david ghantt wife now
david ghantt wife now
Sign up now to get updates whenever we release new features! Chambers did hire McKinney to kill Ghantt, but initially McKinney was making personal cash deliveries to Ghantt in Mexico on behalf of Chambers. Answer: The painful one is getting caught. David Ghantt, who pulled off the Loomis, Fargo & Co. vault robbery in 1997 and was sentenced to seven years in prison for the crime, served as a consultant for the film (in theaters Friday).. On March 12, a Charlotte grand jury indicted the eight co-conspirators for bank larceny and money laundering; the latter offense was included because of how they spent the stolen money. More than 2 million dollars is still missing to this day. The odds of you actually getting away with something these days is pretty damn slim. No idea. It wasa painful process, but I learned to be happy with me and with what I've got. David Ghantt, a Gulf War veteran, was finishing his shift as a vault supervisor for Loomis Fargo when he loaded $17 million into a . One day, he went to check on it and the lock had been cut. We're always making new tools to help you discover, save, and share your favorite books. Wife Lily Allen. David Ghantt was portrayed by Zackary Hatfield. David Scott Ghantt Ghantt, his former co-worker Kelly Campbell and her friends Steve and Michelle Chambers carried out the Loomis Fargo heist on Oct. 4, 1997. Masterminds follows the [] It's the little things like that that gnaw on you. This story was originally published October 3, 2016, 9:12 PM. I did do a lot of diving down in Mexico, which is a great diving spot. And, with the help of several others David made off with $17.3 million dollars, 11 million of which was in 20's. Fried chicken, cornbread and cake what brings you back to this Charlotte restaurant. AMA In October of 1997, I was a vault supervisor for armored truck company Loomis Fargo, when I made off with $17.3 million. David Ghantt: The number one question is usually, What made you do it?. Get ready for less sleep in Charlotte. My Proof: https://twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760, My AMA time is up now, but thank you all for your participation in the Ask Me Anything session :-). GASTONIA - Nancy Carolyn Ghantt, 71, died September 6, 2018. ``During the conversation Campbell. Were you really hailed as a hero? Its comedy. Officially retired Predators GM David Poile and his wife Elizabeth Poile poses for a portrait inside the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn., Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. He would eventually be arrested in Mexico in March 1998 after one of his co-conspirators put out a hit on him under the false suspicion he was the only prime suspect authorities were aware of at the time. If I hadnt of done that, Id probably still be in North Carolina and I would not have got to meet a lot of the interesting people that Ive got to meet. I told them that this was the color regiment. Born in Bristol, Mary was a resident of this area until the late '90s, after which she moved to Susquehanna t He was the only employee unaccounted for the next morning, and videotapes recovered at the Loomis Fargo Charlotte office showed Ghantt removing "cubes of cash" and loading it into a Loomis Fargo armored van for over an hour. Nine other relatives and friends were also charged with money laundering, as they had co-signed for safe deposit boxes used to store some of the money; prosecutors opted to charge them on the grounds that they should have known the money was obtained illegally. The FBI investigation was aided by the gang's extravagant spending. "A former co-worker told me, "Everybody has screwed up. So he convinced a local hoodlum in Mexico to try to kill Ghantt. What did you have to do to survive? 20 years ago, on the night of October 4, 1997, David Scott Ghantt loaded $17.3 million of cash from the bank vault in Charlotte, North Carolina he was employed to supervise into a van. . Ghantt was. It was Ghantt, a 27-year-old Army veteran living in Kings Mountain at the time, who loaded up more than 2,000 pounds of cash in a company van and just drove away at the end of his shift as a supervisor at Loomis Fargo. David Scott Ghantt, 28, was arrested Sunday on an island off the Mexican coast, near the resort city of Cozumel, FBI spokesman William Perry said today. Masterminds was a fun movie. ", "If you're trying to make yourself better today, that's all most people care about.". Were just getting started on that. Did you stay in touch with them? Check your inbox for a confirmation email with instructions to finish signing up. He now has a wife, a construction job, and a child. They had initially agreed to control their spending for a year or two, in the belief that the government would vigorously track the spending habits of any and all suspects for at least a year before relenting. You can listen now on Android, iPhone, Amazon, and other internet-connected devices. He pleaded guilty in January to charges of kidnapping, money laundering and interfering with interstate commerce. When they showed the mansion scene, the great big velvet Elvis painting was for real. But it was Ghantt, now 47 and living with his wife and daughter in Jacksonville, Florida,who actually took more than 2,000 pounds of cash and just drove away from his job. When to set your clocks for daylight saving time, Novant to take over two hospital systems near Charlotte in a $320 million deal. Money does weird things to people. A: I'm in dire need for some RO's barbecue and some Tony's Ice Cream. Yes, Carrie Underwood adopted a dog in Charlotte. A guard at an armored car company in the Southern U.S. organizes one of the biggest bank heists in American history. When I interviewed for this job about three years ago, I told (my boss) that I had some dirt in my background, and if he went digging for it, he would find it. I had more than 700 message requests. Every time I meet this guy, it was always in a very public place. David Ghantt worked as a vault supervisor for the armoured cash vehicles at the Charlotte, North Carolina branch of Loomis, Fargo & Co. Ironically even though he worked for a company that moved millions of dollars every day, he was relatively underpaid. Although the history of the predecessor Wells Fargo & Company dates back to 1852, Loomis Fargo & Company was established in 1997 by the consolidation of Wells Fargo Armored Service and Loomis Armored Inc.; the resulting corporation employed 8,500 people and provided armored transportation, cash handling services, and automatic teller machine maintenance. I went in there to do a basic search. Its the small things like that. [7][8], Rocket Science, a 1998 double-disc album by Charlotte-based radio personalities John Boy & Billy, includes a track ("Marvin: The Loomis Caper") mocking the defendants. The informant ``felt the timing of their sudden wealth certainly aroused suspicion in light of that theft, the affidavit said. The Army veteran and Hunter Huss High graduate was captured in Mexico five months later when one of the others involved in the theft, Steve Chambers, decided he needed to tie up loose ends by having Ghantt killed. When it comes to crime news, few events have had the longevity or the notoriety of the Loomis Fargo heist, which occurred 25 years ago on Oct. 4, 1997. Inequality is Weakening Social Security. Thats the big thing. Charlotte hotel chef who serves with a smile recognized as outstanding ambassador, Eritrean, Ethiopian restaurant owner was a big brother and father to many in Charlotte, Home tours: This wired-up Weddington smart home has a pool big enough for the neighborhood. Heres what happened on Sunday nights episode. The Confess, Fletch co-stars are engaged after they first started . Mostly with Zach. All of us will be looking forward to your story by watching the movie on Blu-ray or DVD. What was the number one question? He is an uncomplicated man stuck in a monotonous life. My face popped up. I also explained to Owen [Wilson] on what it was like to be in Federal prison. He was insecure. David Bowie 's widow recently took to Instagram to post selfies, while promoting both her makeup brand and fashion line. If I hadnt done on what I did and how everything unfolded like it didI wouldnt have my daughter today. More than 20 people ended up in the FBI's dragnet. No idea where it is I only ever had what I took with me and what was sent to me. Like I said before, money does weird things to people. The FBI, in fact, obtained the evidence they needed to bring down the major players, including Chambers, after catching them talking about the murder plot on the telephone via wiretap. Some people screw up big like you, some people screw up small. Do you still have contact with him? His wife, they said, got breast implants and used cash to purchase a 1998 BMW Z3 sports car. They asked me how I felt about it and I said, Its my story, but its your movie so have at me. You can reach Kevin Ellis at 704-869-1823 or www.Twitter.com/TheGazetteKevin. The company reported the theft the next day, saying one of its vans was missing. When I interviewed for this job about three years ago, I told (my boss) that I had some dirt in my background, and if he went digging for it, he would find it. He discovers that it's pretty boring stuff, and he often fantasizes about getting robbed. The movie is hilarious. Why would you want this story to be told and to enjoy this? Please click here if you want to opt-out. It has a lot of things youll look for in a storya little romance, money, adventure and travel. So he hatched a plan to rob his employers. Within 24 days of the real heist, Chambers went from a mobile home to a $635,000 home in Cramer Mountain Country Club, authorities said. CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- A man caught on videotape looting an armored car company vault of $17 million -- one of the biggest thefts of its kind in U.S. history -- has been sentenced to 7 1/2 years in federal prison. The only glimmer of excitement is his flirtatious work crush Kelly Campbell who soon lures him into the scheme of a lifetime. The affidavits also alleged lavish spending by the six, including the Chambers who moved out of a trailer and paid cash for a $635,000 home shortly after the robbery. In real life: False. Man accused of planting explosive at Grandfather Mountain Highland Games pleads not guilty, Falcon 9 launches Crew-6 from Cape Canaveral, Flight attendants to get 10 hours rest between shifts under new US rule, Loretta Lynn, coal miner's daughter and country queen, dies, National Taco Day 2022 | Deals and offers. How? MASTERMINDS is available on Blu-ray, DVD and digital download tomorrow. You might as well take part in the conversation. That usually takes the shine right off of it, when you start explaining that. He continued, Youd be wearing a lot of khaki brown and eating crappy food., Since the films release and its recent Netflix debut, Scott Ghent cited that the most common question he receives is about the missing $2 million never recovered by the FBI; Ive had people actually ask me that question. Service 11 a.m. Saturday . Ghantt, a decorated Army veteran who served in the Persian Gulf war repairing helicopters, was charged in October with bank larceny, sparking an intense manhunt. It was one of the first things they voted on. Seven others were convicted in direct connection with the heist. Michelle Chambers received a harsher sentence than Ghantt seven years and eight months because she had violated several bond conditions. A lot of people ask me, Oh, do you have any regrets? No, not really. Press J to jump to the feed. As a die-hard fan of personal development books, I have to say - Ghantt hits the nail on the head with each and every chapter. Gov. From there, the money was moved from the company vehicle to private vehicles. Yep, yesterday, February 28, at the end of the TODAY show's 8 am ET hour, Sheinelle Jones offered the following update: "By the way, it has been an interesting morning for us. HOW TO ROB A BANK / S1 EP7. If you were one of the much-smaller-than-expected group of people who caught Masterminds at the theater this weekend, and are looking for a fact-check of the events depicted on screen, here are some of the highlights of our chat with Diamant. David Ghantt: When I first met Zach and sat down to talk about it, he said, You realize Im going to be playing a dumber, clumsier version of you. Its all being part as a comedy and its Hollywood. I was shocked. LRM: Obviously, this is comedy and not a documentary. [citation needed], It was later confirmed by the FBI that more than 88% of the stolen cash had been located or otherwise accounted for. Ghantt ultimately agreed to the plan, largely, due to a mountain of credit-card debt and in hopes of changing his life for the better. HOW TO ROB A BANK / S1 EP5 . Court documents said an informant who was not identified tipped off federal agents about the couples suspicious spending habits. Director Jared Hess Writers Chris Bowman (screenplay) Hubbel Palmer (screenplay) Emily Spivey (screenplay) Stars Zach Galifianakis Kristen Wiig Owen Wilson Updated: Sep 29, 2022 / 03:23 PM CDT. The plan was for Ghantt to commit the robbery and then quickly leave the country for Mexico but to leave the bulk of the cash with Chambers. Philosophically, now looking back I wouldnt be who I am now if I hadnt gone through all that, said David Scott Ghantt in an interview with the Observer. Now, here we are, two years later. "He told me they were in the dirt business, so he didn't have to worry too much about me. But McKinney never stopped trying to kill Ghantt although, initally, McKinney thought Chambers had paid for the hit over a drug deal gone bad, Diamant said. followed by "Don't worry, it is not drug money," the bank filled out a suspicious activity report, which ultimately reached the FBI. Chambers promised to wire him money in Mexico until the investigation blew over and Ghantt could return to . Ghantt was already married when he took part in the heist, to a woman named Tammy who author Diamant described as very nice. It is true, however, that she had no idea about the plot and that he fled to Mexico without telling her. In real life: False. Loomis Fargo employees could not open the vault the next morning and called the police. Ghantt plead guilty to his charges andserved six years in prison, along with21 other defendantswho received chargesrangingfrom money laundering to bank larceny. Ghantt was already married when he took part in the heist, to a woman named Tammy - who author Diamant described as "very nice." It is true, however, that she had no idea about the plot and that. At first, David Ghantt said, "I didn't take her seriously. by Jeff Diamant (left) and Steven Chambers (left) and David Scott Ghantt leave federal court. Loomis, Fargo offered a $500,000 reward for his arrest and conviction. Chambers got 11 years. Ghantt was in fact hiding out in Mexico using McKinneys I.D., which had been sold to Chambers months earlier. On similar grounds, four other people were ultimately also charged with money laundering. As a vault supervisor for Loomis Fargo, David had access to the vaults and all the cash within. Ghantt fled to Mexico immediately after the theft, only to be caught in March 1998 when one of his co-conspirators, Steve Chambers, sent a hit man to kill Ghantt in an effort to tie up loose ends. And it would take a lot more than that to offend me, I thought it was funny. Ghantt had worked with the branch since 1994, and had been promoted from a driver to the vault supervisor. He said he put that amount of money in a storage building. On the non-philosophical side, it probably be much better off if I done everything by myself. I was taken back. But Ghantt has been open about what he did and how he believes it changed him for the better. Will California Save the Iconic Joshua Tree? LRM: When you actually pulled off this heist, was there any comedic incidents at all that was actually true? David Scott Ghantt, 28, was arrested Sunday at Playa del Carmen, Mexico, near the island resort of Cozumel, FBI spokesman William Perry said. We were in Old Fortwhen they were shooting the movie and went out to eat. Heist! February 28, 2023. Ghantt was the vault manager. Lessons Not Learned From the Pentagon Papers, The US Navy is More Than Just Broken, Careerism is Tearing It Apart, Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of Roald Dahl, The Biden National Security Team Must Get SmarterSooner, Building Direct Democracy in an Atlanta Forest, Truth, No Matter What: Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime, How Howard Schultz Made Starbucks the Poster Child of Corporate Abuse, Letter from London: Meeting at Maison Bertaux, Why Much of the Global South Isnt Automatically Supporting the West in Ukraine. Q: Your troubles were self-inflicted, but you seem happy. CHARLOTTE, N.C. Tuesday is the 25th anniversary of the infamous Loomis Fargo heist in Charlotte, where a bank worker, with the help of two accomplices, stole almost $17 million before being captured in Mexico. Ghantt, in order to conserve this money, curtailed his spending. LRM: Do you enjoy the publicity for yourself? ', He explained the glorification and glamour often associated with bank heists and bank robberies in Hollywood films is far from reality. . Masterminds is a 2016 American crime comedy film based on the October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery in North Carolina. David Ghantt: There are quite a few small facts and tidbits. After the robbery, Ghantt took off to Mexico. At the time it was the second largest cash robbery ever to happen on US soil. They bought a huge diamond and paid with cash for it. The robbery was committed by Loomis vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt, his married girlfriend Kelly Campbell (a former Loomis co-worker), Steven Eugene Chambers (a one-time FBI informant), his wife Michelle Chambers, Michael Gobbies, and four . Inside $3.3 million was located along with the two stolen surveillance tapes, apparently left due to the robber and his accomplices being sloppy, or in a hurry. I'd probably be that infamous gringo living in Belize, kicked back on the beach, fishing and bored out of my mind. You said that was the number two question. They even made a movie about it, with North Carolina native Zach Galifianakis playing the role of Ghantt in the comedy "Masterminds.". The Book of Dave A New Path After a $17 Million Misstep, Name: David Scott GhanttBorn: October 20,1969Infamous for: When he literally drove off with $17+ Million one day after work (admit it, youve all thought about it, lol)Famous for (at time of writing): Being an inspiration for the character David Ghantt in the major motion picture comedy- Masterminds. I thought he did a really good job. Chambers himself was a former FBI informant who had provided information on a then future Loomis armored car robbery that never happened, court documents stated. Chambers even got breast implants and paid cash for a BMW sports car, the affidavit said. If you know, you know. David Ghantt: That is the like the number two question that everyone asks me. David Ghantt was the vault supervisor for Loomis, Fargo & Co. armored cars, which managed the transportation of large sums of cash between banks in North Carolina. David Ghantt commits the second largest bank heist in US history . [citation needed], The defendants were the targets of many barbed jokes in Charlotte and across the country, in part because of their extravagant spending. All were convicted. One of the FBI's wiretaps caught a conversation between David Ghantt and Kelly Campbell, the one who bought the minivan and shopped for the liposuction. The Internet was still new at the time. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS FROM MASTERMIND MOVIE. (His wife tells him to change that word to "selfish."). Honestly, it got spent and no one noticed. In real life: False. After two years of dating, Jon Hamm and Anna Osceola are ready to spend the rest of their lives together. By then, the FBI had become greatly concerned for Ghantt's personal safety; they had learned that Chambers had plotted to have Ghantt killed in a murder for hire scheme using a "hit man" named Michael McKinney. The only defendant to not plead guilty, Chambers's attorney Jeff Guller, was found guilty of money laundering and sentenced to eight years in prison. That just added to the comedic element. Ghantt knew Chambers as Steve, but didnt find out that his last name was Chambers until the arrests were made. Day in and day out, he drives an armored vehicle, transporting millions of other peoples money with no escape in sight. shes now Miss USA. "Miscavige is a recluse now the same way Hubbard was at the end," said Mike Rinder, the former media spokesman . She was a graduate of Ashley High School and attended Gaston Co Along with a group of half-brained criminals led by Steve Chambers and an absurdly faulted heist plan, David manages the impossible and makes off with $17 million in cash..only problem is he foolishly hands the money over to this wild group of double crossers and has been set up to take the fall. Michele Chambers' sentence was two months longer than that given to David Scott Ghantt, the Loomis employee who removed the money from the company vault on Oct. 4, 1997. Quizs imagin al protagonista. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. She is the diamond of my soul. Hes way smarter than youd think he would be because he tends to play Bozos. CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Kelly Campbell, the woman who helped plan the $17 million robbery of armored-car company Loomis, Fargo was sentenced yesterday to nearly six years in prison and ordered to pay back more than $4 million. Before he decided to steal $17 million from the bank, Ghantt had worked for years as a relatively taciturn and compliant employee. "I've learned that I'm a fortunate . You can't get barbecue slaw in this hedonistic state (Florida), and there's nowhere to get real ice cream here like Tony's. He has a regular life now, but 25 years ago, David Ghantt was the mastermind behind the 3rd largest bank robbery in U. Day in and day out, he drives an armored vehicle,. Although the FBI investigation was able to quickly connect Ghantt to Campbell, connecting Ghantt to Chambers was a more difficult task. (Ghantt works as a heavy machine operator in the construction industry.). She also must . In October of 1997, I was a vault supervisor for armored truck company Loomis Fargo, when I made off with $17.3 million. But even though he worked for a company that regularly moved millions of dollars, David Ghantt himself was underpaid. But last Oct. 4, when he still hadn't gotten home by 2:30 a.m., she called his parents in. 1) David Ghantt is underpaid and unhappy. Its gone! You can reach Kevin Ellis at 704-201-7016 or email him Kellis@GastonGazette.com. It premiered in Los Angeles on September 26, 2016 and was theatrically released in the . Inside the truck, they found Ghantt's ring and surmised this was a sign of Ghantt's intention to end his relationship with his wife. The unlikely suspect in the Charlotte heist was 27-year-old David Scott Ghantt, a quiet, unassuming vault supervisor who earned $360 a week. 43-year-old Margret and her mother both died in 2012 . The painful part is that when you get caught, that the part of your brain that was trying to talk to you when you first started the robbery was right, and that's like a dump truck running over you. Chambers declines to comment on the events that made him notorious. Chambers, who made an ill-fated decision to buy a home in the gated Cramer Mountain community with his newfound wealth, now runsa gym on Lowell-Bethesda Road. They were ordered held without bail Monday until a hearing on Thursday. Congratulations Dave - very well done. Tony Mendez, long an on-air fixture handling the cue cards for David Letterman on The Late Show, took the wrong cue this week, assaulting staff writer Bill Scheft, a 15-time Emmy nominee, and getti [1], Steven Chambers finished serving his sentence in November 2006. Q: How do you tell prospective employers you once stole $17 million? Ghantt labeled himself as a jerk who was dissatisfied with his life before stealing the money. Good question , Oddly most employers are very understanding as long as you are honest with them up front . He then began loading $17 million in unmarked bills inside a company van before driving away. David Scott Ghantt, 28, was arrested Sunday at Playa del Carmen, Mexico, near the island resort of Cozumel, FBI spokesman William Perry said. They also bought a BMW Z3 with cash and made several large purchases, including a $600 cigar store Indian. In real life: Yes and no. In real life: False. No one could just pull off the crime of the decade. All ofWCNC Charlotte's podcasts are free and available for both streaming and download. Ghantt was scheduled to work a shift at the armored car company Oct. 4. LRM: Did you like the portrayal of yourself in the movie? When they painted the cars, they were the wrong shake. FBI agents arrived first, which marked the beginning of the end. Ghantt was never in Chamberss presence until he actually handed off the money to him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760. My name is David Scott Ghantt. Heres my last question for younot all of the stolen money was accounted forwhat do you think actually happened to the last few million dollars? David Ghantt talks to us about his part in the robbery of Loomis Fargo where he stole over 17 Million Dollars & the events that transpired soon after.Like u. SUBSCRIBE:Apple Podcasts||Spotify||Stitcher||TuneIn||Google Podcasts. The company reported the theft Oct. 5. Other FBI agents, who had wiretaps on Chambers' after being tipped off much earlier about his free-spending ways, were soon searching the expensive Cramer Mountain home he had bought with the proceeds. Thats my standard answer these days. I took a picture from back in those days to show them. At the. M a fortunate like you, some people screw up big like,... Https: //twitter.com/DavidGhantt/status/827476087596789760 your movie so have at me and made several large purchases including! 6, 2018 who was dissatisfied with his life before stealing the money was moved from the bank Ghantt! 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