1st air cavalry division vietnam roster

1st air cavalry division vietnam roster

EFR CPR/AED; DAN Diver Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) Altitude Diver; Aware - Coral Reef Conservation Diver; Aware - Fish ID; Boat Diver; Deep Diver; Digital Underwater Photographer; Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Diver; Drift . WOMACK ROY ARNOLD SGT 19690330 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav If you have notes or photos pertaining to any of our helicopter that is not already covered on the website, please get it to Mike at: "Peake, Michael" He has been added along with an obituary. November 14, 1965 marked a pivotal moment in U.S. involvement in Vietnam. ENLIST. TULLIS JAMES CLEVELAND SGT 19680702 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Gary Hatfield Captain UH-1D Slick Pilot does a video interview at the Mesa, Arizona Centaur Reunion, telling about his arriving with D Troop in country and settling in at Cu Chi. It authorized a square division organization of 7,463 officers and men, organized as follows: Headquarters Element (34 men) Two Cavalry Brigades (2,803 men each) Super Sarge (Richard Stegner) was my gunner that day and he would know. An Info/Obit page has been added (linked to his MyPage). It is not too far out to be thinking about it. The COs Adjutant took pictures and you can view them on Facebook at 34CavRaiders. This photo on the left from an Obituary is thought to be him. Project Sky Trooper was compiled and organized by MSG (Ret) Daniel P. Gillotti. Got to be some stories here. The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army (and previously, the United States Army Air Forces). Kenneth W. Davis SP4 Slick Crew Chief is identified by David Stromberg in photo #20 of Bruce Hinds Photo album. This was the first relief of the defenders of Khe Sanh. Mike went through the Army's Shotgun (Door Gunner) program on his way to Nam. Cav. MARIN-RAMOS HECTOR RAMON SGT 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The AH-1 Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition? .. Centaur Website Newsletter - January 2023, Dwight W. Birdwell SP5, C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, at long last received his Medal Of Honor from President Biden on 5 July 2022 at the White House. There are many reasons why these errors occurred and it would not serve any useful purpose to elaborate on them now, 30+ years after the war. CHANDLER CHARLES WILLIAM CPT 19690426 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Third, each Cav Brigade had . DOUGHERTY ROBERT JOSEPH PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Interesting thing happened the other day . Type site:centaursinvietnam.org marcinkowski into Google Search in your browser to see how many times Moose is mentioned on our website. The history of the 1st Cavalry Division began in 1921 after the army established a permanent cavalry division table of organization and equipment on 4 April 1921. HEINSELMAN THEODORE E SP4 19690326 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav do koalas have poisonous claws. H Troop . Please send Jan White (our Reunion Host) an email soon and let him know you might make it! 1031 E Highline Drive, Payson, AZ 85541 (Summer) Input so far: x02 - the Loach on the trailer is Iron Butterfly; x12 - guy on the right may be Jim Tonelli; x15 - This might be Tom Olsson, John Jones (UK - BonusPrint Patches) - Notifies us of an ICCS - JCC Conference titled "1973: The Paris Peace Accords and the Allied Withdrawal from South Vietnam" March 2-4, 2023, in Lubbock, Texas (Proposal deadline is 15 Jan 2023). Feb. 20,, Interment J.B. National Cemetery, Mehlville, MO 63129. "Oh, when was that?" Imagine how much better our website would be if at least every year or so, every Centaur took the time to review their information, and that of the men they served with, and recommend corrections to be made. That has been corrected thanks to Pete. (We took 37 hits). WALTERS CRAIG COLLINS SP4 19680505 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav SMITH LLEWELLYN ANTONIO PFC 19660915 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav HOBBS RONALD WAYNE SP4 19660212 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav BENTFELD JOHN JOSEPH PFC 19670202 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Helicopters of the 1st Air Cavalry Division arrive to bring reinforcement teams into Cambodia and on the return flight, airlifts a seized NVA weapons cache. In the Dwight Birdwell MOH citation he mentions running to a crashed Huey and getting two machine guns and ammo to continue his fight. Photo from Kim Schmidgall MP1. His Obituary page is linked to from his name on the Centaur Friends website page. to 1st Inf. The new Holiday Inn, right on the Panama City Beach, is going to be the location. The Lady Ace Rescue - 11 July 1972: Randy Baisden and Pete Holmberg tell this first hand story of the extraordinary battle where the Centaurs came to the aid of a downed Marine Corps troop helicopter. He is mentioned in Joe Hoover's Sapper Attack Story. Here is an example (4th Air Cav Division?) Westmoreland's message did not apply to the 1st Cavalry Division because of three things. Checking In, Every effort was made to make this list as accurate as possible using the resources available. Photos and memories from a tour in Vietnam as a combat medic with the 2/2nd Infantry (Mechanized) Ramrods (April - Sept. '67) and 2/28th Infantry Black Lions (Sept. '67 - April '68), 1st Infantry Division. Home / Uncategorized / 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. Im not certain if we left our guys or not. Be sure to watch the video interview he did at the 2014 Reunion in San Antonio where he talks of his great crewmembers and pilots. The Letter of Appreciation from our LTC Glenn Otis to the Wolfhounds January 1968) for their actions during TET, is prominently displayed on the wall in their rec room/lounge, with a Plaque from the Wolfhounds. Some browsers may try to block Wayback or say it is not a secure website. RF JTNXBY - One of the unique pieces of equipment brought to Vietnam by the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), U.S. Army, is the huge Sky Crane CH-54A helicopter which can lift tremendous loads. Do you have anyone who knew him and could tell me more about him? CANTRELL LESLIE HOWARD CPL 19660209 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Left voicemail message for him (Colorado). Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at usarmy.hood.1-cd.mbx.1cd-division-comrel@mail.mil. So we will need to glean information as best we can, from these now public domain images. On 1 August 1965, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) was sent to Vietnam. Can you verify or provide additional information? Charlie O. Johnson CPT Heavy Weapons Leader June 1967 to July 1968, died at home on 7 Feb 2023. NOTE: If you click on Manage Cookie Settings instead of Accept All Cookies, then Accept Selection, you can avoid the BonusPrint Website marketing cookies. Some real nice things like these coins. During the Vietnam War, the 101st Airborne Division fought in several major campaigns and battles, including the Battle of Hamburger Hill in May 1969. Ghosts of Fallujah (written by Coley D. Tyler) is a first person account of the Second Battalion, Seventh Cavalrys participation in the Second Battle of Fallujah, the largest single engagement of the Iraq War and the largest urban battle since Hue in 1968. Gaylen flew Chinooks on his second tour and went on to be President Nixon's pilot in "Army One" 1970-1974. I do recall him using his M60 almost Rambo like. Hear three personal perspectives from men who survived. CASTRO JORGE ARTURO PFC 19680414 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav On 12 November, Brigadier General Richard T. Knowles, the assistant division commander, ordered 3rd Brigade to conduct an air assault operation near the heart of a suspected enemy base camp on the Chu Pong Massif above the Ia Drang valley. TAYLOR THEODORE F JR PFC 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav To view the citations visit the Vietnam War DSC Citations page. Our Squadron Commander Glenn Otis worked for decades after the war to get Birdwells Silver Star from the Battle for Saigon (TET Offensive) upgraded to the Medal of Honor. index: News, Checking In, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions, Glossary. BIRMINGHAM TERRY WAYNE SGT 19680102 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Can you name any of the Cobra Crew Chiefs in this Bill Malloy pic 1973 at Tan My? Donations, DD2536 Asset Request Form (Horse Detachment), CASEY GEORGE WILLIAM MG 19700707 HHC, 1st Cav Div, CRISP JOHN HAROLD PFC 19690512 1st Cav Div Band, ADAMS EMMITT COLON PFC 19660220 A Co 13th Sig Bn, GOMES ALLEN EDWARD SP5 19681003 HHC 13th Sig Bn, ACKERMAN JOHN ROBERT PFC 19651116 A Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, ALKIRE THEODORE A JR SGT 19661121 C Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, ABBOTT GUY FRANCIS SFC 19690223 D Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, BELL NEWTON THOMAS JR PFC 19690818 E Co 1st Bn 5th Cav, BAUZA-PEREZ JUAN SP4 19690109 HHC 1st Bn 5th Cav, ABSTON JAMES ESTUS JR PFC 19670227 A Co 2nd Bn 5th Cav, AMOS JAMES ALBERT PFC 19690727 B Co 2nd Bn 5th Cav, ALDERSON MICHAEL EDWARD PFC 19670311 C Co 2nd Bn 5th Cav, ANDERSON GERALD ROBERT SP4 19680204 D Co 2nd Bn 5th Cav, BAKER SAMUEL THOMAS SGT 19690514 E Co 2nd Bn 5th Cav, ANDERSEN WILLIAM T JR SFC 19680701 HHC 2nd Bn 5th Cav, BURGESON VERNON WALTER SSG 19680417 A Trp 3rd Sqd 5th Cav, BURKE PATRICK KEVIN CPL 19680330 B Trp 3rd Sqd 5th Cav, FLOYD ROBERT EUGENE SGT 19680331 C Trp 3rd Sqd 5th Cav, BROPHY DANIEL RALPH SP4 19680624 D Trp 3rd Sqd 5th Cav, QUINN ROGER ALLAN MAJ 19680403 HHT 3rd Sqd 5th Cav, ALESHIRE RONALD LEE PFC 19680618 A Co 1st Bn 7th Cav, ACKERMAN JAMES CARROLL JR PFC 19680322 B Co 1st Bn 7th Cav, AKKERMAN DUANE CHARLES PFC 19671027 C Co 1st Bn 7th Cav, AALUND JAMES DOWNING SGT 19700228 D Co 1st Bn 7th Cav, BARNES WILLIAM ACKER SGT 19691209 E Co 1st Bn 7th Cav, ANDERSON GEORGE ROLAN SSG 19681006 HHC 1st Bn 7th Cav, CULVER WILLIAM RONALD PVT 19700206 1st Bn 7th Cav, ACEVEDO ROBERTO SP4 19690212 A Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav, ADAMS LEE SCOTT 2LT 19680406 B Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav, ALEXANDER CARL THEODORE CPL 19690110 C Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav, AMODIAS OSVALDO SGT 19651117 D Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav, ADAMS FRANK DAVID PFC 19680808 E Co 2nd Bn 7th Cav, ANDERS CHARLIE SP4 19651117 HHC 2nd Bn 7th Cav, ALDRED JAMES VINCENT SP4 19691020 A Co 5th Bn 7th Cav, ALBANESE LEWIS PFC 19661201 B Co 5th Bn 7th Cav, ARD HENRY PSGT 19661031 C Co 5th Bn 7th Cav, ANDERSON RANDALL BRUCE PFC 19680119 D Co 5th Bn 7th Cav, BARTELL MICHAEL RICHARD SP4 19680918 E Co 5th Bn 7th Cav, ALLEY MICHAEL MORRIS SP4 19680212 HHC 5th Bn 7th Cav, ADAMS DAVID LEE PFC 19670531 A Co 1st Bn 8th Cav, ALBERTINI JAMES CHRISTOPH CPL 19680213 B Co 1st Bn 8th Cav, ALLEN DEAN BROOKS 1LT 19690718 C Co 1st Bn 8th Cav, ALLISON WILLIAM EDWIN PFC 19670702 D Co 1st Bn 8th Cav, BLAIR PATRICK LYNN SGT 19690321 E Co 1st Bn 8th Cav, CHRISTJOHN PAUL EMERSON PFC 19680909 HHC 1st Bn 8th Cav, ANDERSON LEE DAVID SSG 19660224 A Co 2nd Bn 8th Cav, ALBERTS FRANCIS JOHN SGT 19660827 B Co 2nd Bn 8th Cav, ABBOTT WALLACE ADRION PFC 19661104 C Co 2nd Bn 8th Cav, AGUILAR OSCAR SP4 19720510 D Co 2nd Bn 8th Cav, ALICEA-SERRANO DAVID SGT 19690517 E Co 2nd Bn 8th Cav, ALLEN JAMES LOUIS PFC 19651106 HHC 2nd Bn 8th Cav, ALVERAZ CYRIL ANTHONY SGT 19681018 A Trp 1st Sqd 9th Cav, ADKINS CHARLES LELAND PFC 19681107 B Trp 1st Sqd 9th Cav, ANDERSON JOHN ERNEST WO 19690721 C Trp 1st Sqd 9th Cav, ADDAIR KYLE ASHCOM 1LT 19690223 D Trp 1st Sqd 9th Cav, BEAVERS ROBERT ALLEN SP5 19710828 E Trp 1st Sqd 9th Cav, DUNCAN THOMAS DAVID SP4 19651101 HHT 1st Sqd 9th Cav, SMITH JOHN LEE CPL 19700401 A Trp 1st Sqn 11th Cav, AGUIRRE RAYMOND PFC 19700327 A Co 1st Bn 12th Cav, ADAMSON DONALD BRUCE 2LT 19660223 B Co 1st Bn 12th Cav, ALLEN HERVEY HARRIS PFC 19670531 C Co 1st Bn 12th Cav, BAILEY DAVID ORIN PFC 19660408 D Co 1st Bn 12th Cav, ARROYO JOSE FRANCISCO SP4 19690620 E Co 1st Bn 12th Cav, ABBATEMARCO JOHN BENJAMIN SGT 19700513 HHC 1st Bn 12th Cav, ACHICA EDDIE SGT 19660810 A Co 2nd Bn 12th Cav, ALLEN ROBERT JOHN SP4 19680209 B Co 2nd Bn 12th Cav, ALICEA ISRAEL SSG 19670210 C Co 2nd Bn 12th Cav, ALVARADO LEONARD LOUIS SP4 19690812 D Co 2nd Bn 12th Cav, HIPPLE DUANE ALLEN SGT 19690226 E Co 2nd Bn 12th Cav, CROOK WILLIAM FELTON JR SP4 19680827 HHC 2nd Bn 12th Cav, BERBLINGER KENNETH MICHAEL CWO 19711030 F Trp, 9th Cav H/16th Cav, BISHOP JAMES FRANKLIN PVT 19710927 C Trp 3rd Bn 17th Cav, DESILLIER RICHARD GILL SP4 19700513 B Co 5th Bn 12th Inf, BUSSE DONALD GENE SP4 19700521 C Co 5th Bn 12th Inf, CISNEROS CHARLES CASTULO PFC 19700622 D Co 5th Bn 12th Inf, OATNEY ALLEN EUGENE CPL 19700622 E Co 5th Bn 12th Inf, DUVAL MICHAEL EUGENE SP4 19700530 HHC 5th Bn 12th Inf, BURLOCK KENNETH GEORGE JR SP4 19690917 25th IPSD, BANASZYNSKI RICHARD MICHAEL SP4 19681025 34th IPSD, CARPENTER BILL DUAYNE SGT 19700509 B Co 2nd Bn 47th Inf, WORTHINGTON ROBERT WARD PFC 19700505 B Co 2nd Bn 47th Inf, WEBB JOHNNY LEE PFC 19700611 D Co 2nd Bn 47th Inf, ARLENTINO DUDNEY NELSON SP4 19671207 A Co 1st Bn (Mech) 50th Inf, BULLOCH SAMUEL VIEL JR CPL 19671210 B Co 1st Bn (Mech) 50th Inf, BROWN DOUGLAS PSGT 19671031 C Co 1st Bn (Mech) 50th Inf, FARRELL WILLIAM PETER PFC 19671210 D Co 1st Bn (Mech) 50th Inf, BRADFORD WILLIE B. SP4 19680309 HHC 1st Bn (Mech) 50th Inf, DICKERSON, DAVID THOMAS SGT 19671206 HHC LRRP, CRITCHFIELD WILLIAM ROBERT SP4 19671227 E Co 52nd Inf, ARNOLD DANIEL RAYMOND SP4 19690513 H Co Rangers 75th Inf, BRANDON JAMES BYRD SP4 19680203 A Co 2nd Bn 501st Inf, ANDERTON SAMUEL LEE SP4 19680222 B Co 2nd Bn 501st Inf, COLLIER TIMOTHY LYNN SP4 19680219 C Co 2nd Bn 501st Inf, BEGODY HAROLD L SP4 19680214 D Co 2nd Bn 501st Inf, COLLINS MICHAEL STEPHEN SP4 19680222 HHC 2nd Bn 501st Inf, BARNETT DAVID WILLIAM SSG 19700502 B Co 2nd Bn 34th Arm, OSBORN ROBERT JAMES SGT 19691223 A Btry 2nd Bn 12th Arty, TUCH JIMMIE CPL 19661114 A Btry 7th Bn 13th Arty, NOGUCHI ROCKNE MASAYOSHI PFC 19670505 B Btry 7th Bn 13th Arty, GRAY RICHARD PAUL PFC 19680130 C Btry 7th Bn 13th Arty, FIDEL HONORIO M. JR. 1LT 19670809 HHB 7th Bn 13th Arty, POWELL ROBERT ALLEN SGT 19660612 A Btry 6th Bn 14th Arty, CULLEN DENNIS JOHN PFC 19660625 B Btry 6th Bn 14th Arty, SIMONS ERNEST EUGENE CPL 19660416 C Btry 6th Bn 14th Arty, ADAIR THURMAN SSG 19661218 C Btry 6th Bn 16th Arty, BUSH GILBERT BYRON 2LT 19660508 A Btry 2nd Bn 17th Arty, CUTSHAW WILLIAM PFC 19660117 B Btry 2nd Bn 17th Arty, CRUZ JOSEPH WILLIAM SP4 19670813 D Btry 2nd Bn 17th Arty, GRITTE ROBERT JOSEPH MSG 19670304 HHB 2nd Bn 17th Arty, AIKEN DAVID ROSS PFC 19660923 B Btry 3rd Bn 18th Arty, BARNETTE WALLACE WAYNE SP4 19670702 C Btry 3rd Bn 18th Arty, FRYE GARY NELSON SGT 19680519 A Btry 2nd Bn 19th Arty, ASHER SAMUEL QUENTON PFC 19661227 B Btry 2nd Bn 19th Arty, DIGGS WILLIAM FRANKLIN SP4 19690915 C Btry 2nd Bn 19th Arty, BRIGHTMAN MICHAEL DENNIS CPT 19691031 HHB 2nd Bn 19th Arty, ALVAREZ CHARLES ALLEN WO 19680216 A Btry 2nd Bn 20th ARA, ADLER HENRY MSG 19680204 B Btry 2nd Bn 20th ARA, BEALS RONNIE HERBERT WO 19671229 C Btry 2nd Bn 20th ARA, ADKINS JOHN CPL 19680407 A Btry 1st Bn 21st Arty, BEAMON THEODORE M SP4 19651123 B Btry 1st Bn 21st Arty, ALLEN JOHN LEE PFC 19690806 C Btry 1st Bn 21st Arty, QUEVEDO ANGEL ALARID PFC 19711031 D Btry 1st Bn 21st Arty, CRAMER DONALD JAMES JR SP4 19681003 HHB 1st Bn 21st Arty, GODFREY JOHNNY LEE SSG 19700718 HHB 23rd Arty Gp, FREDRICKSON ALAN DOUGLAS PFC 19670409 B Btry 29th Arty, ABRAMS SAMUEL JR SSG 19690812 A Btry 1st Bn 30th Arty, COULTHART GERALD FRANK SP4 19690428 B Btry 1st Bn 30th Arty, BOSWORTH DAVID RUSSELL SP4 19680220 C Btry 1st Bn 30th Arty, HARDER STEPHEN SGT 19690311 HHB 1st Bn 30th Arty, LASSEN DAVID HENRY SP4 19700401 A Btry 2nd Bn 32nd Arty, FULCHER DOUGLAS EDWARD SP4 19680404 A Btry 6th Bn 33rd Arty, HAYES DANNY MARTIN SGT 19670502 A Btry 2nd Bn 35th Arty, NELMS DANIEL EARNEST PFC 19700522 D Btry 2nd Bn 40th Arty, PIPER SIDNEY JR PVT 19700525 HHB 5th Bn 42nd Arty, CHERVONY EDDIE EDWIN SGT 19680505 A Btry 1st Bn 77th Arty, BOWEN THOMAS RAY PFC 19700401 B Btry 1st Bn 77th Arty, ATKINS DON LARRY CPL 19690512 C Btry 1st Bn 77th Arty, BEGAN JOHN LESTER PFC 19680816 HHB 1st Bn 77th Arty, DILALLO JOHN LAWRENCE CWO 19720624 F Btry 79th ARA, BEATTYS LAWRENCE VICK 1LT 19690104 E Btry 82nd Arty, AKINS CHARLES JAMES SP4 19681205 11th Avn Co GS 11th Avn Grp, TAYLOR JAMES ROBERT PFC 19660128 11th Pathfinder Det 11th Avn Grp, ANDERSON JAMES BOYD SGT 19680509 HHC 11th Avn Grp, BIRD JOHN THOMAS SP4 19661004 17th Avn Co, ADAMS WILLIAM RAYMOND CPL 19691010 A Co 227th AHB, BRITTON WILLIAM DAVID 1LT 19690504 B Co 227th AHB, ABLER JAMES LYNN SP4 19700522 C Co 227th AHB, ELTRINGHAM WILLIAM DAVID SP5 19680206 D Co 227th AHB, CLARK JAMES EARL MSG 19651104 HHC 227th AHB, ARZUAGA JOAQUIN SGT 19670505 1st Aviation Det 228th ASHB, BLODGETT DOUGLAS RANDOLPH SSG 19781119 A Co 228th ASHB, ARNOLD RICHARD EARL SP4 19660129 B Co 228th ASHB, ANDERSON TERRANCE WESLEY WO 19700309 C Co 228th ASHB, CROSS FRANK WARREN CWO 19680915 HHC 228th ASHB, BERGER RAYMOND REX SP4 19701023 A Co 229th AHB, ALLMERS ROBERT ROGER SP4 19691210 C Co 229th AHB, ALLEN GARY LEE WO 19680512 D Co 229th AHB, KINNEY DELMER LANGLY PFC 19690727 HHC 229th AHB, ELENBURG ALVIN ROBERT SP4 19720510 362nd Avn Co, BRYAN LIONEL JOHN JR SP4 19660105 478 HHC, BAKER ELWOOD CHARLES PFC 19701218 A Co 8th Eng Bn, BLAKENEY GREGORY ALLEN SP4 19700525 C Co 8th Eng Bn, BRITZ RONALD JOSEPH MAJ 19690903 HHC 8th Eng Bn, HENDERSON EDWARD E JR SGT 19680702 D Co 14th Eng Bn, COOPER JAMES WILLIAM SP5 19680409 A Co 15th Eng Bn, BROCKS EVERETT LEWIS SSG 19700505 C Co 31st Eng Bn, WATSON RICHARD DALE SP4 19670416 A Co 39th Eng Bn, KIRKSEY ROBERT LOUIS PFC 19670102 D Co 46th Eng Bn, HOWIE RICHARD S. PFC 19660715 70th Eng Bn, HAMILTON ROBERT DAVID SP4 19720704 501st Eng Co, LAWYER ALFRED LEWIS CPL 19690512 HHC Div Sup Cmd, GARRETT FRANK DAVID PFC 19651028 A Co 15th Med Bn, JONES ROBERT ERNEST CPL 19681126 B Co 15th Med Bn, BENBOW EVANS JR SP4 19690513 C Co 15th Med Bn, ALLING JOHN STEPHEN JR SP4 19681126 HHC 15th Med Bn, LONG JAMES DAVID SSG 19650930 56th Dental Det, BUCKLES DONALD RAY CPL 19680128 A Co 15th S&S Bn, WINTERS TERRY LEROY SP4 19670730 AE&S Co 15th S&S Bn, FILLIATOR RICHARD ANTHONY MSG 19660220 HHC 15th S&S Bn, FRITZGERALD LARRY JOHN SP4 19680121 SPT Co 15th S&S Bn, MARTICH THOMAS MARK PFC 19680201 Supply Co 15th S&S Bn, SMITH ALBERT PRESLEY SGT 19680728 15th S&S Bn, AKI FRANCIS CLAYBURN JR SGT 19681115 A Co 15th Trans Bn, FERRY DANIEL SAMUEL PFC 19660903 B Co 15th Trans Bn, FLEMING WILLIAM GORDON JR PFC 19660917 C Co 15th Trans Bn, CROCKETT JAMES BRANNAH CW2 19680423 D Co 15th Trans Bn, BORLAND DENNIS ALLEN CPL 19681224 HHC 15th Trans Bn, VALOV JAMES DAMION SP5 19690426 26th Chemical Det, JOHNSON ARMSTEAD SSG 19680508 A Co 27th Maint Bn, DISRUD DAVID A. SP5 19681003 Det C 27th Maint Bn, BEAM ROGER LEROY SP5 19680126 HHC 27th Maint Bn, FLAMENT HOWARD L. SP5 19691105 Spt Det 27th Maint Bn, BROOKS CHARLES ALLEN SP4 19700614 184th Chem Plt, FRAGUA GEORGE LEONARD PFC 19661225 205th Ord Plt, HARRIS EDWARD LAWRENCE SP4 19710904 Admin Co 215th Spt Bn, SWEAT LORAN EDGAR JR SP5 19700423 283rd Med Det, FRASCA RICHARD PATRICK CPL 19680221 191st MI Co, TOWNSEND ROBERT FRANKLIN SFC 19651104 C Co 313th ASA Bn, CASEY JOHN MICHAEL CPT 19680325 371st R&R, ROBINSON ROY RAY SP5 19680221 391st MI Det. Mo 63129 in your browser to see how many times Moose is mentioned on our website by MSG Ret! Im not certain if we left our guys or not page has been added ( to., 1965 marked a pivotal moment in U.S. involvement in Vietnam Cav Division? Helicopter. Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition Reunion Host ) an email soon and let him know you make... On 7 Feb 2023 the location Feb 2023 took pictures and you can view them on at. 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