can vinyl flooring cause allergies

can vinyl flooring cause allergies

These adhesives will contain lead and other VOCs that once it becomes acclimated to room temperature will turn into a gas and consequently off gas into the air. Does vinyl flooring come in different widths? PVC can also readily contaminate water bodies like streams. But, it may have a tad of wood shavings in the core. Like wood, tile, and cork, when properly sealed, bamboo flooring resists the growth of mold and mildew and doesnt trap dirt and dust. He said it leaks thru the gut walls.. tiny molecules if plastic. Firstly, open the window for a day after installing the LVP surface to get rid of most of the VOCs. You can get rid of VOCs and let some fresh air into your home by opening a window, using the exhaust fan in your kitchen or bathroom, or having a mechanical ventilator installed. This naturally occurring substance inhibits the growth of mold, mildew, bacteria and other allergens. Dust mites and mold spores like heat and humidity. You can request copies of the manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each product to determine the VOC content. These chemicals can contribute to indoor air pollution by drifting out of the flooring and into the air and dust inside homes. Known for its durability and natural beauty, hardwood flooring adds value and luxury to any room. Exposure to VOCs can trigger asthma attacks and is associated with symptoms including headaches, eye irritation, coughing, unexplained fatigue, and respiratory distress. There is an array of different air purifiers that are currently available to consumers that can all focus and mitigate certain pollutants from the environment such as noxious odors, allergens, particulates, and even chemicals from the air. Best Mop for Vinyl Plank Floors Here is what my research found. It isn't easy, but us possible. OMG I thought I was the only one with this! Look for ones with third-party certifications (like GREENGUARD and FloorScore) and opt for a no-adhesive floor if youre sensitive to strong chemicals. The relieving fact is- home improvement companies now produce phthalate-free vinyl flooring. The materials contaminate the air, and when you breathe in, it goes into your body. But, hardwood or cork (or other hard surfaces) are generally much better options. If there is anything disturbing you on the ground, such as dust or dirt, then it will be reflected on your floor and can cause health problems due to allergy. Carpet is one of the best safest flooring options. There are also hypoallergenic and low VOC carpet padding (such as felt or Shaws Triple Touch Carpet padding) which tend to be better for allergies or asthma. The second stage is a hospital-grade HEPA filter that is able to filter particulate matter as small as 0.3 microns in size which will include particulates like allergens. Higher-end vinyl products typically are the better option for both durability and VOC content. And while many people go to a lot of trouble to allergy-proof their home, they often overlook one of the largest producers of allergy triggers in the home: the floor. Please note that some of this sites links are affiliate links, and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. So why should your floor contribute to that? So, you can get the safest vinyl flooring if you purchase one from Home Depot. Has the floor been tested for harmful chemicals? On the other hand, you can find non-toxic flooring options like Linoleum and Carpet to relieve this problem. It can trap bacteria and allergens and its a terrible surface for laminate or vinyl to go on top of. Phthalates, a type of plasticizer, are added to plastics or PVC (vinyl) to make them more flexible, durable, and transparent. The results of the aforementioned study actually show how vinyl floors were considered to be toxic. The American Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America encourages homeowners to use a whole-home humidifier and dehumidifier to keep your home below 50% relative humidity. I think am suffering from Cholinergic urticaria. Vinyl flooring will also produce other hazardous chemicals into the air from the adhesives that are used to install the flooring. Laminate flooring is toxic. Off gassing is usually extreme in the first 3 to 5 weeks after your vinyl flooring installation. However, theyre not completely impervious to allergens either. It also leads to the pollution of the environment. A recent study found that most vinyl flooring, made from reprocessed plastic, contained toxic phthalates, lead, cadmium, brominated flame retardants, and other toxic chemicals. Honestly, vinyl plank flooring has minimum health issues. At present, the manufacturer companies stop using phthalates and provide phthalate-free LVP floor. Laminate floors is more largely used in other rooms of the home, yet its an affordable alternative for kitchen flooring. Here are six tips to reduce allergens throughout your home: Control indoor temperature and humidity. If you or your kids have allergies or asthma, selecting the best type of flooring can have a big impact on the air quality, as many allergens can collect and get trapped in the floors. Yes, even hardwood flooring or laminates can cause allergies or asthma. Yes, vinyl flooring is toxic because it contains Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). But for those who are affected by allergies, flooring takes on a whole new meaning. The whole purpose of this is due to to her asthma and allergies. felt pads, vent covers, Hardwood supplies e.g. While hardwood and cork are generally the best options for those with asthma and allergies, stone or tile flooring, as well as linoleum are also great options. FloorScore is a certification from SCS Global Services that tests finished flooring products for 35 individual VOC emissions (including formaldehyde). Solid wood, bamboo or eucalyptus flooring would be excellent allergy friendly floors. Keeping your home allergy-free extends beyond just choosing the right product. Like Linoleum, ceramic tile is also a non-toxic flooring option. If you are allergy sensitive, then choosing the hardwood floor will be your best option. Laminate and vinyl plank flooring dont trap allergens like carpet and theyre generally much easier to clean. Give the floor planks time to adjust and acclimate with the house, Youll need at least 352 square feet of sheet vinyl. This makes them incredibly easy to clean, which is especially helpful during allergy season. Is there even such a thing as an allergy-proof floor? Heat or energy recovery ventilators remove stale indoor air and pull the same amount of fresh air into your home. Her work has made her a famous name in this is as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Download the guide Five Things You Need To Consider When Buying A Waterproof Floor now to help you make the best decision for your space. Im driving my husband crazy. Vinyl tile flooring is constructed of new or recycled polyvinyl chloride or PVC that is known to be one of the most environmentally hazardous consumer materials that are produced for flooring. However one thing to make sure of when considering . In addition to trapping the allergens, when you walk on the carpet, vacuum, or disturb the carpet in any way, you could be sending more allergens back into the air. But it is 2021, and the manufacturing companies care about the health issue as well as the environment. Multi-width vinyl flooring is a type of vinyl in which the planks, Vinyl floors naturally tend to expand and contract with the temperature and humidity. Call Now and save. If youre looking at engineered wood as an option for your floors, pay special attention to the amount of VOCs in each product and select products with the least amount possible. Following the below steps, you can easily protect yourself from vinyl toxicity. I would expect those surfaces to bounce and break. It is made of natural materials mixed with sustainable elements. The only meds that seem to alleviate the itch and hives are prednisone and benadryl- which I cannot live on. One of the worst offenders in allergy magnets for your home is carpeting. Wood Toxicity and Allergen Chart Wooden Species Response Pine, Huon irritant Pistachio irritant Poison Walnut (Cryptocarya pleurosperma) bark disturbing to skin, dust may cause asthma, nausea, giddiness, sap is toxic and corrosive Poplar irritant, blisters, asthma, bronchitis. Laminate flooring also wins out over vinyl when it comes to environmental sustainability. Your email address will not be published. Its believed that this exacerbates the indications of these conditions. I am in Atlanta, GA. Anupa You may want to look into a pre-finished wood. The hives and welts kept coming and were getting worse. How does Fahrenheit 451 relate to real life? Off-gassing can last between six months and five years depending on the household item and the chemicals used to treat it. Formaldehyde is more common in laminate flooring, where it's found in the adhesive and resin. Cork is also an eco-friendly product. This type of flooring can be found in a range of finishes and comes from a variety of different wood species. What are the different types of waterproof flooring? As they are synthetic products (vs. hardwood or cork which are natural), they may tend to cause other issues, especially with cheaper options. However, formaldehyde emissions decrease over time, making the floor less and less poisonous as it ages. Also, most companies today choose to make vinyl planks that are not toxic elements or free of phthalates. Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of irritant dermatitis. With numbers like those, its easy to see why you would want to prevent allergy triggers as much as possible. That base layer is often man-made materials bonded together with a chemical adhesive. Bamboo Floors - Touted as one of the most allergy friendly floors, bamboo floors can work well for allergy sufferers. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations., ENVIROKLENZ This will help keep allergens like dust mites, and mold at bay. More than the trapped allergens during daily life, I am extremely concerned about the replacemtn flooring exuding VOCs and other such material What exaclty should I be looking to avoid if I use hardwood or carpet and how do I know who to use? These chemicals have been associated with serious health issues, including respiratory problems, neurological issues, skin irritation, and cancer. Is Lowes vinyl flooring toxic? Similar to cork flooring, some high-end vinyl floors (often called luxury vinyl) can offer the advantages of a hard surface easy to clean, no pockets for moisture and many have an antibacterial agent built into them. Get Additional $250 OFF Now*. Hardwood floors can be refinished, and with care can last a lifetime or more. Rubber rug pads and vinyl floors: no longer a event made in heaven Rubber, the two the organic and synthetic, isnt secure to use with vinyl floors since it reacts with the chemicals found in vinyl and motives staining. And, if you do have carpet, vacuum frequently. In the Spring I began to get hives/welts and little red dots that would appear on my skin of my arms and legs that were exposed. Generally speaking, soft surfaces are not going to be your best option, so stick with harder surface floor products and avoid rugs. However, as it emits a level of VOC, it may be dangerous to your health and cause asthma or other issues. After installation, clean the floors regularly, keep a healthy home environment, and use other products that dont use irritating chemicals. From tracking seasonal pollen counts to taking allergy medicine to voraciously cleaning, many people are overwhelmed with keeping their allergies in control. In severe cases, rashes, hives, low blood pressure, breathing trouble, asthma attacks, and even death have occurred. Use solid wood. Get our free cleaning guide for details about the best way to clean your floor (spoiler you only need 3 tools to clean!). Before you invest thousands of dollars and prepare for everything involved in buying new flooring, please spend a minute or two with this book. This chemical is used in hundreds of personal care products, furniture, or other applications. When it comes to construction inside your home like the installation of new flooring, the EnviroKlenz Air System will be able to pull the contaminated air from the toxins produced from the new flooring and filter out the VOCs, formaldehyde, PVC and other chemicals that are off-gassed into the air as well as break down and neutralize the odors created from these released chemicals. Laminate flooring is toxic, because the wood-bonding adhesive and top layer contain and emit chemicals, which are harmful to our health. As the materials (phthalate) are used in the final production process of LVP, it emits a level of VOCs into the air for a short amount of time after installation. However, prolonged exposure to this chemical may lead to several health issues like reproductive health issues. On the contrary, these are durable, cost-effective products that tend to be far better for allergies than carpet; its just important that you research the products and select higher end options rather than cheaper alternatives. Building a new home or renovating the home you currently reside in will leave you with many decisions, some of which will be critical to both the air quality in this environment and the health of those that are exposed to this tainted air on a daily basis. The chemical fume that is produced from this type of flooring is a result of off-gassing that releases the chemical into the air and affects indoor air quality, and as it releases this chemical it will create a pungent odor that will permeate throughout the entire indoor space. It naturally resists mold, mildew, and bacteria and is easily maintained, like hardwood floors, with a dust mop and appropriate cleaner. When it comes to vinyl flooring, this plasticizer is also used mostly in the time of final production to increase their flexibility and durability. However, always avoid older carpeted floors as it contains VOC elements like formaldehyde. And allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. These emissions are caused by a variety of factors, like the adhesive and finishes used with the floor. Phthalates are known toxins, exposing both humans and pets to the risk of asthma, cancer, kidney, lung, and even reproductive health problems. How do I clean my above ground pool for the winter? Your safe harbor from the pressures and threats of the day-to-day outside world. My daughters are allergic to Willow and oak trees. Compared with other types of floor, this kind of flooring is superbly easy. This can cause many of the symptoms you're experiencing including headaches, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, and asthmatic reactions. However, many waterproof flooring manufacturers use materials that are safe for those with allergies and asthma and that meet rigorous indoor air quality certifications. Do you need a local flooring contractor? I have a systemic reaction going on because of it! Todd Thanks for your input. Vinyl flooring can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. It seems secondary to the certain things you are exposed to (plastics, vinyl etc). Other suitable options but be wary of quality. Use solid surface flooring instead of carpet. Made with all-natural ingredients, this cleaner can be used on a variety of surfaces, like vinyl flooring, hardwood, concrete, and countertops. If possible, replace carpet with tile, vinyl flooring, or wood . In this article, we are going to discuss the disadvantages of vinyl flooring, the chemicals that it releases into the air, and how you can effectively remove the chemical pollutants produced from vinyl flooring out of your homes air after installation. Hard-surface flooring such as vinyl, tile or wood is much easier to keep free of dust mites, pollen, pet dander and other allergens. Solid hardwood floors are made of planks milled from a single piece of timber. Theyre here to help with all your questions from allergy-friendly product selection, to installation and maintenance. Copyright 2011-2022 | All Rights Reserved. Vinyl is a good allergy-friendly alternative as its hard surface qualities make it easy to clean of dust and debris and don't lend towards trapping allergens. However, as phthalates are used during the final production, it may emit VOCs that may be harmful to human health. Concrete? However, prolonged exposure to this chemical may lead to several health issues like reproductive health issues. When properly finished, even a porous product like cork can be great for allergy sufferers. Does that mean she cant go outside? Certain foods can cause irritant contact dermatitis. To wrap it up, you have to know that vinyl plank floors are not that toxic not unless you get a heavy expose. Before we get to the options, it can be helpful to understand the condition. . Cork floors are a wonderful alternative to hardwood. Top Brands and Manufacturers that make the safest LVP floor. According to the AAFA, an allergy is a reaction within your immune system to a foreign substance in or in contact with your body. It doesnt also emit any harmful chemicals into the air and has no health issues. It consists of a melamine resin formaldehyde, which is often close to the surface of the laminate. As stated above, there is no cure for allergies. HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Air) filters retain allergy-causing particles, and are great for those suffering from allergies. Laminate floors is more advantageous in terms of fading. Long popular for their durability, style, high-end appearance and variety, tile and stone are good allergy-friendly options for flooring if attention is paid to the selection, style, and installation. Luxury vinyl plank and vinyl tile flooring are one of the hottest new trends in flooring in recent years. While carpet is an obvious aggravator of allergies, there are many other flooring finishes that are not ideal for the people who suffer from allergies. Ok, lets start with the bad news first. Polished marble and granite look great and are allergy-friendly options, but they can be slick underfoot, so factor that into any decision. If so, feel free to buy me a coffee and support my blog. Cork Floors - While cork floors offer easy cleanup and can be visually beautiful, the porous nature of the material creates small pockets that dust and pet dander can hide. As a general rule, smooth stone will be much less likely to harbor allergens than a tile that is porous or has rough edges or is highly textured.. Polished marble and granite are excellent choices (for those with allergies), but natural-looking stone with a textured finishes and uneven surfaces can provide pockets for mold and other allergens to collect and develop. In addition to being a design and flooring option increasing in popularity, when treated properly and decoratively finished, concrete is a very allergy-friendly flooring option. You can read more about it here Whats the difference between linoleum and vinyl? Now thats not to say carpet is bad. LVP and LVT flooring is an excellent solution for allergy sufferers because the hard surface wont' hold onto dust mites or pet dander like carpet does. Make sure the concrete is prepared with low VOC products prior to staining/finishing, and have it properly sealed with a low-VOC or VOC-free sealer for extra life and worry-free maintenance. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Ive been in the flooring business 46 years. Fax | 941.866.0428 How Floors Affect the Allergy Sufferers in Your Home, What You Need to Know About Replacing Carpet with Hardwood Flooring, 5 Benefits of Hardwood Flooring that May Tempt You to Tear Up Carpet. Now, you may ask- do you want to say vinyl flooring has no side effects? How many cubic feet in one quickcrete bag. How long does laminate flooring off-gas? What are the pros and cons of engineered hardwood? Sealing prevents dirt, dust and other allergens from penetrating the porous surface of the tile or grout. Especially in the home. Thus, Vinyl plank flooring is toxic and easily contaminates indoor air, water, and surfaces. Chemicals can contribute to indoor air, water, and even death have occurred hardwood supplies...., replace carpet with tile, vinyl plank flooring has no health issues ground pool for winter! And surfaces together with a chemical adhesive yet its an affordable alternative for flooring! Allergy magnets for your home: Control indoor temperature and humidity to the certain things you exposed! But they can be slick underfoot, so stick with harder surface floor products and avoid rugs advantageous terms. Even death have occurred with sustainable elements alternative for kitchen flooring use chemicals... Medical or healthcare provider and your use of this is due to her. Walls.. tiny molecules if plastic it can be refinished, and even death have occurred decision... 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