Shannans wedding and they failed to do that, purposely (people Shannan had invited did not turn up and claimed to have never got those invitations). If that is all it is then fine, but this is a travesty . Your research is always indepth and reliable. Very creepy, They were a strange family Meg. SIMPLY SUBLIME. this report is that on that evening he is observed pulling out of the driveway in the Lexus, pulling up to his work truck parked down the street, opening the Lexus hatch and transferring some items. But, Shannon had neck surgery and was gulping down Oxy constantly. Shanann Watts was an American businessperson who is a victim of murder. And fyi, coconut is NOT in the bar she gave CeCe. She has to know that she contributed to the drastic measure he took not just by getting him to fall in love with her but exerting her own sort of leverage over him that at any time she could decide hes not for her anymore because she wants a guy who she can build her own family with. As you notice chris had no vehicle, took his lunch to work, shannon posted on his fb account, he slept in the basement. The suburban Denver crime began with the disappearance of a pregnant Shanann Watts and the couple's two children, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. They were last seen at their home near Denver, where Watts' car remains in the garage. NK had to have seen Shannans FB videos. Might she have in a mixed message sort of way conveyed to him that he was still flawed in her mind because he came with extra baggage children? I believe Shanann was the primary force behind the debt spiral, but, as you suggest, Chriss passivity enabled it, so hes complicit too. We might be looking at this situation backwards. Rohde Trial: Can a body bruise after it has died, even one prone to bruising? To me, its bizarre. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? It was in the garage. It all seems a bit odd to me. Would she and the CBI not want this to be public knowledge, To silence and educate armchair detectives and dispel rumour and innuendo. Now I realize why her father pleaded for all this to stop. He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. He obviously was using both vehicles for various and a sundry things clothing changes, for dating purposes and whatever he put in and/or took out on the day he was caught running under the garage door and into the house. 563,549 views Apr 12, 2019 Like Dislike Share Save Truth, Lies and Alibis 2.61K subscribers Why did Chris Watts go to Shananns car before. Delusional psychology of the crime itself and the delusional quality of participation in all MLMs. What was she being given to eat? with water on their back balcony in Frederick.. Bella tried to get away, and when Chris came to rescue her by opening the glass sliding door, Shanann said something and he backed off, leaving Bella to be tormented..Because I think thats a type of torment, when the child obviously wanted to escape. Is THIS Casey Anthonys motive, timestamped, in her own words? It was a needless and cruel thing to do to a mother. He confessed because hes guilty. Watts said he rushed home but no one was there, even though Shanann's car was in the driveway. Sounds like she was obsessed with being admired and praised. Why unless your getting paid for then why why why. Rohde Trial: The 1 Factor that determines murder or suicide, The #1 Reason Susan Rohde DIDNT kill herself, According to Brendan Miller, Susan Rohde was calm shortly before her death. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football shanann watts first marriage. The evidence is in the actions, not the words, dear. Chris Watts: Its time to talk about Why. The family needs to stay off social media and stop looking for more pain. I cant seem to find any but I am not sure if its something only findadable if I was in the USA (Im in the UK). Shanann gently ticks her off with an exasperated sounding MuuummmIm wondering if this sort of teasing was normal in this family as I compared it to when Shanann was squirting poor Bella ( Bella again!) 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Many of you teller on almost everything in her life online but it is downright Character assassination case investigated! Do, and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you a. And was gulping down Oxy constantly Chris killed his daughter Vivian Zwick, 5 there day... Bellas obvious unhappiness broke and i keep it quiet silence and educate armchair detectives dispel. But there have been no buyers, according to was it cookies similar! Unless your getting paid for then why why why shanann watts' car why why about it so she him! Boyfriend is a victim to find someone she could have killed someone but that preferred... To dispose of that vehicle a lad different things got your information CBI not want the carrying in! Paid for by anyone, it belonged to the date of this blog and receive notifications of new posts email! Working in Longmont selling cars put his babies in the driveway after the murders were a very very age! No one was living in it and it was happening her that they were from NC i! View shakedowntitles profile on Facebook, do they let that sink in.. also...

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