chrism oil in the brain

chrism oil in the brain

Also sex after the 2 and half seems to be ok as well as a week or two in advance doesnt seem to cause much of an issue. By the time it reaches the 33rd vertebrae it is crucified as the pneumogastric nerve crosses over and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands. I only now spotted the moon tracks link above for those dates. Saunders, William. If youre unable to fast completely then use your discretion and find what works beat for you. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. Was conscious there is no need to limit my request since its Jesus I am dealing with. The bishop breathes over the vessel containing the chrism, a gesture which symbolizes the Holy Spirit coming down to consecrate this oil, and recalls the actions of Jesus in the Gospel account of John 20:22, when he breathed on the apostles and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" The priests concelebrating the mass extend their hands toward the vessel containing the chrism and say the chosen "prayer of consecration" silently as the bishop pronounces it over the chrism. I do believe in divine intervention though. Ecktart tolle ect. family and me to escape the ebola crisis in west africa,, For me they are No. Theol., III, 135.) [5][3], Anciently, in the Latin Liturgical Tradition, a special Mass the Chrism Mass was celebrated on Maundy Thursday. I was soul searching and into spiritual books osho. My local work area never experienced a case of ebola. can orgasm jus not on ur sign of month. Gueranger, Prosper, The Liturgical Year, vol. Change of Life routine The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. There in Christian Gnostic and mystic texts a substance they refer to as the Chrism. The fluids that are found in both these bodies come from the same source, namely, the Claustrum, which means barrier or cloister, and is referred to as cloister for the very good reason that a precious and holy thing is secreted or secluded there. Yes, there is much that needs to take place within us all; but until that translates to actual, physical manifestation, it is virtually useless. Happy enlightenment! Make sure you are alkiline. Seed is the cause, the nucleus of everything, therefore a seed is the beginning In the beginning was the WORD.. Have you found any personal benefit yourself? That oil of the Christ lights up the optic thalamus gland which is otherwise known as the light of the world, at the point of crucifixion. Then it stays in limbo (dead so to speak) for 3 days like how Jesus died at the age of 33. The 5D Shift Unfolds: Are you Hungry for Change? Today Roman Catholics and many other Christian churches use a mixture of olive oil and perfume (usually balsam) in the celebrations of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. Chrism, a mixture of oil of olives and balsam, blessed by a bishop in a special manner and used in the administration of certain sacraments and in the performance of certain ecclesiastical functions. At the beginning of the process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), each person preparing for initiation is anointed with the oil of the catechumens. No. A year after that even physical healing i asked for were granted. What is the underlying intention of an alchemized consciousness? Perrone, Prael. Use logical The fluid, oil, or marrow which flows down the spinal cord, comes from the upper brain, the Creator or Father, the Most High, and is known in physiology as ovum, or generative seed that life essence which creates the human form of corruptible flesh. This oil is used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, since they impart an indelible . Congratulations! In one week the moon will be in my star sign (scorpio), I plan to only eat fruit a few days prior and fast during. Moon enters Gemini A huge connection with the cosmos and Jesus, God. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. After Secretion,, I had asked Jesus in 2014 for the following : [12] During the part of the Chrism Mass called the Rite of Reception of the Oils, representatives from every diocesan/archdiocesan parish receive the three oils. The Holy Oils are: The Oil of the Catechumens and Oil of Chrism are used on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil for the baptism and confirmation of adults or children over the age of 10 who wish to fully enter the Church. Meditated on it and worked on transmitting it. 81, No. They exercised, it seems, this prerogative in former times in the East, but the power of delegating priests to bless chrism is now strictly reserved to the Holy See in the Western Church. New Location to work (Cf. I did three days of this with the intention of making the nine days to make a total of 9000 Hail Marys. Prophets were anointed with olive oil, and they in turn anointed kings. One year later all my requests had come true, even the outrageous and impossible,, Go to Confessions , do a full from earliest memory confession to present day, disclose all,, To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. When the new blood is produced, the old toxic blood is disposed of by the bodys own methods. "Chrism Mass", Diocese of Manchester (New Hampshire). Some of our ancient ancestors used this science to live for hundreds and even thousands of years. The Chrism oil is the Foundation from which ALL your cells are made, it is" the seed". Take about 50-100mg cbd oil before bed and you GOOD! No. We need to generate a calendar for each zodiac sign that tells that birthdate person when to abstain and for how long. Ive always had super dry hair, but not now. Will let you know Gillian! For women, its about menstruation and feeling. Following an infants baptism with water and before he receives the white garment, the cross with chrism oil is traced on the crown of the childs head, marking him as a Christian. For the full solemn ceremonial the consecrating prelate should be assisted by twelve priests, seven deacons, and seven subdeacons. The Chrism Mass is a religious service held in Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism. Before birth the human foetus floats, like a fish, in the fluids by which it is surrounded. Anointing with chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. On Maundy Thursday, Lutherans celebrate the Chrism Mass, which is presided over by a bishop. That oil of the Christ lights up the optic thalamus gland which is otherwise known as "the light of the world," at the point of "crucifixion." 11. Twelve times out of the year, or once a month, there is a secretion from your cerebrum when the moon is in the sun sign that you were born under. (Cf. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. Does the oil just go down the spine on its own? Santos Bonacci: Your Body Is The Holy Land: Part 2, Best Product Recommendations, Uses and Benefits,,, Repair DNA and Rejuvenate Cells While You Relax, The Antiwar Movement Is Roaring Back to Life, British Journalist Releases Evidence That CIA Created Google. Salaam, namastey dear Edward , thank you so much , the beauty, the peace , the love and the heaven within. By. Balsam is poured into the oil, which gives it a sweet smell intended to remind those who encounter it of the "odor of sanctity" to which those who are marked with it, are called to strive. The fourth brain is the solar plexus which has to do with the lower mind, greed, animalistic behavior, etc. That chrism may serve as valid matter for the Sacrament of Confirmation it must consist of pure oil of olives, and it must be blessed by a bishop, or at least by a priest delegated by the Holy See. Sex seems straight forward? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The bishop breathes on the chrism, a gesture that recalls Jesus breathing on his disciples after the resurrection and sending the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). The liturgy acknowledges the inward transformation by the Holy Spirit that is signified by anointing with chrism. We are supposed to return some of that energy up. But whether a priest may be the extraordinary minister of this blessing, and, if so, in what circumstances, this is a question that is more or less freely discussed. The orgasm should always be avoided. Lehmkuhl, Cas. avoid processed foods at all costs and everything listed above, I usually cut the tobacco, sex, and all the finer things in life 3 or so days before the start of my 2. I realized how ugly I had been inside and consciously day by day. I like to search for this type of this information because I am willing to strip my ego and experience blissful, unconditioned consciousness. Whats interesting is that the eastern world still has applied knowledge of the retention and transmuting of the beautiful energy we all possess. And my heart was beating like never before. While ideally celebrated with the community during the Mass for the anointing of the sick, this sacrament can be administered any time and in any place. Secret of Secrets: The Elixir of Life, Hiding in the Bible Part 1 I think I am in agreement with so many of these people, there is not enough information on how to make this happen. Once blessed in this way, the chrism and the other oils are no longer ordinary ointments. Joseph and Mary, by furnishing the material for the spiritual child which was to redeem the child or body formed in generation, paid the symbolical redemption money.. Last things, The oil symbolizes strength, and the fragrant balsam represents the "aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15). before the moon passes through my sign of aquarius. Jesus is in you. This is also indicative of the As above, so below concept. After the 3 day u meditate on 112 hrz or 432 or crown frequency to light the lamp an conec t to r brain an create new wine ,u also do it w sex w out orgasm ,u know The Pineal Gland is the Pinnacle of the Temple. The modus operandi by which the oil of the spinal cord reaches the Pineal Gland is described in what follows. I happen to be an Aquarius and have an Aquarius sun sign. I also dont think anyone can tell us nor teach us how as we all know that enlightenment is a personal journey, between the higher self and the adept. It lasted about 20 seconds. Hope that helps. 4) and Suarez (De Conf., D. xxxiii) hold that it was instituted immediately by Christ, while others contend that it is altogether of ecclesiastical origin. Joy. This time will be a combo I found of 528 and 963 to see what happens. Yes, you are correct, and this place does exist. Labbe, Mark. In the bible the Ark is built with two cherubim and the two covering angels. Other instances where chrism oil is used is during the sacrament of holy orders. What happens if you lose the organic lighted guidance? If either of the last two conditions is wanting the sacrament will be doubtfully valid. I heard that one should be aware of when the moon comes into your zodiac date once per month or something of that nature. This seems accurate as when compared with the story of Santa coming down the chimney once a year. Each year we witness the use of the holy chrism when young people are confirmed, and at the Easter Vigil when adults are confirmed after baptism. I got to an enlightened state of being in the year 2009. No pain no gain gentleman lol Hope this helps at least to get you started. But I went there with the goal to rise my kundalini, and the sacred secretion happened as well, 2 days after my kundalini rising. Instead, they are a holy, precious gift from God to the Church, signifying cleansing and strengthening, healing and comfort, and the life-giving grace of the Holy Spirit. Alchemy teaches the mind to synthesize the organic manner of the lighted mind. However, they are hopefully provocative. Game Set and Match, The Meaning of Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and More, The Popes Resignation and the End of the Piscean Age, Universal Truth School - Site by Benjamin Scott. Bellarmine, De Conf., ix.) Ill report my results back here if there are any. VII, c. iv). You cannot mistake it,, its a strong spraying of fluid inside the skull from the front of the brain to the inner wall of the skull. Astro means the stars and logy is the science of. Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci knew of these secrets. Im heart broken. The text for Holy Thursday begins with a rubric formerly located at the beginning of the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper prohibiting all Masses without a congregation on Holy Thursday (Roman Missal, rubrics for Holy Thursday, Chrism Mass [CM], no. The fluid, oil, or marrow which flows down the spinal cord, comes from the upper brain, the Creator or Father, the "Most High," and is known in physiology as ovum, or generative seed that life essence which creates the human form of corruptible flesh. Anointing on the head is also administered at the baptism of an adult if the person does not immediately receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I say this because kids really have it figured out. I want to share. Please share so that others may do the same. Open your heart and trust. try to live in Gods Grace. The ancient Christian Apostolic Tradition (c. 200 A.D.) described a "ceremony taking place during the Easter Vigil at which two holy oils were blessed and one was consecrated. [5] In some dioceses, attendance is sufficiently significant that, due to limited seating, tickets are distributed to parishes. I understand it stops at the Vagas Nerve for a period of 2.5 days. There are 2 parts. And as it is with the child formed on the generative plane, so it is with the spiritual child born in the solar-plexus the Bethlehem. Approximately how long is the journey of the sacred secretion on its way down, and back up? Assuming my first Part is posted , just a follow up to close my story. To transfer control of your experience away from your inner light who would be guiding you to your own personal control of it all. So santa wears a member signup for santa claus or not finely attuned and convince those numbers were subjected to set. chrism: [noun] consecrated oil used in Greek and Latin churches especially in baptism, chrismation, confirmation, and ordination. [emailprotected], THE HONEY MOON IS THE ANNUAL MOON THAT THE HIGHLY INTELLIGENT GRECO ROMAN EGYPTIAN OF OUR DIVINITY AND COMMAND OF ELEMEMTAL FORCES THAT YAHUAH JOSHUA NOW JESUS WAS CONCEIVED ON THIS LUNAR SOLAR CHAPERONED CONCEPTION GIVING HIM THE ALCJHEMICAL BIRTHRITE TO HEAL FEED BRING THE DEAD BACK TO LIFE THE DARK AGES AND INQUISITION THE PISCEAN DEEP DARK AGE OF MAN DROWNING HIS DIVINITY BY THE UNHOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC PAGAN CHURCH TAKING THE INNER MYSTERIES OF NATURE INTO TRIBAL FAMILIAL BLOODLINES THE DAVIDIC BLOODLINE AND THE 13 BLOODLINES THAT STIL RUYE TODAY THE MEDICI STEALING SHAMANIC HEALING MYSTERIES THE ROTHCHILDS TAKING TH EPHARISACI DOUBLE ENTRY BANKING USER SYSTEM THE ORSINI IN THE POLITICAL REALM AND THE OTHE ROCKEFELLOR INFORMATION MEDIA REALM THESE FAMILIES TOOK THE GNOSIS UNDERGROUND AS ALEXANDRIAN PHARONIC ATLANTEAN PYTHAGOREAN TOTH MYSTERIES WENT UNDERGROUND .WHAT A MAGICAL DIVINE TIME TOBE ALIVE SO NET 2000 YRS WILL BE ENLIGHTENING AQQUARIUS WATER BEARER PO EYES URING OUT OUR WATER WHICH CONTAINS MEMORY AND THE GREAT AWAKENING THE INTERNATIONAL INTEL 5 EYES TRY TO CENSOR ONLINE CONSPIRACY TRUTHS ON PLANET HEART HERMETIC REINCARNATION PRISON PLANET MIND MOON MERCUURIEL SATURN TH REE RINGS THAT RULE US ALL FATHER TIME OFTHE INER SEVENFOLD ELOHIM PLANETIS AND SEVENFOLD7 GALAXY 7 COLOURS 7 TONES 7 PLANETS 7 METALS 7 SEAS 7 CHALKRAS 7 HOLES IN YOUR HEAD .LOL. : good, if saved and cast upon the waters (circulation) to reach the Pineal Gland; and evil, if eaten or consumed in sexual expression on the physical plane, or by alcoholic drinks, or gluttony that causes ferment acid and even alcohol in intestinal tract thus No drunkard can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for acids and alcohol cut, or chemically split, the oil that unites with the mineral salts in the body and thus produces the monthly seed.. To find out when the Moon is in your sun sign click here Regarding the institution of chrism, or its introduction into the sacramental and ceremonial system of the Church, some theologians like St. Thomas (Sum., III, Q. lxxii, a. This is the cerebrum with its two hemispheres that cover over the cerebellum and the inner brain. My birthday is 4/3/75. in Rom. Read more of her work at, Copyright 2023 US Catholic. End? A cross with chrism oil is traced on the crown of the child's head. Once this happens, you wont desire to live the same way as you once did. [1][5][11], The Mass takes its name from the blessing of the holy oils used in the sacraments throughout the year, which are then given to priests or extraordinary lay ministers to take back to their parishes. The incarnation light (the archetypes of light created within and confined to this experience) is not the same as organic light. finally , i found this blog, i lost it 2 weeks ago and i recover it. Help Now Search Daily Readings Daily Readings Calendar Find a Parish Report Abuse About USCCB Prayer & Worship Bible Issues & Action News Resources The Blessing of the Oils and the Consecration of the Chrism And even sadness profoundly. The oil symbolizes strength, and the fragrant balsam represents the aroma of Christ (2 Cor 2:15). Santos puts emphasis on the idea and understanding of As above, so below. Which if you dont know about, you will certainly find out what its about if you take the time to check out some of his videos. i got family out of ebola area and relocated safely. This article also appears in the July 2016 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. Some benefits are that it increases testosterone in males. Such being the prevailing usage of the Old Testament in adopting olive-oil for religious ceremonies, it is no cause for wonder that it also came to receive under the New Dispensation a certain religious recognition and approval. I would think that there would have been people who would have triggered it on accident around their birthday. Chrism, a mixture of oil of olives and balsam, blessed by a bishop in a special manner and used in the administration of certain sacraments and in the performance of certain ecclesiastical functions. This rite most often takes place during Mass, prior to holy Communion. God made Black saints. Image: Flickr cc via Diocese of Bethlehem. The Christ Seed is a psycho-physical germ. According to Santos Bonacci and ancient Hermetic wisdom, our bodies are alchemical instruments. How what and why. I have read elsewhere that the seed can be destroyed by glutenous eating, there fore destroying the seed before it even travels up to the vagus nerve. Raising the Chrism Oil. The Scriptures, or allegories and parables of the Bible, are the only writings that give us information as to what the Word of God is. All Rights Reserved |, The shared vision of the prophets and Georgia OKeeffe. 12. A deep warm glow of spiritual energy around me for days after. This was its ordinary signification in profane literature, and even in the early patristic writings. The bishop prays over and blesses each oil individually. Jan 3, 2023 2:44 AM Its not some type of religion. and today 4 years on its a success, going to retire on it in the near future. Then, the chrism, being perfected with a final prayer, receives the homage of all the sacred ministers present, making each a triple genuflection towards it, and each time saying the words, Ave sanctum chrism. This science gives us the knowledge required to save our own asses. Does this also apply to women because orgasm does not necessarily result i release of fluids. Look into Hollow Earth/Agartha/Garden of Eden/Admiral Byrd's flight etc, A M A ZI N G!!! It lasted . Today Roman Catholics and many other Christian churches use a mixture of olive oil and perfume in the celebrations of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. Loving and compassionate. The Chrism is a precious and sacred oily secretion produced by the claustrum in the cerebrum of the brain. The psychedelic concoction travels down the spine's 33 vertebrate before rising up again. If you are prior military lazarus naturals gives 40% off site wide. "What is the Chrism Mass? ", "Chrism Mass", Cathedral of St. Mary's, Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, April 4, 2017. If you focus on God being loving and compassionate, you increase the amount of love and compassion in your brain, and your outward behaviors. The pineal gland releases a masculine electrical portion which is known as honey, and the pituitary gland releases the feminine magnetic portion, milk. The sacred heavens are also in the holy portions of our brains. Alcohol and acidic producing foods are also detrimental to this precious oil that comes from the cerebrum. I digress, but, regardless of what you believe to be undeniably true, this is pretty interesting to think about, and the ultimate gift if you can assimilate. Throughout the liturgical year, the blessed chrism is used to represent our new life in Christ and the fact that we, like the Hebrews, are set apart and marked by God. And like jumping like a little girl. i got upgrades on the new job, and i secured the investment i wanted, locked it down , before it slipped away. Once a year or so your sign is in a new moon cycle, usually near the birthday. S. R. C., ed. By the time it reaches the 33rd vertebrae it is crucified as the pneumogastric nerve "crosses" over and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands. Cookies Now the scientism and new age community has gleefully taken over that role. Chrism, along with the two oils used to bless catechumens and to anoint the sick, is blessed and distributed at Chrism Mass during Holy Week. The ancient sacred knowledgehas to do with astrology and how KNOWING astrology can SAVE you. I rely on my intuition a lot and everything about this information resonates with me on many levels. Chrism oil is also used during baptism of adults. "Chrism Mass to be celebrated at 10 a.m. at St. Louis Cathedral". In a formal procession, olive oil is brought forward in special urns; the oil of the sick is presented first, next the oil of the catechumens, and finally oil for the holy chrism. Paid attention to how I was thinking. How to preserve it and meet God FACE TO FACE AT PENIEL! Help to get me an investment i wanted Thank you for sharing what has been hidden from the masses for so long! While there is no dictate on how to properly dispose of the chrism, many parishes either burn it in the paschal fire or, sometimes, in a separate liturgical celebration during Holy Week. Though the bishop cannot be physically present at every baptism or confirmation in his diocese, he can be symbolically present through the holy oils he blesses. August 8, 2020. All I keep hearing is the 2.5 days at the Vagus nerve. I got dismissed but relocated to an new work place after 9 mopnths . Go within and you will get the answer. The ritual for creating and consecrating the holy chrism is different from the others. When theres nothing left to loose, you are at the closest point of all there is to receive. 54:7). Gradually however, in the writings of the Fathers at all events, the term came to be restricted to that special kind of oil that was used in religious ceremonies and functions, especially in the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. We should advance kids even faster! ON EITHER side of the Thalamus, in the head, is a gland, known in physiology as the Pineal, on the posterior, and the Pituitary on the anterior side of the Thalamus. I am the bread of life, said the allegorical Jesus. John A. Hardon notes in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, is "a consecrated mixture of olive oil and balsam." Balsam, a type of resin, is very fragrant, and it is used in many perfumes. These two conditions are certainly necessary for validity; moreover it is probable that there should be an admixture of balsam, and that the blessing of the chrism should be special, in the sense that it ought to be different from that which is given to the oil of the sick or the oil of catechumens. Immediately some things started happening,, it seemed like bad things, but keeping in mind what Ii had asked Jesus, i let them happen . Maundy Thursday is the usual day in which this Mass is celebrated in a diocese or archdiocese. Each year the local bishop blesses enough new oils for every parish during the Chrism Mass. I got the Secretion working 3-4 times in my life, although at the time was not sure what was happening or why it happened,, .Living in Gods Grace , its a journey , not a light switch , you have to achieve an acceptable state of grace in Gods eyes, by the way you are living , changing your life with true contrition for past sins, and a firm resolve to do better.. My story can be a walk through for others needing guidance on achieving the Sacred secretion. [15], The service is a 1967 restoration of the rite recorded in the early 200s by the historian Hippolytus who writes of a ceremony taking place during the Easter Vigil at which two holy oils were blessed and one was consecrated. Anointing with chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. Theres a much deeper meaning to it. No.6 Oaths to God , Second evening kneel and pray and remember every wrong people ever did to you from earliest memory, in the presence of God ( in prayer) tell them you forgive them, ( say to God, I have forgiven them, I ask you God to forgive them too. ) He gives good gifts (anointing) to good children and coal to bad ones. The bishop traces the Sign of the Cross with chrism oil on the forehead of the one being confirmed and says, [Name], be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.. Been reading on this and listening to more in the quantum physical and neurological fields of study and more and more it matches. de theol. If it be asked why chrism has been thus introduced into the functions of the church liturgy, a reason is found in its special fitness for this purpose by reason of its symbolical significance. [3] In the decree renewing this rite Pope Paul VI said:The Chrism Mass is one of the principal expressions of the fullness of the bishops priesthood and signifies the closeness of the priests with him.[3]. If you locate additional information that you find valuable it would be very loving of you to return to this site and post such helpful additional material. Live the same way as you once did and experience blissful, consciousness! Sacrament of confirmation made, it is & quot ; the seed quot. By a bishop age of 33 were granted oil symbolizes strength, and the fragrant balsam represents aroma! New work place after 9 mopnths bible the Ark is built with two and! Birth the human foetus floats, like a fish, in the holy Spirit relocated safely Aquarius... Used during baptism of adults & # x27 ; s head others may do the same the Foundation from all! ) to good children and coal to bad ones community has gleefully taken over that role family out ebola... 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