the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experiment

the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experiment

For nylon, the 40 string loses more tension than the 20 string. Only string number 7 does not fit the pattern of stiffness being inversely related to temperature. When a ball drops gravity pulls it down to the ground. Record it. Once the heat is removed, the string again stabilizes, but at a much lower tension. Jeu de Paume was played without even bouncing the balland was just played against a wall. The ball will not bounce much in the winter, which means that the players will not be as active on the field as they are during the summer season. For the 20 C test and the "heat-before-tensioning" 40 C test, each string was brought to temperature before being tensioned. You can, in fact, reverse this heating effect by chilling the string, but the difference is very small and probably not perceptible, and the effect does not last. Tension and temperature drop was then recorded until 100 seconds. Frigid temperatures will generally cause strings to act as if they are made of a stiffer material, resulting in less elasticity and ability to rebound the ball given each unit of tension. These muscles are used to accelerate the whole arm while also stabilising the shoulder. Bocce ball, which was first documented in the year 5200 B.C., is a sport that was first popularized during the roman empire. Make sure that you use balls of the same condition when carrying out your experiment. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. When the final cubic fit was tried in Table 13, 14 and Graphs 11, 12, a further increase in R squared was found to 0.979 and 0.972 and these are excellent fits to the data and should predict future values very well. Graph 1, 2 show the regression line for time and bounce height predicts a general downward trend but the R squared value is low, below .17 in both cases. The most durable material that is relatively widely used is kevlar, which lasts for a long time. I am determine who would benefit from using the stability ball during training? british airways seat size; moen bathroom faucets single handle; eardwulf the last kingdom sister You can repeat the experiment making use of balls of a different quality. Most balls use valves for air retention. That is precisely what happened in the experiment. Repeat steps 1-3 but keep the ball at a hot temperature without getting moisture on it. (Incorporation, 2011)Also, the original flannel cloth was replaced by special melton cloth made specifically for the purpose and the stitching was replaced by rubber seams. In the experiment it was about how temperature effects the air pressure of . Observe where the ball rebounds to on the tape measure and record this height. So, if you are stringing just before a match, string lower for cold and higher for hot on-court temperatures. (Borlings, 2011)How gas inside the tennis ball affects the bounce of the ball will be explained. Most players agree that in hot weather the string plays livelier and has more power due to tension loss and that in the winter, strings feel firmer and less powerful. Stiffness is the most important property of strings. Figure 6 shows the result of post-heating for each string. Though tension loss is the parameter that tennis players are most focused on, it is the stiffness of the string that most influences performance and feel. In this experiment, one will put the tennis ball at four different temperaturesroom, freezing, hot, and cold. A conclusion from this experiment can not be drawn to show if the practice of opening new cans of balls is justified. A further study should be completed to see if anything else effects the balls differently to try and determine what makes the balls different. A complicating factor is that the ball also changes performance with temperature. As such, the energy inside the ball increases, and the molecules start bouncing around more erratically. Results for Setup #1 tension loss vs timing of heat application. The balls pressure is also known to reduce as it is used, which causes it to stop bouncing after being used for a while. How does temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball? As the temperature of the rubber ball increases, the height of its bounce will increase. I decided to create Elite Tennis Guide to share my knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world. The courts are designed so that the ball can bounce off any surface and still be in play, yet it is in a confined area so you don't have to run to cover too much territory. Take 2 tennis balls and put them in the slow cooker for 10 mins. The purpose of this experiment is to find if the temperature of a tennis ball affects the way it bounces. A good source of heat that can heat things evenly. NOTE: IEEE WAS NOT AVAILABLE FOR CITATIONS, SUBMITTED TO SABIO ACADEMY TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SR 90 JUNIOR RESEARCH COURSE AT SABIO ACADEMY. The sample standard deviations for ball 1 and 2 were now found. Once you have the right conditions under which to carry out your experiment, you can go ahead and start gathering the materials that will be needed. The question of concern was whether adding heat after stabilization would start (or accelerate) tension loss. They will see if the additional expense for championship balls is justified, and if they should open a new can of balls when they have an old can already open. This allows more elongation at lower stresses than occur at lower temperatures. If the uniform temperature of a tennis ball is decreased, the balls bounce will be lower. This reordering occurs during both the stretching and post-stretching phases. Thus, each string at 0 C was stiffest, followed by 20 C and 40 C (Figure 7). Independent: The uniform temperature of the tennis ball, Dependent: The balls bounce height compared to the initial height, Constant: The same room temperature, the same surface that the ball is bounced on, the same type of tennis ball, the same initial height. The outer layer is full of dimples which create a thin turbulent layer of air that clings to the ball allowing it to travel further. For the heating during the tension loss phase, the starting temperature was 20 C. Tension was increased to 28 kg and 200 seconds were allowed to pass. Temperature is either something that is cold or hot. Confirming beliefs and behaviors is as important, if not as sexy, as exposing the myths and follies of our concepts. As the tennis ball returns to its normal shape, the gas inside the ball acts as a spring and causes the ball to bounce into the air. A combined analysis for both ball 1 and ball 2 will be used for drawing conclusions since both balls behaved in a similar manor. If the string stiffness decreases between temperatures, the change will be negative, and if it increases, the change will be a positive number. If a tennis ball is frozen then its molecules will slow down and there wont be as much energy causing it to be more dense. A tennis ball is designed as a hollow rubber core with pressurized air. Six tennis balls Repeat steps 1-3 but keep the ball in a refrigerator. Tests with this apparatus were conducted at 20 C and 40 C. 20 C was room temperature with air conditioning. This means that the pressure is optimal for performance on the field. The 20 C temperature was room temperature and 40 C was achieved with a heat gun. As the tennis ball returns to its normal shape after getting pressed, the gas inside the ball quickly occupies the space that was open during impact which causes the gas to act as a spring, making the ball bounce into the air. Once it achieves target tension of 28 kg (62 lb), the preheated string will have less stress to relieve than the unheated string. The second method heated the string to 40 C after it was stretched to a tension of 28 kg and had stabilized at constant elongation for 200 seconds. The Effect of Temperature, Time, and Humidity on the Bounce of Tennis Balls. If we graph post-relaxation stiffness vs temperature for each string, we begin to see some patterns. Purpose The purpose of this project is to determine how tennis balls are affected by different temperature conditions. After ten games, tennis balls are known to have a rebound ratio of less than 53%. Is a Photograph equally sharp in all area? Mark a point 1 metre from the ground on a wall. One may also use a heat dish to do this. This is because the energy lost in the collision of the ball to the ground is inelastic, which means that kinetic energy in the ball is lost each time it bounces. On the other hand, the thermal energy of a warmer string helps break weak bonds between molecule chains, allowing greater flow and elongation of the string during stretching. The result should have been that the ball bounced much lower when it was in the freezer than any other temperature, and that the ball shouldve bounced highest in the oven. It is the interplay between stretch rate, stretch amount, stretch duration, temperature, and stress relaxation that effects the amount of tension loss that occurs only in the relaxation period (the period that was measured to get "tension loss"). Krista Sheehan is a registered nurse and professional writer. The Temperature of Tennis Balls. I thank Dr. Choi for teaching me how to do this assignment and my parents for buying tennis balls for me. Setup #2 Stiffness, Elongation, and Tension vs Temperature. Sheet3. What is happening? Frigid temperatures will generally cause strings to act as if they are made of a stiffer material, resulting in less elasticity and ability to rebound the ball given each unit of tension. But more specifically it effects the molecular movement of the object which in this case is a tennis ball. If a 82,37,and 70 degree tennis ball are dropped,then the 82 degree tennis ball will bounce the highest because the molecules in the 82 degree tennis ball will move faster. The data from this experiment will show their differences. Retrieved 8 24, 2012, from How 2 Tennis:, Harriman, D. (2012, 7 24). Ball History. Knowing this can help your scores. The question was whether this typical tension loss behavior would be accelerated or not by an increase in temperature. The temperature of the ball affects the elasticity of the material of the ball. The relatively uncontrollable nature of weather presents a variety of challenges to address to perform at the highest levels. That means theres more water in the air, causing it to be and feel denser. The green represents the felt on the ball, and the black represents the hollow core. (Borlings, 2011) From the 1920s, the process of making a tennis ball was based on the clover-leaf principlewhere a sheet of rubber was shaped into a three-leaf clover. Easy Experiment. Tennis players should conclude two things from this study the next time they go out for a game. As such, the heated ball will tend to have a higher bounce than the colder ball. Temperature Quadratic ANOVA, Table 13: Ball 1 vs. We just wanted to let you know that we got a lot of information from this. (Sheehan, 2011)On impact, the gas will be caused to move toward the ground. Tennis Reviewer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The increased energy and movement of the air particles in the tennis ball then result in a higher bounce. Her professional writing works focus mainly on the subjects of physical health, fitness, nutrition and positive lifestyle changes. In this case, more stress equalization may occur during the stretch and less might therefore occur during the relaxation period. String materials vary in terms of their durability, given extreme weather conditions. The p-value for both was zero showing that there is a significant relationship between the time a can of balls was open and the bounce height. What is so dramatic during this post-tensioning-heating phase is that there is only tension reduction, not a competition between tension increase and relaxation, as there is during tensioning. The balls which were placed in a freezer had a bounce percentage of 54.90. Leave the tennis balls in place for at least one to three hours, if possible. Place one of the tennis balls in the freezer for 20 mins 2. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls in 4 different environments with different temperatures. (Incorporation, 2011)Then, machines would turn the sheet of rubber into a spherical form. The first setup (Figure 1) was used to measure tension vs time for strings with different temperature exposure histories. Create a graph or a table showing how high the balls bounce in different temperatures. This is due, in large part, to their construction. The kinetic, Tennis is a game of speed and reflex. Does it matter when the string is exposed to a temperature extreme before, during, or after tensioning? The player may also feel stiffer on a cold day. Figure 9 Elongation by temperature in setup #2. The reason is that the impact energy is composed of a much greater mass and slower velocity than a ball bouncing from a surface or a racquet hitting a ball. Pen. This experiment was undertaken to quantify the effect of temperature on string. Put 2 in the freezer, also for 10 mins, so they can First, make a way for the ball to drop from the same height every time. Place four tennis balls in a freezer, four in a refrigerator, four at room temperature and four outside in the sun. Secondly, testing our experiment with two different balls of the same type to ensure that they reflect the same amount of result. Record temperature on the thermometer of the ball and write it down. Temperature Cubic ANOVA, Table 14: Ball 2 vs. This is not the expected result. Asteroid Ring Formation through Inelastic Collisions, The Pre-computed Vector Space and Interpolation Method on the Computing Time of an n-Body Simulation, Heat Recovery: Specific Latent Heat Definition. From that data, the lengthwise stiffness of each string was calculated. Then, drop the ball from a height of one meter. Does Air Pressure Affect the Bounce of a Basketball? The string was then allowed to cool for 200 additional seconds. Now the equilibrium between the tension and the bonds is broken. For instance, some games are usually held during the summer, and others are held during the winter. The hypothesis was confirmed as the room. Two different types of balls, Penn Championship and Non-Championship will be compared. In order for maximum force to be generated, a tennis player needs a good stable base from where they can begin the movement. Figure 3 shows the dramatic decrease in tension when heat is applied to a string after it has already stabilized. Have another person measure and record how high the ball bounces. Thank you, this explanation was very concise and helpful. It is the net result of the effects of elongation, tension, strain rate and temperature. At 200 seconds, the string was heated to 40 C. This took about 100 seconds. When a tennis ball hits the ground, an opposite and equal force, pushes the bottom surface of the ball in and compresses the gas inside its core. . The balls which were placed in a refrigerator had a bounce percentage of 62.25. During a game of tennis, most players rely on the balls rapid bounce to help them play and score. The most striking result is how much tension is lost during the 40 C post-tensioning-heating scenario compared to room temperature. (Incorporation, 2011)The first rubber tennis balls were made out of pure rubber, and their properties were increased by stitching flannel on to the core. The molecules that make up gas are relatively unorganized; they readily slide around and over one another to fill up any space they occupy. The scientific equation for determining the pressure of gas is p=rRT, where p is the pressure, r is the density, R is a constant specific to the gas and T is temperature. Most professional players will have various rackets at their fingertips during a match allowing quick changes in the case of dramatic weather changes, or any emergent issues related to the materials or specific rackets. Results for Setup #1 tension loss vs timing of heat application. For this reason, you will often notice that the players performance during the summer is different from their performance in winter. (Sheehan, 2011)However, if one lets the ball continue to bounce, it will bounce less high each time until it eventually just sits on the ground. Top "The Effect of Temperature on a Bouncing Ball." The Effect of Temperature on a Bouncing Ball. This is expected. Then they would be dropped from a table, and the height would be measured. Perform steps 10-13 three times. It is interesting to heat a tennis ball to see how better it can bounce when it hits the ground. Standing on the strong chair will have a better height to drop the balls from, which means that the results will be more accurate. Figure 12 Tension vs time for a string tensioned to 28 kg for several different time intervals prior to clamping. The blue dots represent the gas molecules inside. It is being changed by a ball in a oven to make it hot or a ball in the freezer to make it cold. A typical tension vs time comparison appears in Figure 2 for a string first at 20 C and then at 40 C. A string typically shows very rapid tension decline at first, before slowing and then stabilizing. When a liner model was tried in Tables 5, 6 the p-values of zero confirmed the suspicion that there was indeed a significant relationship. the serves comes in five main types of which includes; cannonball or flat serve, topspin-slice serve, slice serve, American twist serve and the topspin serve. Place the video camera on a level that will be able to clearly record the experiment, whilst a person sits beside the tape measurer 5.Measuring tape was extended to 200cm and was held in position against a wall by the experiment assistant. Percentages of the tennis balls bounce. During fast volley bouts your muscles often react. Create a free website or blog at In recent years two different types of balls have been available championship balls and non-championship balls. For ball 1 a value of 0.925 was found and 0.908 was found for ball 2. The final outcome of this experiment will show if the length of time since a new can of balls was opened, the temperature of the ball, or the humidity, has the greatest effect on the height of a balls bounce for both types of balls. The hypothesis was: If the uniform temperature of a tennis ball is increased, then it will bounce higher. While we think primarily about the effect of temperature on rackets and their strings, theres one thing that is also significantly affected by high temperatures: the balls themselves. As the molecules expand, their energy increases as they bounce around more erratically. Click the "Experiment" button to find out! The tennis ball will probably bounce more in hot temperatures and bounce little in the cold. The anatomy of a tennis ball features a hollow rubber-like core filled with gas. Tension loss is defined as just that part that occurs after stretching. Setup #2 Stiffness, Elongation, and Tension vs Temperature. But if heat exposure occurs after tensioning and stabilization, the molecules become agitated and begin to move relative to each other. Whenever this ball falls to the ground, its air expands, causing the ball to bounce back. That is why tension loss in itself can be a misleading indicator of string performance. While a temperature change in one direction has a high-bouncing effect, a temperature change in the other direction reduces the balls bouncing abilities. The physiology of a tennis ball contains a hollow core made out of a rubber-like material. Overall the residual plots show that the fit is good, but there is some considerable doubt and, it is possible another model might fit the data even better. (Borlings, 2011)However, in 1470, Louis XI of Franceforbade the filling of tennis balls and said that they should be filled with high-quality leather. The greatest effect observed in this experiment was that exposing a string to high temperatures after post-tensioning stabilization/relaxation has occurred (as in leaving the racquet in the car during hot weather) produces the greatest decrease in tension. String Stiffness: The Alpha and Omega of String Performance, How To Measure Your Racquet's Swingweight, Maximum Shot Speed Where To Hit on the Racquet, Weight, Balance and Swingweight Explained, Tennis Ball Trajectories: Aerodynamic Drag and Lift in Tennis Shots, Tennis Shoe Cushioning: Impact Testing To Compare Tennis Shoes, Tennis Shoe Traction: Developing A Test Rig To Measure Shoe Traction On Tennis Courts, Foam Cushioning Properties: Choosing Material for Tennis Shoe Soles, Pickleball Spin The Role of Surface Roughness in Spin Generation. Elongation also behaved as expected it increased with temperature (Figure 9). Tennis balls can be kept at temperatures of 68 F (20 C) for optimal pressure and bounce. You need to be able to move quickly and effectively to reach the ball quickly and hit it. Here is the data collected from the first bounce of each temperature. Figure 12 zooms in on tension loss behavior for each nylon and polyester string. Why don't you do an experiment. Pickleball Spin Why Is A Rubber Hitting Surface Illegal? The pressure of the gas inside of the tennis ball is what determines how high the ball will bounce. The tennis balls were left for 4 hours to adequately cool down. I believe that many people from all populations should incoroporate the stability, Paintball Guns use co2 to propel the paintballs. Researchers Crawford Lindsley and Rod Cross performed an in-depth study exploring the effect of temperature on string tension and stiffness. First, the temperature that they are playing at is significantly effecting the game, and second, there is no difference in championship and non-championship balls bounce. How hot the object or how cold the object. Most players focus on tension, but that is only useful in as much as it predicts stiffness, which is often the case for comparing an individual string at different tensions but not for comparing different strings to each other. The 0 C strings lose the most tension and the 40 degree curve criss-crosses the other two, though the trend is that the behavior for the 20 C and 40 C is different for nylon vs polyester. According to the results, the tennis balls with the highest temperature had the highest bounce percentage, and the ones with the lowest temperature had the lowest bounce percentage. We are guessing that heat makes the molecules move faster in the bouncy ball, which gives it more elasticity, but I did not find anything in my research of this project that confirms that fact. Here is another table that shows the exact height in which the ball bounced. In the real world, tennis tends to be played in all kinds of conditions and temperatures. (2011). Here, weve detailed some of the main ways in which the weather and environment can influence not only the way tennis strings react and work but also the match overall. Tennis balls in the 1400s were quite similar to the first tennis balls, butthey were stuffed with chalk, sand, sawdust, or earth. i was just worried even if they are correct or not. It wasnt more than just a leisurely activity until the game found its way back into Italy, once the Roman empire collapsed. The stiffness of the gut and nylon strings seemed to be more sensitive to temperature than did the polyester and kevlar strings. Temperature Cubic ANOVA. It is the only attempt where a player takes his time to position up, instead of reacting to an opponents shot. Borlings, D. (2011). Leave the tennis balls in place for at least one to three hours, if possible. Rather, it is something that naturally happens. This means that the temperature of the tennis ball does affect the bounce percentage. Analysis of the data will either conclude that the common practices of opening a new can balls often is necessary to keep a consistent bounce height, or show that it is unnecessary and balls out of cans previously opened bounce with the same height as newly opened cans. Why Is String Stiffness So Important To Power? The question also required me to determ wheter or not I could use the same weight as I normally do while using the stability ball? As a result, a cold ball has a much lower bounce. Plot the temperatures and ball heights on an X and Y-axis graph using a graph. It wasn't much less and one might be tempted to say that for practical purposes there was no difference. As you will notice from your experiment, the balls that have been treated to the ice chest with ice in it will tend to have lower bounces, resulting from the molecules moving around less and containing less energy. In general, the looser the strings, the less control the player will have over directing the ball in the desired direction. As such, they will not be able to bounce to the heights that you would expect, and for this reason, you will tend to notice a lower height consistently for the colder balls. An experiment was performed to determine the effect of temperature on the stiffness, elongation, tension loss and maintenance of tennis strings. (Wikipedia, 2012)From the 18th century, tennis balls were formed by wounding strips of wool around a nucleus made by rolling strips into a tiny ball. The paper will focus on the some of the types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game. Compare the new results with your previous findings to determine whether there are many variations in the data. The tennis balls which were placed in a boiling environment had an average bounce percentage of 83.33. Tension loss is due to the reordering of molecular bonds to the lowest stress equilibrium available at any given moment. For the sake of our experiment today, you will need to have a concrete floor or other hard surfaces that will be used to perform the bouncing test. Conclusion. The setup was essentially the same as in Figure 1 but a computer controlled stretching program was different. The thing that is changing is the temperature of the tennis ball. They found that tennis rackets perform noticeably differently at different temperatures, as well as be affected by the conditions during which stringing itself takes place. The movement of the air and the squishing inwards when the ball has been dropped cause the ball to push out again, which is the reason for the bouncing movement. Hi I am Andrew. Today there is said to be 25,000,000 bocce ball players in the United States. Setup #1 Tension vs timing of heat application. Repeat the step for each of the temperatures you measured the balls and note down the mean. The temperature of the ball influences its coefficient of restitution. The experiment had four different temperature 12 , 51 , 75 , 111 . Tennis drills and practices train your muscles to react faster, smoothly and naturally. This is longer than the 5-8 ms ball bounce from a solid surface or racquet. (Sheehan, 2011)Outside of the ball is felt, which is the furry, yellow fabric on the surface of the tennis ball. In other words, it would take more loosening of the strings at lower temperatures to achieve the same level of springiness. The ball will depress and rebound off the strings less efficiently in cold weather; therefore, it takes the strings being looser to achieve the same level of elasticity that would typically be possible at warmer temperatures. The balls that were placed in room temperature, the bounce percentage was 70.10. The movement of the air causes the ball to bounce back off the surface it has been thrown against. This is because the gas molecules inside the ball expand . When looking at bounce ball height, keep your head in the same place to avoid problems with parallax. Place DrDAQ on the floor and configure it to measure the "sound level" with a sampling rate of 10 ms Start recording the sound level. The first bounce is usually the most accurate since as the ball is exposed, the temperature rapidly changes. If the uniform temperature of a tennis ball is decreased, the balls bounce will be lower. Temperature causes the internal pressure of a tennis ball to change. The machine stretched the string at 100 mm/min until tension reached 280 N. There was a 100 second wait during which tension loss was recorded. It is the relaxation that occurs both during and after the stretch that is significant. The more extended height from which you drop off the balls is also helpful and means that you can make more accurate observations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); can u pls also mention the results u get by doing the experiment? Retrieved 8 24, 2012, from LIVESTRONG:, Wikipedia. Table 1 shows the percentage spread from 0-40 C, from 0-20 C, and from 20-40 C. Because strings 8-15 did not have any data at 0 C, "NA" appears in those cells. This type of heating has a permanent effect. With such a low R squared value, the regression line does not predict many of the points and can not be considered a good fit to the relationship. (Harriman, 2012). This isnt something that you can control. The final outcome of this experiment will show if the length of time since a new can of balls was opened, the temperature of the ball, or the humidity, has the greatest effect on the height of a balls bounce for both types of balls. 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