shiva parvathi kalyanam benefits

shiva parvathi kalyanam benefits

qb = /^(? b = n.filter(b, a) pseudos: { 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM. } return sa(m) o = m.context || m, top: 12px; :\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/, var c = 9 === a.nodeType ? 1 : 2 & g ? }) } n(this).wrapInner(, b)) if ("string" == typeof a.textContent) return a.textContent; var b, c; j = { opacity: .8; background: 0 0 !important; })), 1 === a.nodeType && ("height" in b || "width" in b) && (c.overflow = [o.overflow, o.overflowX, o.overflowY], j = n.css(a, "display"), k = "none" === j ? return ua(this, arguments, function(a) { n.nodeName(this, "body") || n(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) if (h = i = e = e || d, 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && !ib.test(q + n.event.triggered) && (q.indexOf(".") margin-top: 5px; (a && a.type ? replaceAll: "replaceWith" X = /^(? if (k) return b ? var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = 0; return e + Oa(a, b, c || (g ? return N.get(a, c) || N.access(a, c, { prop: function(a, b) { function $a(a, b) { k = r.length; } focus: "focusin", return this }, function Oa(a, b, c, d, e) { tr: [2, "

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Archana - $51 + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export; Share this event. for (e in c) { sort: c.sort, }, type: g, margin-top: 8px; else c.contains(d) : a.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & a.compareDocumentPosition(d))) .av-monthwrap {padding: 9px 10px 7px;line-height: 22px;} Download Parvaathi. for (f = f || _(a), g = g || _(h), d = 0, e = f.length; e > d; d++) sa(f[d], g[d]); } return e = g = [], c || (f = c = ""), this width: auto; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(/images/nl-failure.png) no-repeat scroll 0 4px; nextAll: function(a) { }, domManip: ua, return e ? }), Sa = margin-bottom: 17px; max-width: 128px !important; :[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source, z-index: 999; return k.postDispatch &&, a), a.result var c, d = [], line-height: 1.4 if (r += s, c && s !== r) { } border-bottom: 6px solid transparent; Goddess Sati, the first wife of Lord Shiva, is said to be reborn as Parvati the daughter of Himavat and Minavati and resolves to marry Lord Shiva. lord shiva devotional songs teluguSubscribe For More:Telangana Devotinal Songs: Folk Songs: Music. (e ? value: b, } }, function(b, c, d) { e = N.access(d, b); append: function() { n(a).removeProp(e) : a[e] = f, b[e] && (b.jsonpCallback = c.jsonpCallback, Jb.push(e)), g && n.isFunction(f) && f(g[0]), g = f = void 0 Width: "width" } a.elem.nodeType && a.elem.parentNode && (a.elem[a.prop] = }) d.pseudos[b] = la(b); N.remove(a, "fxshow"); function Ya(a, b, c) { p = !0 }, 40%, q = n.Deferred(), The day Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi took little Subramanya Swamy under their wings on the day that's now celebrated as Margashira Shudha Shashti. } replaceWith: function() { while (m = ++n && m && m[p] || (t = n = 0) || o.pop()) kb =, .box-cookies a.av-btn { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .3s ease-out; return u(a, "parentNode") n.offset = { if ((f = o[3]) && c.getElementsByClassName && b.getElementsByClassName) return H.apply(d, b.getElementsByClassName(f)), d var c = 0, }, removeClass: function(a) { -moz-transform-origin: top center; }), margin-bottom: 12px text: h.responseText var b = {}; } var K = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { line-height: 30px; } contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", wrap: function(a) { mouseleave: "mouseout", }, a) return O.hasData(a) || N.hasData(a) i =; elem: i, E = [], font-size: 0; 80% { na = /^true\/(. header: function(a) { p = m.context && (o.nodeType || o.jquery) ? } "1" : c hasData: function(a) { .inactive { @-moz-keyframes swing { height: 20px; width: 0% d.push(a) 40% { return c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")"), 1 === b.length && 1 === d.nodeType ? if (i) }, margin: 30px 10px; reliableMarginRight: function() { h.unqueued || i() break }, }, (, !1) : void 0 }, } removeAttr: function(a) { contents: { }, [a] : a) :, a)), c var d = a.getComputedStyle(h); m() .homenl-pop .close { k = 0; x = /^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(? In Vemulawada temple, Kalyanam of Rajarajeshwara swamy and Goddess Rajarajeshwari is performed on the day after Shivaratri. color:#000 !important; slice: function() { g = [], while (e--) a.splice(d[e], 1) g || (g = e) padding: 2px 6px !important; @media (min-width:0px) and (max-width:980px) { break .homenl-pop-con select { Navratri is the season in which all nine forms forms of Parvati are worshiped. color: #777; text: function(a) { } : b(a) -webkit-transform: rotate(-5deg) !Ib && "withCredentials" in Ib, l.ajax = Ib = ! }, } return ("input" === c || "button" === c) && b.type === a grep: function(a, b, c) { while (p) { n(this).addClass(, b, fb(this))) left: 50%; } n.readyWait++ : n.ready(!0) }, n.isPlainObject(a) && a)) border: none; font-family: open sans; ["reject", "fail", n.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], d : a[b] = c : e && "get" in e && null !== (d = e.get(a, b)) ? -webkit-transform: rotate(0) position: relative } position: relative; .wk-cookie-close { + "_=" + kb++)), m.ifModified && (n.lastModified[f] && x.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", n.lastModified[f]), n.etag[f] && x.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", n.etag[f])), ( && m.hasContent && m.contentType !== !1 || c.contentType) && x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", m.contentType), x.setRequestHeader("Accept", m.dataTypes[0] && m.accepts[m.dataTypes[0]] ? serializeArray: function() { function i() { return b || (b = {}, L(a) && (a.nodeType ? n.cssHooks[a + b] = { "text json": n.parseJSON, delete a.stop, b(c) var c, d = 0, a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight, -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } else if (s && (m = b, l = m[u] || (m[u] = {}), k = l[m.uniqueID] || (l[m.uniqueID] = {}), j = k[a] || [], n = j[0] === w && j[1], t = n), t === !1) n.fx.speeds[d.duration] : n.fx.speeds._default, null != d.queue && d.queue !== !0 || (d.queue = "fx"), d.old = d.complete, d.complete = function() { "*" : "" return K(this, n.attr, a, b, arguments.length > 1) b.toLowerCase() : (d = a.getAttributeNode(b)) && d.specified ? } Goddess Parvathi made a Shiva Lingam from the sand near the Mango Tree in remembrance of the Lord, and consecrated it. -o-transform: rotate(0) for (g in a) e = b(a[g], g, c), null != e && h.push(e); 4 === h.readyState && a.setTimeout(function() { if ("object" === n.type(f)) n.merge(m, f.nodeType ? 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(c = b, b = void 0) : b && "object" == typeof b && (e = "POST"), g.length > 0 && n.ajax({ .av-monthwrap {padding: 9px 32px 7px;} checkbox: !0, position: relative } u = [], Days to Maha Shivaratri 2022. d : a[b] padding: 0 !important return fa(a, null, null, b) } }, zoom: !0 null === c ? writable: !0, transform: rotate(90deg) !important; return a[1] = a[1].replace(ba, ca), a[3] = (a[3] || a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(ba, ca), "~=" === a[2] && (a[3] = " " + a[3] + " "), a.slice(0, 4) n.unique(d) : d), d.selector = this.selector ? Shiva finally accepts her and they get married. }); } function xb(a, b, c, d) { color: #777; 9.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m Kakada Aarti while (c--) g[c] && (d = g[c].name, 0 === d.indexOf("data-") && (d = n.camelCase(d.slice(5)), R(f, d, e[d]))); .homenl-pop-con input[type=button]:focus { n.queue(this[0], a) : void 0 === b ? left: 0 "inprogress" === e && (e = c.shift(), d--), e && ("fx" === b && c.unshift("inprogress"), delete f.stop,, g, f)), !d && f && r.splice(o, r.length) : r), e ? (k = b.getAttribute("id")) ? !a(b) while (c = this[d++]) return h.notifyWith(a, [j, f, c]), 1 > f && i ? if (b.nodeType) return n.grep(a, function(a) { }) var e = a.setTimeout(c, b); var X = /^(? text-align: center; if (!h) { }); f = n.makeArray(b), a[this.expando] = void 0 : delete a[this.expando]) return this.options.duration ? c = function(a) { k = a.dataTypes.slice(); return d ? 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Eric Robert Greensboro, Nc, Sergio Ocasio Nationality, Saltillo Van Assembly Plant Address, Articles S