young earth vs old earth debate

young earth vs old earth debate

They view old-earth arguments developed by naturalistic scientists as primarily being a defense for Darwinian evolution. This would seem to be in direct. The same 'dating' puts the age of fossilized dead animals at up to hundreds of millions of years before people appeared on the scene. This illustrated book uncovers scientific flaws behind the old earth hypothesis, such as the distance of the stars, the speed of light, and the dating of fossils by rock layers. measured in billions of years, is also required to make sense of what we observe in geology. Back to list. There is excellent evidence (radiometric) that the solar system, of which the earth is part, is 4.5bn yrs old. was can you recommend a book that supports the young earth theory not to start a debate about the subject or books Category: Science. In general, the different interpretations of the Genesis creation account can be divided into two main categories Young Earth and Old Earth Views: Young Earth Views (views that require a young earth, i.e., about 6,000 - 10,000 years old) 24-Hour Day View aka Young Earth Creationism ( YEC View) ( skip to >>) There is a word for such a practice, it's called propaganda. Tags: debate old earth religious science young earth ? We can write a custom essay for you. Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. Top Posters Page 12 of 32 The problem is that there isn't much of a debate. Technicality: Layman. In the debate, Lazar said, "the Magisterium has explicitly ruled that an old earth position is an acceptable theological opinion among Catholics" and also said, "I will fully hold that no Catholic should be saying someone is a heretic for saying they hold to an old earth" (1:49). The earth is only a few thousand years old. Young-earthers insist that it was all accomplished in 144 hourssix successive 24-hour dayswhile old-earth (progressive) creationists allow for millions (or even billions) of years. (minority, verse, translation) User Name: Remember Me: Password : Please . Atheistic evolution is thus basically the opposite of theistic evolution. They view old-earth arguments developed by naturalistic scientists as primarily being a defense for Darwinian evolution. Some YECs derive this range of figures using the ages given in the genealogies and other . So how old is the earth biblically? Which side of the debate are you on? One must ask the right questions and use the right tools for the job. They have launched an aggressive educational campaign, mainly since 1961, to promote their view. http://www, Is the earth a Young Earth or Old Earth? These fossils show evidence of violence and suffering . The young earth vs old earth debate on creation theory have been raging in certain Christian circles. This view states that there are certain truths we can know from Genesis: 1. Publication The John Ankerberg Debate: Young-Earth vs. Old-Earth by Hugh Ross September 21, 2012 Introduction Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Is It All a Mirage? Answer. Publisher: Answers in Genesis. This debate series is a wake-up call regarding biblical compromise. One view is ejected and openly mocked, the other is taught as undisputed fact. Watch the programme with Doug Harris, Dr Hugh Ross, and Malcolm Bowden to find out.Remem. Ken Ham vs Jeff Zweerink. SKU: 30-9-150. So we should expect to find plenty of evidence for a young . Bill Sardi. And partly because deep space probes such as the Voyagers and New Horizons are piling up . What does everyone here think? (believer, Biblical, God) User Name: Remember Me : Password : Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Young Earth Creationism vs Old Earth Creationism; a Debate. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. If so, I'd love to hear your reasoning. The old Earth guys logic will be completely flawed with this stance and with his "God creates more whales and horses" will throw off any evolution time line. Scientific evidence for an old earth is either misleading or misinterpreted. This is usually done by: $ 6.00 $ 0.00. All topics related to atheism, agnosticism and secular Young earth creationists contend that the scientific data supporting a billions-of-years-old universe is being interpreted incorrectly. Don't get me wrong, I had the typical young-earth creationism (YEC) responses in my arsenal of scientific arguments, but as for the underlying reason as to why I believed the Bible taught the universe was 6,000 years old, I couldn't exactly tell you my reasonsbecause even I didn't know. Featured Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate Discussion in ' Science and Religion ' started by GoldenEye, Aug 9, 2018 . September 17, 2013 Navigating the Young vs. Old Earth Debate By Clarke Morledge James Ussher (1581-1656), Ireland Archbishop who calculated from the Bible that the earth was created on Sunday, October 23, 4004 B.C. These theories and arguments are discussed in this paper. Original Creation of the Earth (The Big Bang vs. Six-Day Creation) TANITKA C. SMITH PHSC210_A24_201240 Debora Ladner December 3, 2012 INTRODUCTION The Big-Bang Theory, accepted widely by atheists and many scientists, simply says this: between 10 and 20 billion years ago a "bang" or explosion occurred from a single point in nothingness and with the scattering of googles of atoms, the earth . This 'age' is based on radioactive dating. A person can believe one or the other and still be saved, still love the Lord, and still have rewards in heaven. Young earth creationists usually place the age of the earth at 6,000 years (10,000 years being an upper limit). They believe that the earth was created in 6 days just as the bible said it was and on the 7th day God rested. Even going along with that for the sake of argument, it doesn't help the old earth position. Indeed, the "young-earth" vs. "old-earth" debate is one of the most polarizing and divisive issues within the Christian community. Jun 30, 2015 - The young earth vs old earth debate on creation theory have been raging in certain Christian circles. The primary difference between young- and old-earth creationists is the speculated amount of time between God's creative acts. Heres a link to the debate Its Kent Hovind and Smokey Saint, who has a youtube channel and is an old earth creationist. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Written as a rebuttal to the teachings by Hugh Ross. Young-earth proponents (biblical age of the earth and universe of about 6,000 years) 1 Old-earth proponents (secular age of the earth of about 4.5billion years and a universe about 14 billion years old) 2 The difference is immense! None of your verses from Romans address the issue of old earth versus young earth. Many Christians believe the earth is only 6000 years old. Douglas Hamp, representing the Young Earth View, graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. Since the mid-1980's he has published extensively on catastrophic plate tectonics in connection with the Genesis Flood. The Young Earth vs Old Earth debate is definitely an interesting one. This is by far not the first time I've seen Ken Ham debate this. The esentials, that man is made in God's image, man was created perfect and subsequently fell, that God is the Creator of all we see, that He was active in His creation, etc are taught in both models. One cannot simply squeeze this long time period into six evening-and-morning cycles. Compelling! The problem is, too often we as Christiand get into a debate on this issue. Some also refer to it as young earth theory vs old earth theory. God shaped His creation from formlessness into order and filled it from emptiness into fullness. Hey! Ken Ham vs Jeff Zweerink. Young Earth vs. Old Earth debate within the Christian Community Fundamentalist religious interpretation claims to speak for all within its faith, which is (of course) ridiculous and anti-pluralistic (and anti-realistic). Nov . That he then created the earth, the land and the oceans. I really haven't ever put too much thought into the true age of the earth - even though I had some preconceived . Confused by the old vs. young earth debate? One was for a young-earth creation society, the other for an old-earth group. Progressive creationists counter this argument because the definitions in the Hebrew . I believe the earth is old I believe the earth is young Results are only viewable after voting. How Science Figured Out the Age of Earth US Geological Survey Astronomy International Planitarium Society Position Statement TIME: 9AM - 12PM | TWO SESSIONS WITH Q&A TIME. "Follow the water" has been the mantra of scientists looking for the evidence of life, past or present, beyond our own planet. They believe that God said "Let there be light" and the universe snapped into existence. 16,963 . It comes from many different, often independent processes yielding information that can be . 702 in stock. My reasoning for believing in Old Earth comes from Psalms 90:2-4 "Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God. Big God vs. Big Science. Published: 2021-09-15 13:30:05. This paper presents the biblical case for "old-earth creationism" (OEC) and endeavors to clear up theological misconceptions regarding OEC held by many well-intentioned "young-earth creationist" (YEC) believers. Young earth creationism (YEC) is the belief that God directly created the universe in six literal days and that the earth is relatively young. Other points held by young earth creationists include the occurrence of a global . To be in a debate with an old earth debater, means that the old earth people are recognizing them as someone worthy of debating, and it recognizes their position of young earth creationism as worthy of a debate. 04-16-2022, 08:11 AM mordant : Location: Northeastern US. I'm a Christian that believes in Old Earth, and I was wondering if there are any Christians here that still believe in Young Earth. What about the universe? We speak of "Young Earth Creationism", but in recent years, this has really been morphing into "Young Universe Creationism". Geologists and other scientists often say that the evidence for an ancient earth and universe is "overwhelming," because that is probably the best word to describe it. in the Hebrew Bible, specializes in ancient languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek, and is the author of a number of books, including The First Six Days, Corrupting the Image, and The Millennium Chronicles. Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis debates Jeff Zweerink of Reasons To Believe on Young Earth vs Old Earth Creationism.For more faith debates subscribe to the wee. It gives the young earth creation science position some amount of credibility. You are clearly trying to attack God's word and those who would believe in it to make it sound or seem untrue. All possible types of assignments. 2. Hey! Young Earth vs Old Earth. All of these "old earth" claims intrigued me during our visit. The old earth position involves billions of years in which a whole bunch of normal evening-and-morning cycles were occurring. While the topic is a fascinating one if you were to witness to people and start with the young Earth debate as a topic the person you are speaking to might not pay much attention. Partly because they have realized that a 6,000 year old earth is made to seem more plausible by, IDK, a 20,000 year old universe. Atheistic evolution can be defined as a belief that everything was created without any supernatural phenomenon (God). Those who follow Young Earth take the notion that the six days in Genesis 1 are literal 24-hour days. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer . The defining characteristic of Young Earth creationism is the belief that the Earth is "young", on the order of 6,000 to 10,000 years old, rather than the age of 4.5 billion years as estimated by a variety of scientific methods including radiometric dating. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Posted On November 22, 2010 A Long-Standing Debate At the Evangelical Philosophical Society conference last week I ran across a pair of exhibit booths, placed judiciously far from each other, promoting two different views of creation. First, the meaning of the Hebrew word used for day, YM. I'm a young earth creationist but I think smokey makes good points. The National Park Service claims that the oldest exposed rocks are 1,840 million years old while the Canyon itself has been carved out over the past 6 billion years. There have also been a lot of old- and young Earth creationism arguments. Watch the programme with Doug Harris, Dr Hugh Ross, and Malcolm Bowden to find out. There were very few creationists who still advocated a young earth and a global flood. GET MY ESSAY No one wants to be on the losing end . Young-earth proponents will argue that it can only mean a 24-hour day in the creation account. This paper presents the biblical case for "old-earth creationism" (OEC) and endeavors to clear up theological misconceptions regarding OEC held by many well-intentioned "young-earth creationist" (YEC) believers. Silly young earth believers refuse to accept that. The versus clearly discuss believers vs non believers (not scriptural interpretation). Ken Ham & Jason Lisle vs. Hugh Ross & Walt Kaiser. Evidence for a Young Earth and Creation. And I think for the majority of the church, it may be the same way. Young Earth vs Old earth Debate what do you think? God created the world and is distinct from it. The reason why young earth creationism was largely abandoned by the 19th century was because of the geologic evidence against it. Young earth believes in a literaly 7 days of creation and the earth to only be 6,000-10,000 years old. Young Earth Creationism vs Old Earth Creationism; a Debate. The plants would all have died from a billion years of darkness or a billion years of . He argued against the evidence of radiometric and astrological dating - where scientists study the decay of minerals and the distance of the stars to claim that the universe is at least millions of years old. Or as the old-timers used to say, "figures lie, and liars figure". It wasn't until the early 20th century when young earth creation began to make a resurgence. Some look at Genesis and believe in 7 literal 24 hour days. Old Earth Young Earth Debate MP3 Audio Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Walter Kaiser (representing old Earth creationists) debate Mr. Ken Ham and Dr. Jason Lisle (representing young Earth creationists) and present their views about whether the creation days were 24-hours long or long periods of time, what is the age of the universe and the earth, the relationship of the Bible and science, and more. Indeed, the "young-earth" vs. "old-earth" debate is one of the most polarizing and divisive issues within the Christian community. The issue of "Old Earth vs. Young Earth" has been an emotionally charged issue of debate in Christian circles. Nowhere in the bible does it say that the earth is young. Old debate on the age of the universe on the John Ankerberg Show Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate Dr. Walter Kaiser translates the Hebrew word, "yom," which is "day." What methods are used to figure the age of the earth? [3] You . In the video all men agreed that it is . The reason why young earth creationism was largely abandoned by the 19th century was because of the geologic evidence against it. It wasn't until the early 20th century when young earth creation began to make a resurgence. In the 21st century, very few young people in the developing world still accept the concept of a "Young Earth". Are you agreed with those statements? Young earth creationists contend that the scientific data supporting a billions-of-years-old universe is being interpreted incorrectly. While Young Earth supporters believe a "plain reading" of the English translation of Genesis 1 necessitates belief that God created the world in six, 24-hour days some six to ten thousand years ago, old-Earth view supporters believe that textual and syntactic distinctions of the original Hebrew advocate six long epochs of time. Written by academics. John Baumgardner has a Ph.D. in geophysics from UCLA and worked in computational physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in 1984 for most of his scientific career. So just from the bit that I watched they are only debating about how old the Earth is but both believe that God created the Earth. The Old-Earth Vs. Young-Earth Debate . The same is true for young earth creationism. The real question is the debate over what happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, the first two verses of the Bible. by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Danny R. Faulkner, and Dr. Georgia Purdom on November 29, 2019. That's a fact, plainly revealed in God 's Word. . Timeout: Today we discuss the different interpretations Christians have on the age of the earth. An age of this order of magnitude,i.e. It should be viewed by every pastor, adult Sunday school teacher, and church board in America. Type of paper: Essay This essay has been submitted by a student. Proof of young earth! In this section, we hope to provide a fuller understanding of both sides. Ages: Teens - Adults. This one has Young Earth Creationism (YEC) vs Old Earth Creationism (OEC). Featured in The New Answers Book 4. Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and . Published: 2006. In the debate, Ken Ham articulated his belief in the young earth view, and attacked Christians who hold to the old earth as inconsistent. ATHEISTIC EVOLUTION. Rem. Many Christians believe the earth is only 6000 years o. FOR MORE SUBSCRIBE AND VISIT THE COMPLETE ARCHIVES - http://www.ArchivesOfCreation.com FEATURING SCIENTIFIC STUD. Within the American Christian community, as with ANY community, there are wildly different views on many issues. The old-earth advocates accept the recently fashionable claim that the earth is billions of years old. http://www, Is the earth a Young Earth or Old Earth? There is no "debate" to be had about this in any useful sense. Objections to old earth belief can be boiled down to two key issues. Astronomy CHRISTIAN YOUNG-EARTH EDUCATION: This general "old-earth education" is challenged by Christians who think Genesis 1 teaches us that the earth is young, with everything being created in six days, 6000 years ago. Young Earth. 1. see, it's only 50,000 years old! The purpose is not to dissuade young . Young earth theory. Using various approaches, such as suggesting that the days of creation referred to in Genesis 1 may be much longer periods of time than 24 hours, or seeing long periods of time passing between each 24 hour day, some have tried to build . The problem isn't that there is a debate between the young earth and the old earth. OBJECTIONS TO OLD EARTH BELIEF. 2.7m members in the atheism community. You are twisting the versus to say what they do not. That may be due to his passion but gentleness and kindness goes along way to not losing people in the debate or observing one. There were very few creationists who still advocated a young earth and a global flood. I believe the O.P. Land and the earth is Young Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, the two! Our visit Debate & quot ; to be on the losing end series is young earth vs old earth debate word for a. The majority of the creation account translation ) User Name: Remember me: Password: Please some refer. Only viewable after voting Apologetics315 < /a > OBJECTIONS to Old earth religious science earth. 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