hades best hammer upgrades for shield

hades best hammer upgrades for shield

It depends on the specific Hades shield build when it comes to Boons, but the player can try all of them, so provided they use the Aegis enough, they can check off all the boxes eventually. Combining this with Dread Flight, Explosive Return, or Charged Flight can really make the special a much more viable damage dealer. Though this isnt technically an increase of damage, it does mean that players will be able to deal the most damage faster and for a bit longer than usual. Which is a strange idea, because the weapon is nothing without the Boons, Aspects, and Daedalus Upgrades that go with it. The higher the level of the Aspect, the more effective its improvement is. Naeglings Board moveset deals higher damage than usual, and you can load your Cast into your Bull Rush to turn it into an upgraded Dragon Rush. Your Special deals +50% damage; +50% Critical chance on recovery. With Concentrated Volley players will be able to amplify the amount of damage that they deal with their Special. Players will also be unable to combine the Cruel Thrust with World Splitter or Flurry Slash. Your email address will not be published. Or charged shot which is just good in general. Bonus Attack and Dash-Strike damage (+3/6/9/12/15), After you Bull Rush, your next Special throws multiple shields (+1/2/3/4/5). Players should note that if they have selected Triple Shot or Sniper Shot they will not be able to use Twin Shot. That being said, the upgrades a player can potentially receive from the Daedalus Hammer may also impact which secret Weapon upgrade a player chooses when using Titan Blood to upgrade the Weapon. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you get tired of the shield and want something else, check out our guides for the best bow builds and best sword builds as well. To execute, first use Dash, then Special. In most cases, I would strongly recommend avoiding trying to focus your damage output on using your Special, as realistically its not going to be able to be powered up significantly enough to use solely, but using it to apply Status Curses works extremely well. Also known as the Captain American Build or the Knockback Build, this is the shield build with the most defensive options, including crowd control and battlefield organization. Realistically, this can help a player with sustain, especially if they are good at ensuring that they are consistently dealing damage, but when a player is against ranged enemies this can actually be a hinderance if not a worry. So let's now go over each of the six Infernal Arms in Hades, with a description of their moveset and tips for success, along with a full list of each weapon's Aspects and Daedalus upgrades. Your Attack seeks the nearest foe and deals +10% damage. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. I like that there aren't hammers I'm trying to avoid, but besides that it's more of the same. Now, the only issue is that the attacks will work in a V fashion ultimately meaning that it will be a bit difficult to aim the other two added attacks, though having this much area of effect tends to be good no matter what a player is doing. Weapon and Aspect:. Highest DPS hammers for Chaos shield are probably Charged Shot and Explosive Return. Similarly, players will not be able to use Rush Kick with the Aspect of Talos. Admittedly, there are some Aspects players will absolutely want to to put the Massive Spin on and I also have to admit that I need to get better at using my Spin Attack, because Im just a lazy bastard. Not much else to say, really. Dash-strike is your bread and butter. Your Special becomes Magnetic Cutter; its pull deals 20 damage. Players can also trade them at the Wretched Broker in the House of Hades for a variety of currency and useful items. Malphon boasts the highest attack rate of any melee weapon, which increases its potential when upgraded. Magnetic Cutter pulls foes in towards you; affected foes take bonus attack/cast damage for 4s. While essentially Breaching Rush will not be adding a whole lot of base damage for a player, players will be happy in the final few stages of their escape as Armour can significantly increase the amount of time it takes to clear these areas. When Zagreus is armed with the shield and comes into contact with his thunderbolt-wielding uncle or his stoic warrior cousin, they comment on their personal connection with the shield. The one which buffs your special ideally. For me, Im not a fan, but I cannot deny how strong this can be especially if players are building good damage on their Special. The best thing about Breaching Slash is that it will also work if players are Dash-Striking, which many other Armour breaking passives wont. The Long Knuckle is quite a nice upgrade to have on your Twin Fists as it both increases your range and will provide players with a 10% damage boost. With Charged Shot, players will be able to shoot an arrow that pierces enemies and deals 80 base damage, which is fairly significant, however it still takes a good amount of time to charge up. It should be noted that Perfect Shot cannot be accessible if players are using Flurry Shot. Sometimes the bone-etched visage shudders as though it means to speak. Players will attack 60% faster and will technically deal more damage per second than other upgrades. Start with either Demeter, Aphrodite, or Poseidon, relying on either the power of ice to slow enemies, love to confuse them, or tidal power to push them back. My third favourite weapon is Stygius - the old reliable sword which deals excellent, reliable damage whether you choose to focus on the regular attack combo or the area-of-effect special attack. However, the Aspect of Hades's spin attack does inflict a fairly powerful debuff, especially if you get the hammer upgrade that speeds up spin attack charge time. Heavy Knuckle changes a players combo, essentially making it a slow 3-hit sequence that stabilizes the amount of damage players output. Your Special automatically seeks the foe last struck by your Attack. It should be noted that Chain Shot cannot be combined with Explosive Shot. Players will also not be able to get Flurry Slash if they have Aspect of Arthur, admittedly for good reasons. It should be noted that Relentless Volley cannot be used in tandem with Charged Volley. Hold Special for up to 300% damage; minimum range is reduced. You cant really go wrong with either of those. All rights reserved. This upgrade is best used when players have the Aspect that causes the players Special to become a homing attack on the most recently damaged enemy. Your Attack has more range and deals +10% damage. Hazard Bomb can be a struggle to use if players are running the Aspect of Eris, as they will be required to stand in the damage of the Hazard Bomb in order to deal more damage with their basic attacks. Triple Shot can be an extremely useful upgrade to have as it will essentially make it so every Attack will shoot in a V formation. With this upgrade active, Zagreus will become Sturdy for 3. Your Special deals +4 damage for each consecutive hit to a foe. A Daedalus Hammer is an Artifact that improves your weapon by upgrading its attacks. Hold the attack button and release it to charge forwards, a move that can also be used to cross rivers of lava or slip through walls. Pulverizing Blow: Attack hits two times, no knockback effect. Because the shield aspect has some inherent knockback, it tends to work well with Poseidon since he gets a bunch of boons that increase the damage from slamming enemies into walls and each other. Ferocious Guard is nice, I suppose. Hoarding Slash will provide players with a 5% damage buff based on a players current Charons Obol, meaning that if a player is hoarding onto 1,000 Charons Obol by the end game, they will be dealing 50% extra damage, which is fairly typical for me. Most are solid choices, or at least viable when built around. I've had one run where I got it in Tartarus and built around it, and it was pretty powerful. Hold Special for longer range and up to +200% damage. This is extra helpful in the last stage before defeating Hades as the hoards of mobs tend to be difficult to defeat when using the Adamant Rail. Players will also be unable to use Spread Fire if they have the Aspect of Lucifer. Normally when I'm using non-hidden shield, I do a loop of dash-strikes and bull rushes, releasing the bull rush as soon as possible to maximize dps. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture . With Chain Skewer, essentially players will be able to damage up to 7 foes for each of the uses players use on their Special. The only technical re-roll players will have access to is using the Anvil of Fates. Personally, I consider Coronacht to be the best weapon in Hades. Would that the stalwart warrior-king's sword offered similar protection. Advertisement. It should be noted that players will not be able to use Explosive Upper with Kinetic Launcher. I would strongly recommend against Flurry Jab in the late game because youre going to have to get used to using Spin Attacks for some of the Aspects that are available to you, but call me a hypocrite because Ive admitted so many times how lazy I am to properly learn how to Spin Attack. Essentially players will want to throw their Special in between regular attacks in order to deal 80% extra damage to the next two attacks. Players will not be able to obtain Cruel Thrust if they have the Weapon upgrade Aspect of Arthur, which makes sense as the Aspect of Arthur Stygian Blade already deals an obscene amount of damage with its Thrust. Combine that with any of the offensive powers of Zeus, Ares, or Poseidon for a build that strikes a nice balance between reducing damage and dealing it out. Nectar, an earlier version of Ambrosia, is sufficient for getting the keepsakes Zag needs. Players should also note that if they have chosen the upgrade Aspect of Arthur for their Stygian Blade, they will not be able to access this upgrade at all. It also boasts probably the highest utility of any Hades weapon, with a punishing attack, a ranged throw for smaller enemies, and a charge attack for quickly closing or increasing the gap between you and the enemy. In my opinion, Greater Consecration is one of the best ways to protect a player from taking too much damage as in the Holy Excalibur aura, players take less damage, even without the slow. Ill be honest, this one is a bit of a hit and a miss for me. While Dread Flight does not deal any extra damage, it provides players the ability to strike up to 4 additional enemies before it returns to the player. Flurry Jab is realistically the upgrade I used to choose always, but I realized that its not actually that useful as I kept using it. Dashing Wallop is an interesting upgrade to take as it will increase a players Dash Attack by 50%. Reaching the highest level in all Aspects requires 51 Titan Blood. I still prefer other options, personally, but if you get this hammer early enough and build around it I can see it being strong. While not always a problem, as in the early game, most sets of Boons will be able to carry a player through an escape, in the late game players are going to want to ensure that they have the best types of Boons set up so they can guarantee a successful escape, this including the Daedalus Hammer. Also, if you dash before the Special detonates, the AoE effect will follow you, giving you what is in essence a super-charged dash-strike. This is essentially the same thing, with the purple tending to be more offensive powers and the green ones as more defensive or passive abilities. . This upgrade is a great additional way to deal damage, though its definitely a secondary upgrade versus a primary. These upgrades don't persist between runs, but they are extremely powerful bonuses that you should prioritise finding throughout each run. There are attack hammers, special hammers, and two miscellaneous hammers, all of which will be covered in their own section. As much as 80% isnt the biggest increase, players will really see a bonus in damage while using Empowered Flight, especially if they already have damage built up on their basic attack. Varatha's charge-up Spin Attack is what you should construct your build around in every Varatha run. Your Attack restores 2 Health, but you have -60% Health. Best Hades Aspects Tier Lists. Finally, each weapon in Hades has a specific set of Daedalus Hammer upgrades which you'll gain by picking up Daedalus Hammers throughout your run. Knockback boons work a treat with this build, since they let you group enemies at a distance while you charge the Bull Rush. This isvery important as you will be shooting yourself in the foot otherwise. I would say its more necessary for the Aspect of Guan Yu, but thats the only time I always choose it. Double Nova is a particular kind of upgrade in my opinion as it will allow players to deal damage with their Special twice in a row (automatically), however it takes away the Specials ability to Knockback enemies. His powers are a combination of damage and crowd control. It has the Aspect of Zagreus , which . You can also dash instead of releasing, and you'll dash forward to unleash the Spin Attack. One of the most important upgrades players can get in Hades comes from encountering the Daedalus Hammer artifact. With Colossus Knuckle players will gain Sturdy any time they Attack or use their Special. Hold Attack to shoot rapidly, but you cannot Power Shot. Sniper Shot allows players to deal 200% damage to all distant foes, being one of the strongest upgrades players can access when using the Heart-Seeking Bow. However, I feel like this hammer is pretty weak, even in that case. Best Hades Aspects Tier ListsSword Spear Shield Bow Fist Rail. Mix it up with some Boons from Ares if the damage bonus is preferable to better defense. Anything that gives your Dash some measure of power is also recommended, especially if you're playing with Pacts. The Adamant Rail will now shoot 3-round bursts and will have their cooldown between shots reduced to 0.035 seconds, though they will have a 0.5 cooldown between the triple rounds. Quite frankly, this isnt that bad of an upgrade if players are good enough at blocking damage, as 10 seconds of boosting damage will actually prove to be more than you think. Admittedly, Im a fan of Chain Skewer, especially when learning how to use the Eternal Spear. Bow is my favorite weapon at the moment. Breaching Rush is great upgrade to have with the Shield of Chaos as it can be difficult to deal damage using it, especially when enemies have Armour. With Massive Spin, players will be able to deal 125% extra damage with their Spin attack and will also gain a 30% radius on their Spin Attack, making it very powerful. Players should note that they will not be able to access Chain Skewer if they are using the Exploding Launcher upgrade or if they are using Aspect of Guan Yu or Aspect of Achilles, making it an upgrade you dont see fairly often in the late-game depending on your playstyle. There's an awful lot to learn about each one, with different movesets, upgrades, and aspects to unlock for each Infernal Arm throughout your journeys. It should be noted that players cannot use Eternal Chamber with Concentrated Beam. It should be noted that players will not be able to combine this with Flying Cutter or Kinetic Launcher. Unlike the other builds, which tend to focus on Boons from a particular deity and support from only one or two others, this build is a diverse mix of several and is flexible depending on individual preference. Vicious Skewer is realistically not a favourite for me, although admittedly it can help a player deal a good amount of damage while trying to use their Special. While missing out on upgrades from a Daedalus Hammer may be game changing, players will have to bite their lip and take it as only a single Daedalus Hammer can be received in 2 of the 3 areas before the Temple of Styx. I understand using Flurry Slash if youre struggling to land Combos, but if youre not well, dont take it! You can still Attack before the shield is recalled. An Aspect will not only change the appearance of the Shield of Chaos, but will also improve its attacks. If players are worried that they are not going to locate a Daedalus Hammer as a room reward, players can choose to visit Charon in any area that hasnt provided them with a Daedalus Hammer for a chance to purchase it for 200 Charons Obols before reaching the Temple of Styx. Essentially with Ricochet Fire, players will deal damage to an extra foe anytime they deal damage with their basic attack as long as there is an enemy in the area. His Keepsake is the Conch Shell. I'm fairly certain dashing flight would speed the extra Shields as well, until they expire. Triple Bomb lets you use your Special three times in rapid succession, and Targeting System slows down foes targeted by your Special, plus deals additional damage. With Extending Jab, players will see a 40% increase to their range and a 40% increase to damage to distant foes, essentially being those who are more than 475 distance away. You don't need to special to activate it, just block something, but the damage increase is even more negligible. Players using Aspect of Hades or Aspect of Guan Yu rightfully will also not see this upgrade. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When using the aspect of Zeus, any boon that upgrades your. Take, for example, the Varatha spear. Unyielding Defense for the hidden aspect is one of the worst hammers in my opinion. The player has to equip the shield in the house and interact with its information screen to activate the Aspect. Links to Chthonic Conversations Index and Collection. Quite frankly, although the Quick Spin doesnt add damage, it will really help a player manipulate the way they move a lot easier and is truly the only way youre going to see me using the Spin Attack. Your Special deals +400% damage to Armor. Like so many other things in Hades, the dialogue with other characters changes depending on the circumstances. I think attack tends to be better to build towards than special on shield, so I just don't value this hammer that highly, because it doesn't do much to improve the special's ability to supplement your attack. In Hades, the purpose of Titan Blood is to upgrade weapon abilities called Aspects. The following are all of the upgrades players can get for the Shield of Chaos. Increases Nova damage. Your Attack deals bonus damage equal to 5% of your current Coin. Gfinity Esports is supported by its audience. Catching all the shields will only deal area damage once. It's worth noting that the shield is capable of blocking nearly anything, including attacks from bosses, except for traps and AoE attacks. Each shot from Spread Fire will deal 40 damage and a players ammo capacity will be reduced by 6. Players will be able to rely on the Special to remove the Armour off of all enemies, especially if players are using the Aspect that causes all Special attacks to target the last hit enemy. In fact, you should probably wear the Dionysus accessory when starting a run with this shield so you dont have any chance of getting screwed by RNG. Alright. Bonus Special damage, range, and speed (+10/14/18/22/25%), After your Special, you can retrieve your Spear with Raging Rush. To further clarify the locations of the Daedalus Hammers, players will only be able to locate a single one in Tartarus or Asphodel (the first two locations) and will be able to receive the second one in Elysium, the third location. Players will also be unable to access Explosive Fire if they have the Aspect of Lucifer on. Players should note that Hazard Bomb cannot be combined with Rocket Bomb, Cluster Bomb or Triple Bomb and players will not be able to use it if they have the Aspect of Lucifer. IF youre building a good amount of damage for your Special, this may be the choice for you, however, if youre using your Special to finish off enemies or open up damage against them, this is not the upgrade for you. It's one of several ways to build each of the Infernal Arms when putting together the best Hades shield build. Having tried them all multiple times, Id recommend Dionysus. One might be in the very first room, taking the place of a god's boon, or appear as a reward for. I hate, hate, hate it. Realistically, this is going to be your absolute top tier upgrade in most situations. It was used to battle the Titans, and although the original was shattered in that fight, a piece of it remained to be refitted for Zagreus. Aegis is the safest (and most commonly used) weapon in Hades on average, which makes sense considering it's a shield. With Quick Spin, players no longer have to deal with the first charge state of the Quick Spin and will only have to wait 0.15 seconds for the second stage or 0.3 seconds for the third state. Don't forget that his Keepsake is the Blood-Filled Vial. Mastery of this powerful bow relies on good timing, because you'll need to get used to its power-shot with and without dash-striking (more on this shortly), but once you've got that down, this weapon allows you to deal massive and consistent damage from a safe distance, which will help an awful lot in the later realms (particularly Styx) when you're almost guaranteed to take damage getting into melee range with certain enemies. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Try them out, experiment with them, and see what suits. The Aspect of Chaos is a little underwhelming until you rank it up to level 4 or 5, at which point is becomes one of the best weapons in the game. Each of the Infernal Arms can be customized in a variety of ways for strategic defense, extra damage, or just a lot of explosive fun. The Hammer's upgrades vary from weapon to weapon, with some being minor adjustments and others shifting the playstyle of the weapon entirely. The Shield of Chaos has 4 Aspects: Zagreus, Chaos, Zeus, and Beowulf. Ill be honest, Im mostly a fan of this one because I like to dodge attack while weaving in damage using my Special, however, this choice is merely going to depend on a players play style. Ill be honest I hate Flurry Slash. Honestly, yes, this lowers your DPS in many situations, but it really helps players who are struggling with this Weapon. 30 damage isnt anything to scoff at when using the Stygian Blade, however, there is no way to upgrade this damage and by end-game it will still deal this amount. While this can be helpful in situations where a player has bad rolls, it can also be harmful to players who have a single good passive, so make your decision wisely. With Explosive Fire players will deal damage in an area instead of a single target and will briefly slow enemies. Its really no secret that Im a scared boy who tries his hardest not to spend all of his time tanking and spanking, so whenever I pick up the Eternal Spear I try making sure that I utilize its special as often as I can, simply because it can deal a decent amount of damage from afar. It should be noted that players will not be able to activate Shadow Slash with their Dash-Strike and that the damage dealt from Shadow Slash is actually additive. And aside from Boons, these upgrades come in two forms: Aspects, and Daedalus Hammer upgrades. Skip to main content. Your Dash-Strike hits 3 times, but your dash has -20% range. Aside from that, we also recommend Minotaur Rush and Breaching Rush for buffing the Rush attack even more. A good upgrade, although I typically dont use it. The Dash Nova is a hit or miss for me as it essentially changes the way that your Special works. Video Game Reviews & Guides as Basic as They Come, Last Updated January 27, 2022 By Johnny Salib / FlamingGaymer Leave a Comment. Level up your Keepsakes. Your Special is replaced with a rocket that deals 80 base damage. Explosive Return is surprisingly strong, in my opinion. Choose a keepsake depending on which focus Zagreus wants and follow a natural progression to ranged damage from there for the best and most flexible shield builds in Hades. The best weapons of Hades, their unique powers, and when they are perfect to use [Top 5] Hades Best Weapons and How To Get Them. Give me your thoughts down below. Overall, I like the attack hammers. Choose carefully, as some Upgrades are incompatible with certain Boons and Aspects. Winged Serpent is an Aspect of Guan Yu exclusive upgrade that will provide players with the ability to allow the Frost Fair Blade Spin Attack to travel 80% longer. Once players are provided with the three choices, players will not be able to select a new three choices, even if they are unhappy with the passives rolled. *Blitz Disc will move through foes until stopping in place for 10 seconds or until Special is pressed again, at which point it travels back to Zagreus. There are six weapons in total, but you only start with one - Stygius, the sword. Players will want to make sure if they want a good amount of healing to regularly weave their Special in and will also want to make sure that their Special has a good amount of damage as the Special takes a bit of time to charge, meaning that players cannot simply spam the Special to burst down enemies. Bonus damage post-Punishing Sweep: (+30/60/90/120/150%). Like all other weapons, each Aspect has 5 levels that can be unlocked by spending Titan Blood. Dread Flight is okay, I suppose, if you have Zeus or Ares special. Not only that, Dashing Wallop will also damage enemies in a larger radius, essentially making it a more useable for players. Essentially with Repulse Shot players will be able to Knockback enemies while focussing on far off enemies whenever they attack. Essentially players will gain a charged range attack that deals 50 base damage, though players can Power Shot to deal more damage. But this can prolong the amount of health you have if youre someone who struggles with health. Both the slow and the extra damage will come in handy for players, especially with a melee Weapon. Quake Cutter - really bad and actual downgrade. It's a more offensive build focused on movement, on dashing into the fray, then attacking everyone near by, before retreating and doing it all again. Super Nova is an upgrade I typically avoid, as Im not someone who relies on the Stygian Blades Special. Still, the amount of burst damage you can output with this thing is insane, and you get your shards back instantly, which allows you to use Infernal Soul instead of Stygian Soul for more base shards. Big range, big area of effect, hits behind cover or even shielded enemies in the back. For example, Dash-Strokes will not restore Health and if players have Piercing Wave they will also not receive any Health. Sudden Rush, like Charged Shot, makes the weapon feel far more fluid to use. Consider Coronacht to be your absolute top Tier upgrade in most situations can... When upgraded this can prolong the amount of damage that they deal with their Special Special! Flurry Slash who struggles with Health Special works around in every varatha run that are. % ) that the stalwart warrior-king 's sword offered similar protection be able to get Flurry Slash or Slash... Players output both the slow and the extra shields as well, dont take it for! 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